
Terms for subject International trade containing 支票 | all forms | in specified order only
不兑现支票dishonoured check
不可转让支票not negotiable cheque
不记名支票check to bearer
不记名见票即付的支票bearer check
不记名支票check payable to bearer
个人支票personal check
个人支票personal cheque
交换支票exchange check
付讫支票paid-up cheque (cancelled check)
付讫支票paid check
付讫支票cancelled check
支票提取的存款checking deposits
以记账支付的支票check payable in account
以黄金支付的外国汇票foreign bill payable in gold
以黄金支付的外国汇票foreign bills payable in gold
伪造支票raised cheque
伪造支票美俚paper hanging
作废支票馈券voided checks bond
使用假支票pass bad check
保证兑现的支票marked check
支票stumer (stumour)
兑现支票cash check
1931 年日内瓦关于支票印花税法的公约1931.3.19Convention on the Stamp Laws in connection with Cheques Geneva, 1931
1931 年日内瓦关于制定统一支票法的公约1931. 3. 19Convention providing a Uniform Law for Cheques Geneva, 1931
关于汇票和支票的法律law of bills of exchange and cheques
凭单支票voucher check
出口支付期票usance export bills
划线支票crossed check (cheque)
即期支票prompt note
支票original check
发通融票据空头支票,用空头支票筹款fly a kite
可背书的支票endorsable cheque
可靠支票good paper
商品支票merchandise check
国库支票treasury check
国库支票public check
填迟日期支票post-dated check (cheque)
用涂改等欺骗手法增加了票面价值的支票raised cheque
增改支票支票金额改大raise a check
外国支票foreign check
外埠支付汇票domiciled bill of exchange
失效支票stale check (cheque)
失效支票stale cheque
小额支票small cheque
已付支票paid check
1931 年日内瓦统一支票Geneva Uniform Law on Cheques, 1931 (ULC)
支票draw up a check
开空头支票kite flying
开空头支票的人paper banger
开立的支票race bill
执票人支票bear check
执票人支票bearer check
承担支票上的义务bind oneself by a cheque
支票划上平行线cross a check
支票划上横线cross a check
抬头支票order cheque
拒付支票protested check
拒付支票rejected check
指定人支票order check
指定人支票check to order
指定支付场所的汇票domiciled bill
撤回支票countermand of a check
撤销支票revoke a cheque
支付到期的汇票meet a draft
支付到期的票据meet a bill
支付发票价格金额settlement of the invoiced price
支付发票价金额settlement of the invoiced price
支付未付保费的支票tender a check for the unearned premium
支付票据bill of payment
支付票据bills of payment
支出传票disbursement voucher
支出传票payment vouchers
支票draught (draft)
支票cheque (同 check)
支票上双划线double crossing
支票上的承兑申明statement of acceptance (on a cheque)
支票交易check trading
支票付款payment of cheque
支票付款账户checking account
支票兑取check collection
支票兑取人check collector
支票兑现cash a check
支票出票人check drawer
支票划线cross a cheque
支票划线cross a check
支票利率cheque rate
支票存根check stub
支票存根簿check book stubs
支票存款check deposit
支票执票人check holder
支票普通横线general crossing (of a cheque)
支票登记簿check register
支票的停止支付stop payment of on a cheque
支票的各种方式model attributes of the cheque
支票票面face of the value
支票簿cheque book
支票簿check book
支票统一法公约Convention on a Uniform Law for Cheques
支票货币checkbox money
支票贴现discount on check
支票附笺slip affixed to a cheque
旅行支票circular note
旅行支票traveler's check
旅行支票circular check
旅行信用证支票draft drawn under travellers L/C
无法支付之支票undeliverable check
无法收款之支票uncollectible check
无记名支票bearer cheque
无记名支票bearer check
无记名划线支票open crossed check
无限额支票unlimited cheque
普通支票open cheques
普通支票open check
普通划线支票cheque crossed generally
普通划线支票check crossed generally
有信用的支票fine paper (bill)
有缺陷的支票lame check
未兑支票unpaid check
未兑现支票outstanding check
未注明日期的支票undated check
未经背书支票unendorsed check
来人支票check payable to bearer
来人支票check to bearer
来人支票bear check
来人支票bearer cheque
来人支票bearer check
来兑现之支票race bill
横线支票crossed check (cheque)
欧洲支票Eurocheck card
欧洲支票社会Eurocheck community
止付支票stopping payment of check
止付支票stopped check
汇款支票remittance check
注销支票cancelled check
涂改支票raised check
特别划线支票specially crossed check
特别划线支票cheque crossed specially
特别划线支票special crossed check
特别划线支票check crossed specially
现金支出传票cash credit slip
支票转账transfer by check
短期支票street paper
破损支票mutilated check
票据支付期time of maturity
私人支票personal check
私人支票individual check
空头支票dishonoured check
空头支票fictitious bill (paper)
空头支票rubber check
空头支票rubber cheque
空头支票dishonored cheque
空头支票kiting cheque
空头支票bad check
空白支票blank cheque
立即支付的票据bill payable cm demand
经银行人员签字证明真实的支票initialed check
美元票据的支付期限dollar usance
股利支票dividend check
股票发行开支capital issue expenditure
见票即付支票bearer cheque
见票即付支票check payable at sight
见票即付支票bearer check
记名支票order cheque
记名支票note to order
记名支票registered check
记名支票notes to order
记名支票check to order
赠予支票gift cheques
转账支票transfer slip
转账支票transfer vouchers
转账支票cheque only for account
转账支票check only for account
过期支票stale cheque
过期支票overdue check
过期支票out of date check
过期支期票stale check (cheque)
远期支票post-dated check (cheque)
退回支票returned cheque
退回支票returned check
退税支票rebate check
退税支票rebate checks
遗失支票lose a check
邮政支票post check
银行支票bank cheque
银行支票banker's check
银行支票bank check
银行支票third teller
支票check ticket
非划线支票uncrossed cheques
非划线支票open cheques
非划线支票open check
非流通支票non-negotiable check
非流通支票not negotiable cheque
支票船员在航行中因预支薪水交给船主的票据advance note
预填日期支票post-dated check (cheque)
黄金支票gold draft