
Terms for subject Finances containing 支票 | all forms | in specified order only
不准转让支票not negotiable cheque
不可转让支票non-negotiable check
不完整的支票defective check
不接受私人支票no personal checks
不流通支票not negotiable cheque
不能兑现支票dishonored check
付款凭单式支票voucher check
付现支票open check
付薪用的支票pay cheque
付讫支票pain-up cheque (cancelled check)
付讫支票paid check (canceled check)
付讫支票cancelled checks (or cancelled cheque)
支票提取的存款deposit subject to check
以商业票据支付payment in commercial papers
优等支票gilt-edged bill
支票forged check
伪造支票bogus check
伪造支票check man
作废支票spoiled check
保付支票certified cheek
保付支票帐簿certified cheque register
保付支票登记簿certified check register
支票dud check
支票forged check
停付支票stop a cheque
兑现支票cashing check
公库支票public check
共同支票制度common check system
冻结支票blocked cheque
支票取款的银行存款bank deposits subject to withdrawal by cheque
支票提取drawn by check
凭单支票voucher check system
凭汇票支付payment by draft
凭票据支付payment by bill
出票后十五日支付bills payable 15 days after date
划线支票check crossed
划线支票check barre
划线支票cross-cheque (crossed check)
到期支票matured check (bears)
到期支票照付pay the draft on maturity
原始支票original check
可开支票存款checkable deposit
可流通支票negotiable check
可转让支票negotiable check
后援支票back a check
向银行兑支票present a check at the bank
国内支票inland check
支票上背书back a check
填迟日期的支票post-dated checks
存款不足支票not-sufficient-funds check
存款不足支票not sufficient funds checks
存款转账支票depositary transfer check
存款运转支票depositary transfer check
定期支付票据bill payable on fixed date
定额支票check with norm
支票解入银行pay a cheque into the bank
小额支票slender cheque
旅行用巡回支票circular cheque
工薪专用支票special payroll check
工资支票payroll check
已付支票canceled check
已付支票paid check (canceled check)
已付讫支票closed check
延期支付票息deferred coupon
支票make out a cheque
支票draw check
支票issue of check
开空头支票check kiting
开空头支票paper hanger
托收支票check for collection
托收支票账户check-for-collection account
支票check holder
抬头人支票order check
拒付支票protest check (kiting cheque)
拒付支票bill of dishonour
持票人支付债券debenture to bearer
指定支票order check
指定支付地点的支票domiciled check
指定支付地点的汇票domiciled bill
指定支付地点的贴现票据domiciled discounted bill
指示式支票支款时,须有人担保check to order
提交保险费支票tender a cheque for the premium
支付支票stopped cheque
支付传票pay slip
支付股票升水payment of the premium
支票上的承兑申明statement of acceptance on a cheque
支票产最低存款minimum cash balance for checking account
支票付款payment by check
支票仿造者check man
支票保护器check protector
支票保证卡check guarantee card
支票信贷check credit
.支票兑取check collection
支票出票后after the date of the cheque
支票利率check rate
支票副联duplicate check
支票check card
支票印纹机check-protecting machine
支票及票据对存款总额比率ratio of checks and bills to total deposits
支票填写机check writting machine
支票处理中心check processing center
支票存根stub of a cheque
支票存根stubs of a cheque
支票存根check stubs
支票存根簿check stubs
支票存款户头checking account
支票帐户checking account
支票帐户check account
支票打印器多用于打数字check punch
支票打孔机check perforator
支票托收collection of check
支票托收check collection
支票担保check guarantee
支票挂失check replacement
支票支付check payment
支票汇率check rate
支票的停止付款stop payment of a check
支票check department
支票签名机check signing machine
支票签名机check signer
支票签字机check signing machine
支票簿check book (cheque book)
支票簿bill book (register notes book)
支票簿存根check-book stub
支票簿存根check book stub
支票诈骗check fraud
支票货币check money
支票货币check book money
支票银码机check protector
支票银码机check signing machine
支票附笔slip affixed to a cheque
支票集存器check scratcher
支票面额face of the value
支票验证check verification
支票化银行系统checkless banking system
无效支票dead cheque
无法收现的支票uncollectible check
无注明日期支票undated check
无股利支付的股票non-dividend paying stock
无记名支票check payable to bearer
无记名支票blank check
无记名支票check to bearer
无记名支票bearer check (draft)
无记名划线支票open crossed-check
无限额支票unlimited check
日期提前支票如三月三白签发的支票记为三月一日ante-dated cheque
普通支票open check (cheque)
普通划线支票general crossed check
普通横线支票general crossed check
更改支票altered cheque
有信用的支票fine bill
未付支票outstanding check
未付之支票unpaid check
未兑现支票check outstanding
未兑现支票outstanding checks
未决支票outstanding checks
未支付的票据bills unprovided for
未结清支票uncleared checks
未结算支票融通额uncleared cheques facilities
未背书支票unindorsed check
来人bearer check (draft)
欧洲支票体系Eurocheque system
欧洲支票Eurocheque card
欧洲支票簿book of Eurocheck
汇票支付期限制度usance system
注册支票cancelled checks (or cancelled cheque)
注销支票cancelled checks (or cancelled cheque)
现金支票cash check
现金支付传票cash payment slip
现金支付传票cash disbursement slip
现金支付传票payment slip
现金支出传票cash payment slip
支票付款pay in check
支票支付payment by check
支票转帐transfer by cheque (check)
用首字母签名的支票initial check
短期支票short check
票据支付payment of note
票据支付期限排列assortment of usances
票背未签字的支票unendorsed check
空头支票dud check
空头支票protest check (kiting cheque)
空头支票accommodation note
空头支票bad checks (cheque)
空头支票check dishonored
空头支票accommodation kite
空头支票空票accommodation bill kite-flyer
空头支票crime concerning bad check
空白支票inchoate instrument
.空白支票blank check (cheque)
签发支票的人check drawer
签订支票certified cheek
结算支票settlement check
绕道支票routing checks
联行支票inter-bank cheques
股票支付之股息dividend payable in capital stock
背书支票back a check
融通支票accommodation check
融通支票accommodation cheque
见票即付支票bearer check (draft)
见票即付的支票check at sight
计息支票账户interest-bearing check account
认人支票check to order
记名支票order check
转帐支票account payee
转账支票giro check
过期支票postdated check
过期支票out-of -date check
过期支票out-of-date check
迟签日期支票post-dated check
退回支票return checks
透支支票账户overdraft checking account
通知银行止付支票stop pavment on a cheque
遗失支票lost check
重发支票duplicate cheque
银行支票banker's check (cheque)
银行支票存款账户checking accounts at a bank
银行支票bank checking account
银行支票bank check account
银行支票户头帐户bank checking account
银行支票电报bank check telegram
银行对国外代理机构所发支票或即期汇票banker's check or demand of draft on their correspondents abroad
附条件的认支汇票qualified acceptance
限额支票check against deposit with limit
非划线支票uncrossed cheque
非划线支票open check (cheque)
验明支票的收款人identify the payee of a check