
Terms for subject Economy containing 支票 | all forms | in specified order only
不可转让支票nonnegotiable cheque
不能兑现的支票dishonoured cheque
不记名支票crossed check
为了付还费用,你方可开汇票向我方支取In reimbursement of this cost you may draw on us
买方收到供方提交的发票后立即用现金支付The purchaser shall pay down promptly after submission of an invoice by the supplier
人民币旅行支票Renminbi traveller's checks
他们向我方出票支取余款 688 美元They drew on us for the balance of US $688
他到银行兑现支票He went to the bank to cash a check
付讫支票a paid-up check
付讫支票a paid cheque
支票付保险费tender a check for the premium
以期票支付股利the scrip dividend
会计在支票上作了背书The accountant endorsed the check
伪造支票forged cheque
伪造支票a fictitious bill
作废支票a voided check
作废支票voided cheque
你必须按发票上开的销售货币支付You should pay in currencies in which sales are invoiced
你方金额为567美元的支票一张可结清你方账目Your check for $567 will clear your account
保付支票cashier's check
保付支票certified check (cheque)
保付支票certified cheque
保兑支票账簿certified cheque register
倒填日期的支票antedated cheque
倒填日期的支票a foredated check
倒填日期的支票antedated check
假造支票a hang paper
假造支票hang paper
催收支票账户check for collection account
支票cash a cheque
兑付支票honour a check
兑换支票negotiate a check
兑换支票convert cheque
关于汇票和支票的法律law of bills of exchange and check
关于汇票和支票的法规law of bills of exchange and cheque
兹附上我方支票一张,计4838 美元,作为退还你方多付的款额We enclose a check for the sum of $4838 as a refund of your overpayment
再向银行兑支票represent a check at the bank
凭单支票a voucher check
出票后 15 天支付的票据bill payable 15 days after date
出纳员所开的内部支票a teller's check
区域支票crossed check
单张支票a sola cheque
可背书的支票an endorsable check
可靠的支票good check
国际旅行支票international check
地区支票处理中心regional check processing center
英国地方银行支票country cheque
填后来日期的支票postdated check
外地支付票据addressed bill
失效的支票invalid check
如果这张支票不能兑取现金,应将其退回银行,以追索款项If the check can't be cashed, it shall be returned on recourse to the bank
存款转账支票depository transfer check
定点支付票据domiciled bill
寄去XX美元支票一张,承付所有费用We send you a check for $ ... in payment of all charges
对换支票negotiate a cheque
小额支票a small check
小额支票a slender check
已兑现的支票a cashed check
已冻结的支票blocked check
1931年日内瓦关于支票印花税法的公约Convention on the Stamp Laws in Connection with Cheques (Geneva, 19 March 1931)
1931年日内瓦关于制定统一支票法的公约Convention Providing a Uniform Law for Cheques (Geneva, 19 March 1931)
年日内瓦关于解决支票法律冲突的公约Convention for the Settlement of Certain Conflicts of Law in Connection with Cheques Geneva, 19 March 1931 1931
1931 年日内瓦统一支票Geneva Uniform Law on Checks, 1931 (ULC)
开立的支票a race bill
开给支票draw a check
我们可以立即兑现保付支票We can cash a certified check right away
我们将支票通过我东京公司转给你们We are sending the cheque via our office in Tokyo
我们盼望下月将得到我方代理人的支票We are expecting a check from our agent next month
我方同意接受各种票据、现钞、支票和商业承兑汇票We agree to accept notes, bills, checks and trade acceptances
执票人支票a bear check
支票划上平行线cross a cheque
抬头人支票order cheque
拒付支票a rejected cheque
拒付支票a protest check
拒付的支票dishonoured cheque
拒绝支票protest cheque
支票支付negotiate a check
支票支付negotiate a cheque
按成员股票支付的利息interest payable on member's shares
接英格兰银行通知,他们的支票被拒付了They are informed by the Bank of England that their cheque has been dishonoured
提交保险费支票tender a check for the premium
提前支付的承兑汇票the anticipated acceptance
支付传票charge ticket
支付凭证支票a voucher check
支付发票金额settlement of the invoiced price
支付对价持票人holder for value
支付票据的款项payment of note
支票clean bill
支票soft money
支票上划双线double crossing
支票保护卡check guarantee card
支票到期通知单bill advice
支票存款货币check account money
支票户口account current
支票打孔注销机cancel ling machine
支票持有人holder of check
支票登记账check register
支票的停止支付stop payment of a cheque
支票簿a bill book
支票簿bank book
支票编号check number
支票附笺a slip affixed to a cheque
支票附联duplicate cheque
收到支票receipt of invoice
政府部门支票public cheque
旅行支票a traveller cheque
旅行支票travelers cheque
旅行支票traveller's cheque
旅行支票circular notes
旅行支票a traveller check
旅行支票traveler’s check
支票社会checkless society
无效支票void check
无日期支票an undated check
无法交付的支票an undeliverable check
无法兑付的支票an uncollectible check
无法兑现的支票an uncollectible check
无记名支票a bearer check (cheque)
日内瓦统一支票法规Geneva Uniform Law on Cheque
普通支票an uncrossed cheque
更改了的支票altered check
有你背书签名的支票可以兑现The cheque will be honoured with your endorsement signature
有信用的支票fine paper
有息支票账户interest-bearing check account
未付支票unpaid cheque
未兑现支票outstanding check (尚未兑现取款的已发支票)
未决支票outstanding check
未支付的票据bill unprovided for
未注明日期的支票an undated check
未背书支票an unindorsed check
来人支票a bear check
来兑现支票a race bill
标明外埠支付的汇票domiciled bill of exchange
横线支票crossed check
欧洲支票Euro check card
欧洲兑现支票Euro check
支票在等待总经理的签字The cheque is waiting for the managing director's signature
残缺支票a mutilated check
残缺支票mutilated check
流动支票circulating check
涂改支票横线an obliteration of a crossing
涂改过金额的支票raised cheque
清算支票settle a check
支票转帐transfer by cheque
支票转账transfer by cheque
用空头支票骗取钱财check kiting
破损支票a mutilated check
破损支票mutilated check
私人支票personal cheque
空头支票a fictitious bill
空头支票the rubber cheque (check)
空头支票bad cheque (check)
空头支票a bounced check
空头支票worthless cheque
空白支票inchoate instrument (或汇票)
等到我们获取你方按所附账单款项开具的支票后,我们再进行下一步合作We won't go to next stage of operation until we have your cheque for the amount of the enclosed statement
结算支票clearing house check
联行支票inter-bank checks
联邦资金支票federal fund check
被拒付支票check dishonoured
见票即付支票a bearer check (cheque)
见票即付的支票a cheque payable at sight
支票有效期至年底The check is valid until the end of the year
支票的期限是两个星期The tenor of the check is two weeks
该机构具有下述权力签发期票、汇票、支票和各种契约The organization has the following powers to issue promissory notes, bills of exchange, drafts and all kinds of obligations
请以支票支付附寄账单所载款项Will you please let us have your check for the amount of the enclosed bill
请以支票汇付所余的20%款项Please remit the balance of 20% by cheque
货款应付给支票持有人The payment shall be made in checks payable to the bearer
赠与支票gift cheques
转收支票check for transfer
过期支票a stale cheque
这张支票上有主任会计师的签名The cheque bears the signature of the chief accountant
这张支票是1992年9月9 日签的The cheque was dated Sept. 9,1992
迟付的35美元请速寄来支票Please let us have your check for the 35 USD overdue
退回的支票returned cheque
退票支票check returned
通融远期支票accommodation check
邮政转财支票postal cheque
金库支票treasury check
金额被涂改成大额的支票raised cheque
银行支票bank check (cheque)
银行支票a banker's card
银行保兑的支票marked check
银行查核支票付款时,检查出票人账户上是否有足够的资金兑付支票When the bank certifies a check, it examines the writer's account to see that sufficient funds are available to cover the check
银行的支票third teller
防涂改的支票a protected check
非划线支票an uncrossed cheque
非流通支票a non-negotiable check
支票advance note (船员在航行中因预支薪水交给船主的票据)
预付支票advance draft
预填日期用以到时偿还债务的支票a memorandum check
验明支票受款人identify the payee of a check