
Terms for subject Business containing 支票 | all forms | in specified order only
不划线支票open check
不可转让支票nonnegotiable check
不可转让的支票not negotiable cheque
不能流通的支票non-negotiable check
不能背书的支票non-negotiable check
不记名支票cheque payable to bearer
不记名支票见票即付check payable to bearer
买入支票cheque purchased
为换回现金或支票而开的交换支票exchange cheque
交换中的支票clearing checks
人民币旅行支票Renminbi traveller's check
付讫支票cancelled cheque
付讫支票cancelled checks
代兑银行支票collecting banker
支票作存款流动金check book money
支票提取的存款deposit subject to cheque
支票支付pay in cheque
伪造支票forge a check
伪造支票hang paper
伪造支票counterfeit check
伪造支票paper hanging
作废支票worthless cheque
作废支票spoilage cheque
作废支票invalid check
使用假支票utter forged check
保付支票accepted check
保付支票marked cheque
cheque保付支票certified check
保兑支票certified cheque
保兑支票登记簿certified cheque register
有承兑行标记的保证兑现支票marked cheque
倒填支票antedated cheque
倒填支票antedated check
倒填日期支票foredated check
倒填日期的支票foredated check
支票forged check (cheque)
支票false check
假造支票hang paper
停止支票付款stop payment on a check
催收支票科目check for collection account
兑换支票negotiate a cheque
兑现支票cashing cheque
兑现支票cash cheque
公库支票public cheque
共同约定支付汇票joint promissory note
Geneva, 1931关于制定统一支票法的公约日内瓦,1931年Convention Providing a Uniform Law for Cheques
关于汇票和支票的法规law of bill of exchange and cheque
再向银行兑现支票represent a cheque at the bank
支票付款无息存款non-interest bearing demand deposit
支票取款的银行存款bank deposit subject to withdrawal by check
划线支票指在票面划两条平行线,此种支票只能由银行转账,不能兑取现金crossed check
划线支票cheque crossed
划线支票crossed check
划线支票crossed cheque
划线支票cross cheque
划线支票cross check
到期支票mature check
卖出支票cheque sold
印有姓名的支票personalized cheque
发票核准支付单invoice approval form
受款人支票cheque to payee
可以期票支付payable in note
可转让支票negotiable cheque
后援支票须经背书兑付的支票back a check
国际商业支票international trading check
国际旅行支票international traveler's check
国际流通支票international negotiable check
国际转账支出传票international transfer payment slip
支票上倒填日期foredate a check
地方银行支票country cheque
地方银行支票country cheque
地方银行支票country check
支票fill in a check
填写支票fill in a check
增改支票raise a check
备忘支票memorandum check
外埠支票out-of-town checks
外币支票买卖drawing and buying of checks in foreign currency
失效支票dead cheque
失效支票invalid check
存户自取支票pay self check
存款不足支票insufficient funds check
存款不足支票no sufficient fund check
存款不足支票not sufficient fund check
存款不足支票IF check
定额支票time cheque
工薪支票payroll check
工薪支票pay check
工资支票payroll cheque
已付支票paid cheque
已付清支票paid-up check
已作废支票voidable check
已兑现的支票cashed check
并入凭单制支票check integrated into voucher system
应付记账支票check payable in account
延期支票memorandum cheque
支票fill out a cheque
支票draw a check
开空头支票lay paper
开空头支票的人paper hanger
开给某人支票check to be drawn in favor of somebody
循环支票circular cheque
托收支票collection of checks
托收支票账户check for collection account
承付支票honour a check
承兑支票honour a check
承担支票上义务bind oneself by a cheque
拒付支票dishonoured check
拒付支票bounced check
cheque拒付支票dishonoured check
拒付支票protested cheque
拒付支票protest cheque
拒付支票rejected cheque
拒付支票dishonoured cheque
拒付支票汇票bill of dishonour
持票人验讫支票check receipted by holder
指定人支票cheque to order
指定地点付款支票domiciled cheque
指定地点付款支票domiciled check
按期结清银行支票take up one's note at the bank when due
损坏的支票defaced cheque
提前日期的支票ante-date cheque
提示支票present a check
撤回支票countermand of check
撤回支票countermand a check
支付支票tender a check
支付传票debit slip
支付到期票据meet a bill
支付发票价格settlement of the invoiced price
支付发票价金额settlement of the voiced price
支付汇票payment bill
支付票据款payment of the note
支付票据款项payment of note
支出发票outgoing invoice
…金额支票cheque for (a sum)
支票上划横线crossing of a check
支票上的承兑申明statement of acceptance on a check
支票交换制check clearing system
支票付款payment of the check
支票付款人check drawee
支票保付卡check guarantee card
支票保付证书certification of cheque
支票保证卡cheque guaranteed card
英美等国银行发行的支票信用卡banker's card
支票兑取人cheque collector
支票划线在支票上划一平行双线double crossing
支票副本duplicated check
支票副联duplicate checks
银行支票check card
支票存根cheque deposit
支票存根cheque stubs
支票存根簿check stub book
支票户最低存款minimum cash balance for checking account
支票打印器cheque punch
支票打孔注销机cancelling machine
支票check collection
支票托收人check collector
支票持票人cheque bearer
支票持票人check holder
支票挂失cheque replacement
支票提取drawn by cheque
支票提示部walks department
支票放款check loan
支票数字打孔机check-writing machine
支票数字打孔机check writer
支票普通横线general crossing of a cheque
支票有效期expiration date of check
支票核验check verification
支票止付stopping payment of check
支票汇率cheque rate
指银行买卖外国即付支票的支票汇率check rate
支票流通circulation of cheques
支票流通circulation of checks
支票特别划线special crossing of a check
支票登记簿cheque register
支票的各种方式model attributes of the check
支票的特性样式model attribute of the cheque
支票盖章机check signing machine
支票穿孔机cheque perforators
支票签发人check drawer
支票签名机cheque signing machine
cheque book支票簿check book
支票簿存根stubs of a checkbook
支票簿存根check book stubs
支票簿存根stubs of checkbook
支票贷款check credit
支票贷款请求单check credit requisition
支票转账transfer by check
支票通货checkbook money
支票通货check currency
支票面值face of the value
收取支票collect cheques
收取中支票和汇票check and bill in process of collection
旅行支票circular cheque
旅行支票指专为出国旅行者使用的定额支票traveller's check
无价值支票nonvalue check
无价值支票worthless cheque
无效支票dead check
无效支票invalid check
无效支票bad check
无现金无支票社会cashless-checkless society
无用支票worthless check
日期提前支票ante dated cheque
普通划线支票general crossing check
替代内部支票substitute for internal check
有息支票interest-bearing check account
有缺陷支票lame cheque
有缺陷的支票lame cheque
未兑现支票uncashed cheque
未划线支票uncrossed check
未划线支票open cheque
未划线支票open check
未提示支票unpresented cheque
未支付汇票failed to pay the bill
未支付票据failed to pay the bill
未注明日期支票undated check
未结清支票uncleared effects
未背书支票unendorsed check
未背书的支票unendorsed check
本行内支票house cheque
来人支票bearer's check
来人支票cheque to bearer
来人支票即票面抬头开列持票人bear bill
由英格兰银行签发; 欧洲各国承兑的欧洲支票Eurocheque
止付支票stopped cheque
止付支票stop a cheque
残缺支票mutilated cheque
汇款支票remittance cheque
注销支票cancelled cheque
注销支票cancelled checks
流通支票circulated check
流通支票circulating check
流通支票circulating cheque
流通支票negotiable cheque
海外兑现支票cheque cashing overseas
涂改支票cheque alteration
涂改支票altered check
涂改支票将金额改大raise a check
涂改支票及伪造签字保险check alteration and forgery insurance
涂改支票并伪造签字cheque alteration and forgery
涂改支票横线obliteration of a crossing
涂改过面额的支票即将支票金额增大raised check
涂改金额支票raised cheque
涂改金额支票raised check
特别划线支票指在支票正面划平行双线,并在其中注明特定的付款银行specially crossed check
特别划线支票指此划线支票限在划线行支付special crossed cheque
现金支票cash cheque
现金少、支票少的社会less cash fewer checks society
现金支出传票cash disbursement slip
用开空头支票诈骗fly a kite
用期票支付payable in note
用汇票支付payable in exchange
用空头支票筹款fly a kite
用首字母署名的支票initial check
登账须加付费用的支票往来户pay-as-you-go account
空头支票银行拒付支票rubber cheque
空头支票black check
空头支票black cheque
空头支票bounced check
空头支票check dishonoured
空头支票protest cheque
空头支票check without fund
空头支票check without funds
空头支票false check
空头支票超出账户余额的支票check dishonoured
空白支票blank check
空白金额支票即开票人签字但未填金额,具体金额由持票人填写blank check
空额支票blank cheque
等同现金的支票check as cash
签发支票drawing of check
签发支票issue check
经执票人出具收据的支票check receipted by the holder
经理支票manager's check
经理的支票manager's check
经营支票贴现check trading
综合支票composite check
缴付保险费支票tender a cheque for the premium
联行同业支票inter-bank checks
股利支票用于支付股利dividend check cheque
股息支票dividend cheque
股息支票dividend check
背书支票back a cheque
薪工专用支票special payroll check
见票即付支票cheque payable at sight
见票即付支票check payable at sigh
见票即付支票check at sight
视同现金的支票checks as cash
视同现金的支票check as cash
记名支票cheque to order
指定某人或公司记名支票check to order
"请告支票命运""advise fate"
请汇支票付款kindly remit by cheque
账单支票bill cheque
账单支票bill check
转账支票cheque to account
转账支票仅用于转账check only for account
转账支岀传票transfer payment slip
过期支票overdue cheque
过期支票out of date cheque
远期支票post-dated cheque
远期支票memorandum cheque
退回支票指遭拒付退回returned check
遗失的支票lost checks
邮政支票账户储蓄post checking deposits
部分兑现支票split check
都市支票town check
金边支票gilt-edged check
银行支票banker's cheque
cheque银行支票即由银行开出,并由该行自己付款的支票,又称本票bank check
银行支票账户bank check account
银行对国外代理机构所发支票或即期汇票banker's checks or demand draft on their correspondents abroad
银行透支票bank overdraft paper
附寄支票一张enclose a check
限度支票cheque against deposit with limit
限额支票limited cheque
需用支票申请表check requisition
非划线支票uncrossed check
支票advance note
领用支票须加付费用的支票往来户pay-before-you-go account
验明支票取款人identify the payee of a check
验明支票受款人identifying the payee of a cheque
验明支票收款人identifying the payee of a check