
Terms containing 支票 | all forms | in specified order only
securit.一般支票uncrossed cheque
securit.一般划线支票check crossed generally
tech.一般横线支票general crossed check
securit.三人联署支票three-name paper
busin.不划线支票open check
busin.不可转让支票nonnegotiable check
busin.不可转让的支票not negotiable cheque
tech.不完整支票defective check
tech.不支付期票dishonour a bill
tech.不流通的支票not negotiable check
tech.不用支票的社会checkless society
tech.不用支票的银行制度checkless banking system
securit.不能按面值收回的支票non-par item
busin.不能流通的支票non-negotiable check
busin.不能背书的支票non-negotiable check
tech.不记名支票bearer check
tech.不记名支票crossed cheque
busin.不记名支票cheque payable to bearer
busin.不记名支票见票即付check payable to bearer
tech.不记名支票cheque to bearer
tech.不记名支票bearer cheque
securit.不记名支票black check
gen.#不起,我们银行不兑换国外支票I'm sorry. Our bank doesn't negotiate foreign checks
tech.不限额支票unlimited check
tech.专用支票special-purpose check
securit.专门划线支票check crossed specially
gen.为方便本店旅客,本处承兑旅行支票For our guests,convenience, traveler's checks cashed here
tech.乡村支票country check
securit.交换支票clearing check
tech.交换中支票clearing checks
gen.他的支票日期填迟到六月份His cheque is postdated to June
securit.他行支票transfer credit
securit.付现支票open check/cheque
securit.付给持票者的支票bearer check
tech.付讫支票paid-up cheque
securit.付讫的支票closed check
tech.支票提取的活期存款checking deposit
tech.以股票支付的股息dividend payable in capital stock
busin.伪造支票forge a check
busin.伪造支票hang paper
busin.伪造支票counterfeit check
busin.伪造支票paper hanging
securit.伪造的支票raised check
securit.作废支票canceling check
gen.你们这里收旅行支票吗?Do you accept traveler's checks?
gen.你可以将正确金额的支票和罚单一起寄出。你也有权利到法庭申诉You can mail the ticket with a check for the correct amount. You also have the right to contest the violation in a court of law
securit.保付支票registered check
busin.倒填支票antedated cheque
busin.倒填支票antedated check
busin.倒填日期支票foredated check
securit.倒填日期支票antedated cheque
busin.倒填日期的支票foredated check
brit., busin.支票stumer
securit.支票forged cheque
tech.假造支票hang paper (美俚)
tech.停付支票stop payment on a check
securit.停付支票stopped cheque
tech.停止支付支票stopping payment of check
tech.停止支付支票stopped check
tech.停止支付支票stop payment on a check
tech.支票cash a check
securit.兑款支票race bill
securit.兑现支票honor a cheque
securit.兑现支票cash a check
securit.其他可开支票存款other checkable deposits
tech.冻结支票blocked check
tech.准备支付到期票据meet a bill
securit.准备金支票reserve check
agric.准现金支付票据cash-like tender
agric.准现金支付票据cash-like document
tech.支票取款的银行存款bank deposits subject to withdrawal by check
securit.凭即期汇票支付的信用证L/C available by draft at sight
securit.出口垫支汇票export advance bill
securit.出纳员支票teller's cheque
busin.划线支票cross cheque
busin.划线支票crossed check
busin.划线支票cheque crossed
busin.划线支票指在票面划两条平行线,此种支票只能由银行转账,不能兑取现金crossed check
busin.划线支票crossed cheque
busin.划线支票cross check
consult.创办和股票发行开支preliminary and capital issue expenses
gen.到期支票antedated cheque
securit.到期单据支票due bill check
securit.单张支票sola check
tech.即期支票prompt check
tech.即期支票demand check
tech.取消支票cancel a cheque
gen.只有在你能证明自己的身份时,银行才会为你兑换支票The bank will not change the cheque unless you can identify yourself
tech.只能转账的支票check only for account
tech.可流通来人支票negotiable check
tech.可用汇票支付payable in exchange
tech.可背书支票endorsable cheque
tech.可靠支票good paper
tech.台头支票order cheque
securit.同城支票city check
busin.后援支票须经背书兑付的支票back a check
tech.向签票人本人支付pay to self
gen.嗯,任何银行都会以我们现在的旅游支票购买率来兑换,我们在某些方面比酒店更便宜一点是因为服务费Well, any bank will cash it at our present traveler's check buying rate, for which we're somewhere cheaper than hotels because of the service charge
securit.国外支付汇票made bill
busin.支票上倒填日期foredate a check
gen.在利率方面,储蓄存款和支票存款有什么不同?Regarding the interest rate, what is the difference between a savings account and checking account?
securit.地区支票处理中心regional check-processing center
securit.填写支票make out a check
tech.填早日期支票foredated check
tech.填早日期支票ante date cheque
tech.填迟日期支票post-dated cheque
tech.填迟日期支票post-dated check
busin.备忘支票memorandum check
securit.备忘支票memorandum cheque
tech.外地付款支票domiciled check
securit.指定支付地点的外地支付票据addressed bill
busin.外埠支票out-of-town checks
securit.外埠付款支票domiciled check
busin.外币支票买卖drawing and buying of checks in foreign currency
securit.外币支票交易drawing and buying of checks in foreign currency
tech.外币支付票据foreign payment instrument
tech.失效支票out-of-date check
gen.她在订货单上附了一张支票She attached a cheque to the order form
gen.如果想兑支票,请在底线上签名Please sign your name on the bottom line if you want to cash the check
securit.存款信托支票depository trust cheque
tech.定名支票order cheque
tech.定期支票time check
securit.定点支付的票据domiciled bill
gen.对不起,先生,我们无法立刻兑现这张支票。这是一张个人支票,先生sorry, sir, but we cannot cash this check immediately. This is a personal check, sir
gen.对不起,酒店不能为您兑现旅行支票,您可以去银行办理Sorry, travelers checks are not allowed to be cashed in our hotel. You could have this service in the bank
gen.对游客来说,旅行支票非常方便A traveler's check is very handy for the travelers
tech.小额支票small check
gen.就我们的情况而言,不允许有人拥有的支票账户余额为负数In our case, we do not allow anyone to have a negative checking account balance
tech.工资支票pay check
tech.已付支票cancelled check
securit.已付支票、取消的支票canceled cheque
tech.已作废支票voided check
tech.已兑现支票cashed check
securit.已无足够存款的支票not sufficient funds check
tech.已注销支票cancelled check
gen.带旅行支票比带大笔现金安全得多Traveler's checks are safer to carry than a large amount of cash
gen.带旅行支票比带现金安全一些It is safer to bring traveler's checks than cash
tech.平行线支票crossed check
securit.应通过汇票支付payable through drafts
securit.应通过票据支付payable through drafts
shipb.废除支票revoke a check
busin.支票fill out a cheque
busin.支票draw a check
tech.支票make remittance
securit.支票make out a check
gen.支票write a cheque
gen.开一张付给…的支票draw a draught on
securit.开50元的支票drawing a check for 50 dollars
securit.开出支票issue of check
busin.开空头支票lay paper
tech.开空头支票fly a kite
busin.开空头支票的人paper hanger
securit.开空头支票进行交易kiting transaction
securit.开空头支票骗财check kiting
securit.开立支票账户opening a checking account
busin.开给某人支票check to be drawn in favor of somebody
securit.当现金支付的支票checkbook money
securit.待付支票凭单voucher payable
tech.息票支付coupon payments
gen.您每开一张支票就要花一美元Each cheque you write will cost one dollar
gen.您用现款支付还是用支票支付?Are you paying in cash or by cheque?
gen.您的旅行支票的发行银行是哪家?What is the issuing bank of your traveler's checks ?
gen.想象一下,财务部通知你,昨天你收到的一张旅行支票客人签字签错了地方,所以无效,你会怎么办?Imagine you were being informed by finance that the traveler's check you had accepted yesterday is not valid because the guest had signed on the wrong position. How would you feel?
gen.我们承兑这张支票的透支额只有5美元We honored the check as the overdraft was only 5 dollars
gen.我可以把这三张支票分别换成面值100美元的现金吗?我想那就够了Well, may I cash these three checks for 100 dollars each? I think that will be enough
gen.我可以用旅行支票支付吗?May I pay with my traveler's check?
gen.我希望给我10张面额为100美元的旅行支票I hope you'll give me ten traveler's cheques of 100 dollars each
gen.我想兑换3张支票共5万日元I want to cash three checks for 50, 000 Japanese yen
gen.我想兑换美国运通的旅行支票I'd like to cash an American Express traveler's check
gen.我想开一个支票存款账户。300美元作最低存款额够了吗?I would like to open a checking account. Will 300 dollars be enough for a minimum deposit?
gen.我想把这些旅行支票换成现金I would like to cash these traveler? s checks, please
gen.我想知道能否在这兑换支票# I'd like to know whether I can cash a cheque here
gen.我把手提包弄丢了。里面有一部数码相机、一块腕表、护照,还有几张旅行支票和一张信用卡I lost my hand bag. There are a digital camera, a wrist watch, a passport, some travelers cheques and also a credit card in it
gen.我没带支票簿,就用现金结账了I didn't have my checkbook with me, so I paid in cash
gen.我的旅行支票丢了I've lost my traveler's checks
gen.我能不能用普通支票支付旅行支票的款项?Can I pay for the traveler's check with an open check?
gen.我要 300 美元票面为100美元的支票I need 300 dollars in 100-dollar cheques
gen.我要买500美元的旅行支票I'd like to buy five hundred dollars worth of traveler's check, please
gen.打扰一下,你能将乔治•布鲁克名下的旅游支票兑换成加元吗?Excuse me. Can you cash these Canadian dollar traveler's cheques of George Brooke?
tech.承兑支票honor cheque
tech.承兑支票honour cheque
securit.承兑支票honouring a check
tech.抬头支票order check
tech.抬头支票check to order
securit.拒付支票protestable check
brit., busin.因存款不足拒兑支票not provided for
securit.拒绝支付支票dishonor of cheque
busin.持票人验讫支票check receipted by holder
tech.指定人支票order cheque (俗称抬头人支票)
busin.指定人支票cheque to order
tech.指定人支票order check (俗称抬头人支票)
busin.指定地点付款支票domiciled cheque
busin.指定地点付款支票domiciled check
busin.按期结清银行支票take up one's note at the bank when due
securit.按汇票货币支付payable in currency of draft
gen.换旅行支票,银行要收取5%的手续费The bank adds on a 5 % handling charge for changing the traveler's cheque
securit.提前授权支票preauthorized checks (PAC)
tech.提前支付的承兑汇票anticipated acceptance
securit.提前日期的支票antedated cheque
tech.提高金客支票raised check
tech.撤回支票countermand of a cheque
securit.支付支票paying a check
securit.支付到期票据meet a bill at maturity
tech.支付期票honour a bill
tech.支付期票honor a bill
securit.支付票据meet a bill
securit.支付票据bill for payment
securit.支付股利的股票dividend-paying stock
securit.支付股利的股票dividend paying stocks
tech.支票bank check
busin.…金额支票cheque for (a sum)
busin.支票上划横线crossing of a check
busin.支票上的承兑申明statement of acceptance on a check
tech.支票交易cheque trading
securit.支票交易向顾客出售银行支票,偿还支票面额时收取适当利息check trading
securit.支票付款信用证clean payment L/C
securit.支票付款信用证clean payment credit
tech.支票传送号码check transit number
securit.支票伪造签字check forgery
securit.支票信用额cheque credit
securit.支票信贷请求单check credit requisition
tech.支票借款borrow by check
busin.支票兑取人cheque collector
tech.支票兑现check collection
securit.支票兑现cashing a check
securit.支票册存根stub of a checkbook
tech.支票出票人cheque drawer
busin.支票划线在支票上划一平行双线double crossing
tech.支票到期maturing check
tech.支票cheque card
tech.支票印墨sensitive ink
securit.支票可兑现日期availability date
tech.支票填写机check writing machine
busin.支票存根cheque stubs
busin.支票存根cheque deposit
securit.支票存根stub counterfoil
securit.支票存根check book stubs
securit.支票存根册check stub book
busin.支票存根簿check stub book
tech.支票存款checking account
securit.支票存款可随时提取无息存款的支票check deposits
securit.支票存款簿check pay-in book
securit.支票对账check reconcilement
securit.支票开立权checkwriting privilege
busin.支票户最低存款minimum cash balance for checking account
busin.支票打印器cheque punch
busin.支票打孔注销机cancelling machine
tech.支票打字机cheque writing machine
busin.支票check collection
busin.支票托收人check collector
securit.支票托收途径代码check routing symbol
tech.支票持有人check holder
busin.支票持票人cheque bearer
busin.支票持票人check holder
tech.支票持票人cheque holder
tech.支票挂失cheque lost
busin.支票挂失cheque replacement
shipb.支票挂失report the loss of a check
tech.支票支付paying by check
busin.支票放款check loan
gen.支票是客户要求银行从自己账户付出一笔钱的书面指示A cheque is an instruction in writing from the account holder to the bank to pay out a sum of money from the account
busin.支票有效期expiration date of check
securit.支票未兑现bounce (支票因故遭银行退回)
busin.支票核验check verification
busin.支票汇率cheque rate
busin.指银行买卖外国即付支票的支票汇率check rate
tech.支票油墨cheque ink
tech.支票油墨check ink
busin.支票流通circulation of cheques
busin.支票流通circulation of checks
securit.支票涂改check alteration
securit.支票清算系统check clearing system
tech.支票清算路线标识check routing symbol
tech.支票电托收check truncation
tech.支票磁性墨水识别码magnetic ink character recognition
tech.支票票面值face of the value
busin.cheque book支票簿check book
tech.支票簿bill book
busin.支票簿存根check book stubs
busin.支票簿存根stubs of a checkbook
busin.支票簿存根stubs of checkbook
tech.支票簿存根cheque-book stubs
tech.支票cheque paper
securit.支票结算cheque clearing
tech.支票账户cheque account
gen.支票账户checking account
tech.支票货币check-book money
securit.支票货币可开支票的银行活期存款check currency
busin.支票贷款check credit
busin.支票贷款请求单check credit requisition
busin.支票通货checkbook money
busin.支票通货check currency
tech.收费支票fee checking account
securit.改动过的支票altered check
tech.旅行支票international check
gen.旅行支票对于长途旅行很方便Traveler's checks are very convenient for a long-distance travel
gen.旅行支票手续费是购买总额的1・5%The traveler s checks cost 1.5% of the total amount of purchase
gen.旅行支票携带方便、使用安全、手续简便,比现金更为方便和安全The traveler's check is easy to carry, safe to use and simple to handle, which is much convenient and secure than cash
gen.旅行支票的兑换率是688元兑现100美元The rate for the traveler's check is 100 dollars against 688 yuan
tech.无效支票invalid cheques
tech.无法交付的支票undeliverable check
tech.无法兑付的支票uncollectible check
tech.无法收款的支票uncollectible check
agric.无现金和支票的社会cashless checkless society
securit.无记名划线支票open crossed cheque
securit.无足够存款的支票not sufficient funds check
tech.日期填迟支票post-dated check
tech.日期提前支票antedated check
tech.普通支票ordinary check
securit.普通支票open check/cheque
securit.普通划线支票general crossed cheque
busin.有息支票interest-bearing check account
securit.有抬头支票order check
tech.有条件支付的汇票draft payable with terms
busin.有缺陷支票lame cheque
busin.有缺陷的支票lame cheque
securit.有问题的支票lame check
busin.未兑现支票uncashed cheque
tech.未兑现支票outstanding cheque
shipb.未兑现的支票outstanding check
securit.未冲销支票uncovered cheque
busin.未划线支票open check
busin.未划线支票open cheque
busin.未划线支票uncrossed check
securit.未划线支票uncrossed cheque
gen.未到期支票postdated cheque
securit.未托收支票uncollected check
busin.未提示支票unpresented cheque
busin.未支付汇票failed to pay the bill
busin.未支付票据failed to pay the bill
tech.未注日期支票undated cheque
securit.未注日期的支票undated check
busin.未注明日期支票undated check
securit.未清算票据/支票effects not cleared
tech.未经背书支票unindorsed check
busin.未结清支票uncleared effects
busin.未背书支票unendorsed check
busin.未背书的支票unendorsed check
busin.本行内支票house cheque
gen.本酒店恕不接受任何私人支票This hotel declines any private check
tech.来人即付的支票check payable to bearer
busin.由英格兰银行签发; 欧洲各国承兑的欧洲支票Eurocheque
securit.欧洲支票体系Eurocheque scheme
securit.残缺不全的支票mutilated check
tech.每张支票登账需加付费用的支票往来户pay-as-you-go account
securit.支票remitting a check for
tech.汇票支付payment by draft
agric., meteorol.汇票支取draught
tech.注销的支票cancelled check
tech.流动支票circulating cheque
securit.流动支票circulated check
tech.涂改的支票check alteration
tech.涂改的支票altered check
securit.涂改过的支票raised check
securit.照片支票支票上有本人照片picture check
securit.特殊划线支票check crossed specially
agric.现金支票cash in checking
securit.现金支付传票cash credit slip
busin.用开空头支票诈骗fly a kite
busin.用期票支付payable in note
busin.用汇票支付payable in exchange
busin.用空头支票筹款fly a kite
tech.用美元支付的汇票dollar draft
busin.用首字母署名的支票initial check
securit.电子支票提示electronic check presentment
tech.画线支票crossed cheque
tech.画线支票crossed check
tech.画线支票cross check
tech.画线转账支票crossed check
securit.票据发行和支付代理协议note issuing and paying agency agreement
securit.票据支付payment of a note
securit.票据支付期安排assortment of usances
nautic., tech.空头支票non-sufficient funds
tech.空头支票dishonoured cheque
tech.空头支票fictitious bill
tech.空头支票fictitious paper
tech.空头支票kitting cheque
tech.空头支票bad cheque
securit.空头支票protestable check
securit.空头支票rubber check/cheque
adv.空头支票laid paper
gen.空头支票a protest cheque
securit.空头支票公司发展初期的企业blank check company
securit.空头支票策略blank-check tactic
tech.空白支票blank note
securit.空白支票black check
tech.空白支票bank check
tech.空白支票bank note
securit.空白支票bank cheque
tech.空额支票blank check
securit.空额支票报价blank check offering (企业初期招股时的报价)
tech.签证支票certified check
securit.签证支票certified cheque
securit.签过名但未填人金额的支票blank check
securit.结算支票clearing check
securit.网上支票net cheque/check
securit.网上支票提示electronic check presentment
securit.联邦储备银行支票收款制度Federal Reserve check collection system
tech.薪工支票payroll check
tech.薪水支票pay check
tech.视同现金支票check as cash
tech.认付支票certified check
securit.设计支票designing a check
gen.请你兑现一下这些旅行支票好吗?请给我十元一张的Would you cash these traveler's checks, please? I need ten-dollar bills, please
gen.请告诉我兑换支票收手续费吗?Will you please tell me whether you charge for cheques?
gen.请在支票底端的线上签名,并在这儿写下您的地址Please sign your name on the bottom line and put down your address here
gen.请在支票背面写上你的账号Please write your account number on the back of the check
gen.请您在支票后面再签个字。我能看一下您的护照吗?谢谢。一共是50美元,请您点清钱数Please sign them again on the back. May I see your passport, please? Thank you. That's 50 dollars. Please count it to make sure it's correct
tech.请汇支票付款kindly remit by check
gen.请背签这张旅行支票Please endorse the traveler's check
gen.请问你们这儿兑换外币吗?这是我的旅行支票。能兑现吗?Do you exchange foreign currency here? This is my traveler's check. Can you cash it for me?
busin.账单支票bill cheque
busin.账单支票bill check
tech.贴现支票discount on check
tech.转让支票negotiable check
securit.转让资金的支票cheque as an assignment of funds
tech.转账支票transfer payment slip
securit.转账支票transfer credit
tech.转账支票支付pay in cross check
gen.这个数字和您支票上写的不相符The figures and the words on the check do not agree
gen.这是我的支票记录Here is my record of the checks
securit.远期支票post dated cheque
securit.远期汇票/支票accommodation check
busin.退回支票指遭拒付退回returned check
securit.退款支票refund cheque
tech.通融支票kiting cheque
tech.通融支票accommodation cheque
securit.通融支票kiting check
tech.遗失的支票lost check
gen.那样的话,您可以开一张现金支票,然后自行取款就可以了In that case you can write yourself a cash check and draw money for yourself
tech.银行支票bank cheque
securit.银行支票banker's check/cheque
securit.银行支票号码transit number
tech.银行支票户头bank checking account
securit.银行不付款的支票dishonored check
gen.银行可以拒绝兑换支票,却不可以拒绝兑换银行汇票A bank cannot refuse to a banker's draft, whereas it can refuse to a cheque
securit.银行同业票据清算支付系统clearing house interbank payment system
securit.银行特许登记支票registered check
gen.长期支票a bill at the long run
securit.问题支票bad cheque
securit.问题支票bad check
securit.防涂改支票protected cheque
gen.附上…元支票一张a cheque for... yuan is enclosed
tech.附条件认支汇票qualified acceptance
tech.限定金额及支付期的支票limited check
tech.限额支票limited check
busin.需用支票申请表check requisition
securit.非划线支票open check/cheque
tech.非划线的支票uncrossed cheque
tech.非流通支票non-negotiable cheque
securit.非流通性支票non-negotiable check
securit.非面值支票兑现non-par checking
tech.预先填上日期的支票foredated check (票上日期早于实际出票日)
securit.预填日期用以到时偿还债务的支票memorandum cheque
securit.预填日期的支票foredated check
tech.预支的承兑汇票anticipated acceptance
tech.验明支票identifying the payee of a check
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