
Terms containing 支梁 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.一梁一柱式支架half frame
tech.一端简支的悬臂梁propped cantilever
tech.三支点梁beam with central prop
archit.与支座铰连的拱梁arched girder hinged at the abutments
tech.与支座铰连的拱梁arched girder hinged at the abutment
tech.两支点梁girder supported on two supports
tech.两支点梁girder supported at both ends
tech.两端支承梁both ends supported beam
tech.两端支承梁beam supported at both ends
bridg.constr.两端简支梁beam simply-supported at each end
gen.两端简支梁a beam simply supported at each end
shipb.两端铰支梁hinged-hinged beam
tech.临时支承梁needle beam
tech.临时支撑梁propped beam
tech.以立柱作支承的梁式桥leg bridge
el.传感器支架梁sensor mounting beam
tech.伸梁支架boom brace
railw.侧管支撑结构枕梁side pipe supporting structure bolster
tech.公路桥梁减震支座damping bearing of highway bridge
tech.起吊大型物件的分荷多支点梁spreading beam
tech.起吊大型物件的分荷多支点梁spreader beam
bridg.constr.刚性支承着的梁rigidly supported beam
railw.制动梁支柱brake beam strut
tech.前置发动机支承横梁front engine support cross member
archit.加强梁垛间支撑梁buttress brace
tech.加强的梁支座连接stiffened seated-beam connection
tech.十字架支承梁rood beam
tech.单跨筒支梁single-span beam bridge
railw.叉梁支撑杆塔的diagonal bracing
tech.双支下锚横梁double branch anchor beam
archit.双支撑桁架梁double-strut trussed beam
tech.双支撑桁架梁double strut trussed beam
wood.双简支梁free-free beam
auto.发动机支撑梁engine beam
bridg.constr.取决于梁的支承条件的系数factor depending on the support conditions of beam
construct.夹紧clamped beam
tech.支梁clamped beam
bridg.constr.固定支承梁fixedly-supported beam
tech.地板托梁支撑floor joist bearing
tech.均衡梁支架equalizer support
tech.均衡梁支点equalizer fulcrum
tech.垛间支撑梁buttress brace
tech.墙上梁支座beam box
avia.多支点梁continuous beam
tech.多支点连续梁continuous beam supported at several points
tech.大梁支承girder bearing
archit.大梁支承柱girder post
tech.大梁支柱girder post
tech.天幕纵梁支柱ridge support
tech.履带的导轮支承梁idler support beam
avia.尾翼支撑梁empennage support beam
archit.屋架端部的支梁eaves lath
tech.屋脊梁下支柱post under ridge pole
tech.弹性支承大梁elastically supported girder
tech.弹性支承悬臂梁elastic supported cantilever
hydroel.st.弹性支承梁beam on elastic support
bridg.constr.弹性支承梁elastically supported beam
tech.弹性支承梁elastically supported girder
bridg.constr.弹性支承着的梁elastically supported beam
eng.geol.弹性支承连续梁continuous beam on elastic support
tech.弹性支承连续梁continuous girder on elastic supports
tech.弹性支承连续梁法method of continuous beams on elastic sup ports
bridg.constr.弹性支承连续梁法method of continuous beams on elastic supports
tech.弹性支承连续梁法elastically supported continuous girder method
tech.弹性梁支承法elastic supported beam method
tech.T 形梁支座joist chair
met.悬吊支撑梁holddown beam (平炉炉顶的)
met.悬吊支撑梁hold-down beam
auto.悬梁支架overarm support
tech.惰轮支承梁idler support beam
archit.托梁支座joist bearing
tech.托梁支承joist bearing
tech.托梁支承的格栅tail joist
avia.执行器支架安装横梁actuator tray mount rail
tech.支墩梁strut beam
el.支墩间撑梁buttress strut
hydroel.st.支墩间横梁buttress strut
tech.支座梁support beam
tech.支托小梁needle beam
tech.支托托梁的格栅trimming joist
construct.支承stayed girder
tech.支承十字架梁rood beam
tech.支承地板托梁的镫铁floor hanger
tech.支承大梁stayed girder
tech.楼梯平台的支承小梁apron piece
archit.支承屋顶檐口衬板的水平梁plancier piece
tech.支承梁supporting beam
oil支承梁support beam
tech.支承梁guide bar
tech.支承梁bearer bar
met.支承梁rest bar (导卫装置的)
met.支承梁cramp (导卫装置的)
tech.支承梁bearing bar
met.支承梁guide bar (导卫装置的)
met.支承梁rest beam
tech.支承梁板rafter joist plate
archit.支承楼梯平台或一系列斜踏步的小梁apron piece
met.支承脊椽梁dragon beam
tech.支承脊椽梁dragon tie
tech.支承脊橡梁dragon beam
tech.支承荷载的实腹板大梁结构bearing structure of solid web girders
tech.支承荷载的平腹板大梁结构bearing structure of plain web girders
tech.支承路面层梁腋road haunch
tech.支持栏杆的楼梯梁顶的线脚stair shoe
tech.支持梁supported beam
transp.支撑刚性梁buttress braces
construct.支撑刚性梁buttress bracing struts
tech.支撑刚性梁buttress brace
tech.支撑悬臂梁propped cantilever beam
tech.支撑梁brace beam
tech.支撑梁bracing beam
tech.支撑梁strut beam
eng.geol.支撑梁soldier beam
tech.支撑梁support beam
tech.支撑梁strutting beam
auto.悬架支撑梁support beam
met.支撑梁supporting beam
wind.支撑梁brace summer
tech.支撑梁shoring beam
tech.支撑梁bearing beam
tech.支撑系主梁braced girder
oil支撑系大梁braced girder
tech.支撑脊椽梁angle tie
tech.支撑脊缘梁dragon tie
tech.建筑物外伸部分的支架大梁stepping service girder
archit.支架底梁foot piece
construct.支架梁bearing bar
construct.支架的槽钢顶梁channel bar
tech.支架顶梁carrying bar
archit.支柱与地梁prop and sill
tech.支柱大梁holding girder
construct.支柱梁prop stay
tech.支梁strut beam
tech.支梁双箍double stirrup for girder
tech.支梁式手推车jib barrow
tech.支梁beam holder
tech.支梁钢杆beam bolster
archit.桥梁支梁bearing shoe
tech.支梁bearing shoe (桥梁)
tech.支模板梁service girder
tech.支线桥梁feeder bridge
hydroel.st.支较大梁trunnion girder
hydroel.st.支较大梁trunnion beam
hydroel.st.支铰大梁trunnion girder
hydroel.st.支铰大梁trunnion beam
archit.临时支顶梁propped beam
tech.临时的支顶梁propped beam
auto.车架散热器支撑横梁radiator bar
archit.方框支架底梁square-set sill
tech.方框支架底梁square set sill
tech.方框支架横梁square set cap
archit.方框支架的横梁square-set cap
tech.无支撑叠合梁unshored composite beam
archit.有支伸臂梁propped cantilever beam
tech.有支悬臂梁propped cantilever beam
bridg.constr.有支承悬臂梁propped cantilever beam
archit.有支撑悬臂梁prop ped cantilever beam
archit.木楼梯梁支柱axial column
tech.机翼支承贯穿梁结构wing carry through structure
tech.柱支承梁桥leg bridge
tech.桥梁合成橡胶支座elastomeric bridge bearing
tech.桥梁固定支座fixed bearing for bridge
tech.桥梁外部支承exterior bridge support
tech.桥梁弧形支座rocker bearing for bridge
tech.桥梁摆轴支座pendulum bearing for bridge
tech.桥梁支座bridge bearing pad (衬垫)
bridg.constr.桥梁支座bridge bearing
eng.geol.桥梁支座bridge pad
tech.桥梁支座bridge support
tech.桥梁支座bearing of bridge
tech.桥梁支座垫板bridge bearing plate
tech.桥梁支承bridge bearing
tech.桥梁支承bearing of bridge
bridg.constr.桥梁无支架架设bridge erection without scaffolding
tech.桥梁板式橡胶支座laminated rubber bearing for bridge
tech.桥梁枢轴支承pivot bearing of bridge
bridg.constr.桥梁橡胶支座bridge rubber bearing
tech.桥梁橡胶支座rubber bridge bearing
tech.桥梁活动支座expansion bearing for bridge
tech.桥梁盒式橡胶支座pot rubber bearing for bridge
tech.桥梁膺架支撑垫块camber block
tech.桥梁辊轴支座multiple roller bearing for bridge
tech.梁尾端支承tail bearing
tech.梁式锚杆支护法beam building
tech.梁支座beam support
archit.梁支承beam support
tech.梁支承girder support
tech.梁支承bearing of beam
tech.梁支架boom support
tech.梁支柱beam stanchion
tech.梁模支承架beam hanger
tech.梁的支承间距supporting distance of beam
tech.梁端支承板beam bearing plate
tech.梁连接杆支座beam pitman bearing
tech.椽梁支柱hammer post
tech.椽横梁支墩hammer post
tech.楼梯平台支承小横梁pitching piece
tech.楼梯支承斜梁rough carriage
tech.楼梯梁板支撑landing binder
tech.楼梯梁板支撑landing bearer
tech.楼盖梁支撑floor strutting
interntl.trade.集装箱支梁shoring beam
archit.横梁支托的脚手架needle scaffold
tech.横梁支托的脚手架needle beam scaffold
met.横梁支承transverse bearing
tech.横梁支架overarm brace
gen.卧铣横梁支架over arm brace
tech.氯丁橡胶桥梁支承梁垫neoprene rubber bridge bearing pad
tech.氯丁橡胶的支承梁垫neoprene rubber bridge bearing pad (预应力混凝土结构或钢结构桥梁的)
tech.水平支承梁horizontal shore
eng.geol.水平支撑梁〔桁架〕horizontal shore
hydroel.st.水平梁单元的支座abutment of a beam element
tech.活动梁支座beam shoe
tech.涡轮机支承梁turbine beam
tech.游梁悬支beam hanger
oil游梁支承座板fish plate
oil游梁支架sampson post
tech.滑动顶梁支护slide bar system
tech.环梁支承rim bearing
tech.用小梁支撑基础needle-beam underpinning
tech.用梁托支出corbel outwards
tech.直梁支护straight girder support
railw.空簧支承梁air spring support
bridg.constr.等截面简支梁simply supported beam with equal sections
bridg.constr.等截面简支梁equal section simple beam
archit.支梁free beam
el.矩形支梁simply supported rectangular (beam)
met.支梁beam with simple supported ends
wind.支梁free simple beam
tech.支梁simple supported beam
hydroel.st.支梁simple beam
hydroel.st.支梁simply supported beam
hydroel.st.支梁beam with simply supported ends
tech.支梁single girder
space支梁simple-supported beam
tech.支梁support beam
wind.支梁free beam
bridg.constr.支梁freely supported beam
bridg.constr.支梁simply-supported beam
archit.支梁suspended beam
tech.支梁girder supported on two ends
tech.支梁girder supported at both ends
plast.支梁冲击试验simple beam impact machine
plast.支梁冲击强度Charpy impact strength
plast.支梁冲击试样Charpy impact test specimen
plast.支梁冲击试验simple beam impact test
plast.支梁冲击试验Charpy impact test
plast.支梁冲击试验仪Charpy impact tester
plast.支梁冲击试验机Charpy impact test machine
tech.支梁式刚架simply supported rigid frame
tech.支梁弯曲simple bending
tech.支梁方程simple beam equation
hydroel.st.支梁free beam
bridg.constr.支梁simple supported beam bridge
bridg.constr.支梁simple beam bridge
railw.支梁simply-supported beam bridge
bridg.constr.支梁simply-supported girder bridge
tech.支梁freely supported beam bridge
avia.简单支撑梁simply supported beam
tech.简支挂梁suspended simple beam
bridg.constr.简支板梁桥simple plate girder bridge
bridg.constr.简支箱形梁桥simple box girder bridge
auto.纵横梁连接支架连接与加固纵梁、横梁的零件cross joiner
oil组块支撑梁modular support beam
tech.自由支承式梁freely supported beam
tech.超前支架前伸梁forepoling arm
tech.超前支架大梁stepping service girder
tech.连续单性点支承梁beam on multiple elastic supports
tech.连续单性点支承梁beam on discrete elastic supports
hydroel.st.连续梁中间支座intermediate support of continuous beam
nucl.pow.钢支撑梁steel support beam
tech.钻塔上支架水平横梁header of the gin pole
tech.面板支承梁deck girder
tech.顶板支梁half balk
archit.顶梁支护bar timbering
tech.顶梁支护法bar timbering
tech.顶梁短支柱bobby prop
bridg.constr.预应力混凝土简支梁prestressed concrete simply supported beam
tech.预应力混凝土简支梁prestressed concrete simple supported beam