
Terms for subject Finances containing 支付 | all forms | in specified order only
一次支付collect basis
不定期支付payment at irregular intervals
付款凭单式支票voucher check
付现支票open check
付薪用的支票pay cheque
付讫支票pain-up cheque (cancelled check)
付讫支票paid check (canceled check)
付讫支票cancelled checks (or cancelled cheque)
支付溢价为成本的提前还款权利make-whole call
以商业票据支付payment in commercial papers
以实物支付pay in kind
优先支付preferential payment
优先支付的无担保债务senior unsecured debt
优先支付的有担保债务senior secured debt
使用费支付royalty payments
供应现金支付成本to meet out-of-pocket cost
保付支票certified cheek
保付支票帐簿certified cheque register
保付支票登记簿certified check register
保证支付guarantee pay
信用支付credit payment
债务利息支付debt interest payment
债息支付coupon payment
停付支票stop a cheque
停止支付stop payment
停止支付suspension of payment
停止支付prohibition of payment
停止支付prohibited of payment
停止支付债券利息suspension of interest payment on bonds
停止硬币支付suspension of specie payment
偿付债务开支debt service payment
偿付利息支付的现金cash paid for interest
偿还债务支付的现金cash paid for repayments of debts
先令支付协定帐目agreement shillings account
全额支付payment in full
其它支付方法other method of payment
凭汇票支付payment by draft
凭票据支付payment by bill
出票后十五日支付bills payable 15 days after date
分期支付条款instalment payment clause
分期支付的保险费premium paid in installment
分配利润所支付的现金cash paid for distribution of profits
分配股利、利润和偿付利息所支付的现金cash paid for distribution of dividends, profits or interest
分配股利所支付的现金cash paid for distribution of dividends
利息支付通知书interest warrant
到期后支付payment after due date
到期支票照付pay the draft on maturity
制造费用经常支付manufacturing expenses standing orders
单边支付unilateral payment
即时支付pay down
参加承兑支付payment for honor supraprotest
反向支付reverse payment
名誉支付payment for honour
命令支付通知发信advance order of payment
商业信用支付payment on commercial credit
国外支付foreign payment
国家自动支付系统National Automated Payment System
国库支付treasury warrant
国际支付制度international payment system
国际支付工具instrument of international payment
国际支付差额balance of international payment (balance of payment)
国际支付手段medium of international payment
国际支付逆差unfavorable balance of international payment
国际无形贸易支付payment of international invisible trade
国际贸易支付payment of international trade
在线账单支付on-line bill paying
垫付普通基金款项充作预算支出advance to general fund to finance budgetary expenditure
动用基金支付disbursement from fund
外币支付凭证instrument payable in foreign currencies
多边支付结算multilateral payment settlement
奖学金承诺实地支付缩写为CMT FS FL, 财务系统fellowship commitment field disbursement
奖学金承诺总部支付缩写为CMT FS HQfellowship commitment HQ disbursement
定期支付票据bill payable on fixed date
实地采购支付缩写为EXP PO FL, 财务系统purchase order payment-field
实支实付型伤害医疗保险injury medical reimbursement insurance
实时支付结算系统Real Time Gross Settlement system (香港金管局 (HKMA) 使用的结算系统)
对到期债务支付本息service a debt
对外支付余额balance of external payments
对外支付差额balance of external payment
小额支付small payment
尚未支付lie over
岁出拨款支付appropriation transfer warrant
工商业转让支付business transfer payment
工薪支付payment of payroll
工资支付wage payroll
工资支付pay period
工资支付登记簿payroll records
工资支付登记簿payroll record
工资支付payroll payments
工资与薪金支付wage and salary payment
工资和薪金的支付wage and salary disbursements
已付支票canceled check
已付支票paid check (canceled check)
已付讫支票closed check
已登记支付命令registered warrant
平均支付average due date (average maturity)
年金平均支付折旧法equal-annual-payment depreciation method
应付工资现款支付的工资wage accruals less disbursements
延期支付postponement of payment
延期支付票息deferred coupon
延迟支付payment on deferred terms
支付的经纪参与者short broker participant
手机支付mobile payment
托收支付payment on collection basis
扣除税后支付pay after tax
投资支付的现金cash paid for investments
担保支付payment under guarantee
拒付支票protest check (kiting cheque)
拒付支票bill of dishonour
持票人支付债券debenture to bearer
指定支付地点的支票domiciled check
指定支付地点的汇票domiciled bill
指定支付地点的贴现票据domiciled discounted bill
接受人民币支付accept renminbi as payment
接受人民币支付accept payment in renminbi
提成支付royalty payments
支付pay out
支付brass up
支付不足be short of cash
支付不足额租金payment of less than full hire
支付中养恤金的调整办法system of adjustment of the pension in payment
支付payment order
支付付息免税额interest payment allowance
支付代理paying agency
支付传票pay slip
支付余数payment of balance
支付使用费期限term of enforcement of royalty payment
支付船舶用品保险disbursement insurance
支付保险费payment of the premium
支付disbursement letter
支付公债利息基金fund for payment of interest on government securities
支付其他与投资活动有关的现金cash payments relating to other investing activities
支付其他与筹资活动有关的现金cash payments relating to other financing activities
支付其他与经营活动有关的现金cash payments relating to other operating activities
支付准备reserve for payment
支付前无佣金no commission till paid
支付后... 个月months after payment
支付命令pay order
支付基金fund for payment
支付多边化multilateralization of payment
支付契约contract of payment
支付委托书payment order
支付安排表disbursement schedule
支付工具手段means of payment
支付工资之预备基金funds destined for the payment of wages
支付工资之预备基金fund destined for the payment of wages
支付disbursements account
支付应承担的费用pay one's way
支付应计利息pay the interest accrued
支付总计利息pay the interest accrued
支付手段medium of payment
支付手续payment procedure
支付承诺payment undertaking
支付授权书authority to pay (A/P)
支付支票stopped cheque
支付效能efficiency of making payment
支付方式modality of payment
支付方式form of payment
支付pay date
支付term days
支付日期time fixed for payment
支付日期date of payment
支付时间time of payment
支付明细表schedule of disbursement
支付payment period
支付期限time limit of payment
支付期限time for payment
支付期限term of payment
支付未偿还债务service outstanding debt
支付来自国外的净进口finance net imports from abroad
支付比率之目标target payout ratios
支付汽车贷款car loan payment
支付清算协会Association for Payment Clearing Services
支付的现金cash paid
支付税款tax payment
支付给受益人的待遇treatments paid to beneficiaries
支付给职工的现金cash paid to employee
支付股利保证金dividend warrant
支付股票升水payment of the premium
支付能力原则ability-to-pay principle
支付能力基准ability-to-pay basis
支付theory of pay
支付证明pay warrants
支付误期behindhand with payments
支付误期behind with payments
支付账户disbursement account
支付账户account of disbursement
支付货币payment currency
支付赤字payment deficit
支付违约payment default
支付逆差unfavorable balance of payments
支付酬劳奖金pay the reward
支付银行payout bank
支付银行paying bank
支付银行费用paying bank's charges
支付限制payment restriction
支票支付check payment
支票付款payment by check
支票的停止付款stop payment of a check
收付实现,现金收支cash receipts and disbursements
支付no date
支付能力的unable to pay
支付财力financial insolvency
无力支付suspend payment
无力支付的处理disposition for failure to pay
无条件支付unconditional payment
无条件支付命令unconditional order in writing
无纸化电子支付paperless electronic payment
无股利支付的欧式看涨期权non-dividend paying European call option
无股利支付的欧式看跌期权non-dividend paying European put option
无股利支付的股票non-dividend paying stock
暂停支付cessation of payment
暂停支付利息suspension of interest payment
最后平均支付方案final average pay plan
最终支付方案final pay plan
支付委托书monthly payment order
有限双向支付limited two-way payments
支付的票据bills unprovided for
未付之支票unpaid check
未付支票outstanding check
未注明支付日期no date
本金支付payment of principal
材料的支付责任payment of labor and material obligation
欧洲支付联盟European Payment Union
汇拨支付payment by remittance
汇票支付期限制度usance system
津贴支付subvention payments
津贴支付allowance payment
活期存款支付repayment of current deposits
浮动利率支付floating rate payer
清算所自动支付系统Clearing House Automated Payments System
清算所银行间支付系统Clearing House Inter-bank Payment System
现金支付payable in cash
现金支付out-of-pocket expenses
现金支付against documents
现金支付交易档案cash disbursement transaction file
现金支付传票cash payment slip
现金支付传票cash disbursement slip
现金支付传票payment slip
现金支付凭单cash payment voucher
现金支付凭单cash disbursement voucher
现金支付分录簿cash disbursements journal
现金支付利息cashing interest
现金支付日记账cash payment journal
现金支付日记账cash disbursement journal
现金支付条件cash terms
现金支付登记簿cash disbursement register
现金支付簿cash disbursement book
现金支付disbursement book
现金支付预算cash disbursement budget
用人民币支付pay in the Chinese currency
用人民币现金支付pay cash in renminbi
用保兑的不能撤销的信用证支付payment by confirmed and irrevocable L/C
用支票支付payment by check
用支票付款pay in check
用现金支付pay in cash
用现金支付ready up
用美元支付payment in dollar terms
用美元支付payable in dollar
由借方支付for account of borrower
由已知终值求算支付known amount compute the rents
电子支付处理系统electronic payment handler
电子支付系统electronic payments systems
直接以货币支付的利息explicit interest
直接以货币支付的成本explicit costs
相对支付能力relative capacity to pay
短期支付payment at short date
社会保障支付social security payment
票据支付payment of note
票据支付期限排列assortment of usances
私人支付private payment
第三方支付pay with escrow
第三方支付third-party payments
简单支付指示absolute order to pay
红利支付bonus payment
经常性支付current payments
结清支付证书settlement warrant
结算支付证书settlement warrant
股份支付share-based payment
股利支付公司dividend paying company
股利支付date of payment
股利支付比率dividend pay-out ratio
股息支付dividend warrant
股息支付dividend payment book
股息支付payout ratio
股息支付簿dividend payment book
股息支付簿dividend paying book
股息支付dividend payment sheet
股票支付之股息dividend payable in capital stock
自主决定的红利支付discretionary bonus payment
英镑支付协定agreement sterling
要求支付拖欠款recovery of late payment
见票即付支票bearer check (draft)
见票即付的支票check at sight
规定的支付期限time fixed for payment
负有责任的即未经事前审核的支付命令accountable warrants
贸易与支付协定trade and payments agreement
超级可转让支付命令帐户super negotiable order of withdrawal
超级可转让支付命令账户super negotiable order of withdrawal account
转移支付制度system of transfer payments
追加支付additional payment ap
选择支付债券optional payment bond
选择使用人民币支付和接受付款choose to pay and be paid in the Chinese currency
通知银行止付支票stop pavment on a cheque
通融支付ex gratia payment
部分支付payment in part
部分支付债券partially paid bond
部分支付债务partial payment of debt
银行支付方法bank payment methods
银行即期支付band demand
银行同业支付系统interbank payment system
银行每年支付的养老金bank annuity
非税性负担的支付金额non tax payments
须用现金支付terms cash