
Terms for subject Business containing 支付 | all forms | in specified order only
一次支付回扣one-shot payment
一次支付回扣one-shot payment
一次支付货款simple payment loan
一次性支付one time payment
上次支付date of the last payment
下月起算支付条件end-of-month terms
不予支付no payment
不足支付租赁non-payment lease
不足支付购买费用的租赁non-payout lease
与卸货同时支付concurrent with discharge
丧失支付能力lose ability of payment
中美洲支付同盟Central American Payment Union
临时支付interim payment
为双方共同利益支付的分保保险费reinsurance premium for common account
从预算项下支付charged against the budget
付款时连同支付银行费用payable with the banker's charge
付现成本支出expenditure of outlay costs
付讫支票cancelled cheque
付讫支票cancelled checks
付讫的分期支付款项installment paid
代客支付款项disbursement for customers
代理商支付factor payments
"以产品支付"办法product-pay-back scheme
以产品支付办法补偿贸易的一种,见"回购产品"条product pay-back scheme
以单据代现金支付制度chit system
以基金支付disbursement from funds
以支票支付pay in cheque
优先股优先支付股利prior charge
保付支票marked cheque
保付支票accepted check
cheque保付支票certified check
保险费支付benefit payment
支票停止支付指令orders not to pay
给银行停止支付支票指示Stop order
停止支票付款stop payment on a check
先令支付协定账目agreement shillings account
全部无条件支付absolute payment
公司内部转让支付intra-company transfer payments
公司间转账支付intercompany transfer payment
公平支付再分配fair subdivision of payoff
共同约定支付汇票joint promissory note
冻结支付sterilized payment
支付net payment
减少支付cut payment
凭…指示支付order of
凭支票付款无息存款non-interest bearing demand deposit
分期支付保险费installment premium
分期支付货款合同contract for the payment of goods by installment
分期支付退休金retirement by instalment
分期累进支付额抵押贷款graduated payment mortgage
到达目的地支付运费payment of the freight at destination
加班支付overtime payment
单方面支付unilateral payment
单纯支付命令absolute order to pay
卖方支付运费运至指定交货地点fret paye
即期现金支付prompt cash payment
运费卸货时支付concurrent with discharge
双边支付bilateral payment
双边支付协议bilateral payment agreement
反向支付reverse payments
发票核准支付invoice approval form
可以支付as may be paid thereon
可以期票支付payable in note
合同支付条款payment terms of contract
后期支付subsequent payment
含有支付命令的受权书written authorization containing payment order
国外支付赔款claims payable abroad
国外经常性转移支付current transfers from and to the rest of the world
国家拨款支付定息government grant for paying a fixed rate of interest
国库支付命令treasury warrant
国民转账支付系统national giro system
国际支付international payment order
国际支付储备reserve for international payments
国际支付危机balance of payments crisis
国际支付合同contract of international payment
国际支付方法method of international payment
国际支付结算settlement of international payment
国际支付货币如美元、英镑,又称媒介通货vehicle currency
国际收支的应付自如局面BOP viability
国际账款支付payment of overseas account
国际贸易支付协定international trade and payment agreement
在一定期限内支付外国汇票payable at a usance
在国外支付的索赔claim payable abroad
在开舱卸货前支付before breaking bulk
基金支付disbursements from fund
外币支付汇率rate in foreign currency
多边支付multilateral payment
多边支付协定multilateral payment agreement
多边国际支付协定multilateral international payments agreement
奖金支付准备bonus payment reserve
存款支付凭单deposit warrant
实际支付effective payment
实际支付金额actual payments
对外支付手段foreign means of payment
对已获准同意为接受人的支付disbursed to approved grant recipients
对策支付矩阵game pay-off matrix
工薪支付wage and salary payment
工薪支付payroll payment
工薪支付wage and salary disbursements
工薪支付wage and salary disbursement
工资支付payroll period
工资支付计划wage payment plan
巨额支付开支heavy payment
差额支付协议deficiency agreement
已付支票paid cheque
已付清支票paid-up check
已登记支付registered warrant
平衡支付计划level payment plan
应付支付命令warrants payable
应付开支meet one's expenses
应付记账支票check payable in account
应摊开支未付accrued expenditure unpaid
延期支付付款postponement of payment
延期支付pay later
延期支付方式accounting scheme
延迟支付postpone payment
开发银行及清算支付同盟development bank and clearing and payment union
当面支付工资face-to-face pay
支付协定overall payment agreement
总括支付协定Overall Payment Agreement
承付支票honour a check
拒付支票protested cheque
cheque拒付支票dishonoured check
拒付支票bounced check
拒付支票rejected cheque
拒付支票protest cheque
拒付支票dishonoured cheque
拒付支票dishonoured check
拒付支票汇票bill of dishonour
拨款支付appropriation warrant
指定支付地点的付款人domiciled drawee
指定支付条款set the terms of payment
指定地点付款支票domiciled cheque
指定地点付款支票domiciled check
指定用于支付工资的基金fund destined for the payment of wages
支付duly pay
按合同支付的保证金caution money paid on contract
按合理价格支付货价quantum meruit
按合约支付的保证金caution money paid on contract
按实值支付quantum merit
按工薪支付金额分摊费用payroll-related basis of allocation
按月支付付款monthly payment
按滑动费率支付专利权使用费sliding scale royalty
按滑动费率支付专利权税sliding-scale royalty
捐赠支付donation payment
援助的分批支付dispersement of aid
支付钱款lay down
支付documents against payment
支付payment statement
支付order for payment
支付传票debit slip
支付余额payment balance
支付余额pay the balance
支付便利条件facility for payment
支付保证金make a deposit
支付保证银行certifying bank
支付债券利息bond interest paid
支付净额net amount paid
支付准备金payment reserve
支付分期付款pay an installment
支付利息payment of the interest
支付到期票据meet a bill
支付协定payments agreement
支付协定arrangement of payment
支付memorandum of payment
支付原则和保证国外欠债利息后的财政委托计算书fiscal trust accounts for payments of principle and interest fiscal trust of external bonded debts
支付原则和保证国外欠债利息后的财政存款计算书fiscal deposit accounts for payments of principle and fiscal trust of external bonded debts
支付发票价格settlement of the invoiced price
支付发票价金额settlement of the voiced price
支付后…月months after payment
支付命令order to pay
支付命令指示pay order
支付命令order of payment
支付和汇款的水平和方式level and modalities of payment and remittance
支付均衡化equalization of payment
支付基准pay level
支付外国母公司paid to foreign parent corporation
支付外币债券本息摊提的基金fund for amortization of principal and interest of foreign currency bond
支付奖金酬劳pay the reward
支付工具instrument of payment
支付工资payment of the payroll
支付平衡表balance sheet of payments
支付应负担的费用pay ones way
支付开支费用meet expense
支付手段指货币作为偿债、纳税、交租、付工资的手段instrument of payment
支付技术转让费payment for transfer of technology
支付指示payment order
支付损害赔偿payment of damage
支付授权authority to pay
支付支票tender a check
支付收回payment countermanded
支付方式scheme of payment
支付方式payment pattern
支付方式方法method of payment
支付方式是什么?What do you think of the payment terms?
支付方法payment method
租金等支付term day
支付付款明细表statement of payment
支付payout period
支付payoff period
支付pay period
支付期限period of the credit
支付条件terms and conditions of payment
支付汇票payment bill
支付现款plank down the ready
支付生产要素费用即生产成本factor payment
支付票据款payment of the note
支付票据款项payment of note
支付累计利息pay the interest accrued
支付股息disbursement of dividend
支付股款payment of the share
支付能力capability of payment
支付能力保证del credere
支付能力原则principle of capacity to pay
支付instrument of payment
支付误期be behind in payments
支付误期be behind hand with payments
支付货币money of payment
支付货款产品转让书conveyance of production payment
支付购货款存款deposit paid on purchase
支付费用meet expenses
支付费用bear the cost
支付赎金pay a ransom
支付赔偿pay an indemnity
支付转让transfer of payment
支付amount paid
支票付款payment of the check
支票付款人check drawee
支票保付卡check guarantee card
支票保付证书certification of cheque
支票止付stopping payment of check
支付日期即未注明支付期no date
无力支付债务suspend payment
无条件书面支付命令unconditional order in writing
无股息支付公司non-dividend paying company
无股息支付non-dividend payer
无财务支付能力即无力偿付到期债务financial insolvency
日常支付current payment
暂停支付temporarily suspended payment
暂停支付temporarily suspended
暂停支付temporal suspended
暗中贿赂的支付undercover payments
最后支付日期date of the last payment
月末支付month end payment
有条件支付conditional payment
有条件支付conditional pay-off
支付lie over
支付汇票failed to pay the bill
支付票据failed to pay the bill
本币支付汇率rate in home currency
本期进岀口支付余额current balance
欧洲支付单位European payment unit
款项支付disbursement of payment
止付支票stopped cheque
止付支票stop a cheque
毛算支付payment by rough estimate
水平支付抵押level-payment mortgage
租金、利息法定支付term time
注册支付registered warrant
海损费用支付条款average disbursement clause
消费者支付意愿consumer willingness to pay
物价暴涨负担支付cost escalation cover
特别支付special disburser
特别支付代理人special disburser
现款支付ready money down
现金支付ready money down
现金支付spot payment
现金支付pay in money
现金支付terms cash
现金支付成本current outlay cost
现金支付控制control of cash payment
生产支付production payment
生产支付货款production payment loan
用于对外债务的本息支付基金fund for payment of principal and interest on external bonded debts
用于政府债券的本息支付基金fund for payment of principal and interest on government securities
用外国货币支付有效的约定stipulation for effective payment in a foreign currency
用外汇支付payable in foreign currency
用期票支付payable in note
用汇票支付payable in exchange
由出纳主管支付入账disbursement register by disbursement officers
两人共投人寿险由在世者支付保费的人寿保单last-survivor policy
电告支付或不支付wire payment or nonpayment
登账须加付费用的支票往来户pay-as-you-go account
福利性支付款项welfare payments
私人负债收入支付income payment on private liabilities
签发支付收据issue payment receipt
约定支付一定数量货币的债券common money bond
约定支付方式stipulated payment form
约定支付方式contractual payment form
约定支付日期stipulated payment date
缓期支付easy payment
缴付保险费支票tender a cheque for the premium
美元支付的进口dollar import
联营公司间内部转账支付inter-company transfer payments
股利支付dividend payout ratio
能开出可转让支付命令的活期存款账户negotiable orders of withdrawal account
能开发可转让支付命令的国际活期存款账户international negotiable order of withdrawal account
能开发可转让支付命令的活期存款账户negotiable order of withdrawal account
自动现金支付automatic cash paying machine
自由支付free payment
至期后支付payment after the due date
营业转账性支付business transfer payment
虚拟支付fictitious pay
补助金支付制度subsidy payment schedule
见票即付支票cheque payable at sight
见票即付支票check payable at sigh
见票即付支票check at sight
工资评分计点支付point system
请汇支票付款kindly remit by cheque
调整支付adjust payment
象征性支付token payment
财务支付能力financial power
责任支付accountable warrant
账外支付off-the-book payment
购物支付证发放对象those the payment certificate for purchasing goods are issued
购货券支付工资制truck system
贸易及支付协定trade and payment agreement
费用全部支付full payout
费用由买方支付charge forward
赔款支付loss order
赔款支付命令银行签发给收货人,以便向保险公司索赔的指示loss order
运费抵目的地支付freight destination
运费按租约方支付freight as per charter party
运费按租船方支付freight payable as per charter party
运费由收货人支付freight collect
分期还本付息支出interest and amortization charges
逆向支付reverse payments
银行支付payable at the bank
银行按顾客指定用途支付款项appropriation of payments
限期支付的信用证usance payment letter of credit
需要用什么货币来支付In what currency will payment be made?
非工资支付nonwage payment
非开支性付款non-expenditure disbursement
非经常性支付incidental charge
预计现金支付forecasting cash disbursement
领用支票须加付费用的支票往来户pay-before-you-go account
额外支付pay a supplement