
Terms containing 摄氏温度 | all forms | in specified order only
ceram.五彩陶瓷的烧制温度高达1 300摄氏度The firing temperature of multicolored ceramics is as high as 1,300°C
UN, tech.冻原气候:温度——气温最低的5个月中每月的日平均温度均低于零下10摄氏度tundra climate: temperature — average daily low under minus 10 degree celsius for each of the coldest five months
tools将动物置于四十摄氏度的高温环境中会导致其中暑Heat stroke was induced by exposing animals to a high ambient temperature of 40°C
gen.摄氏温Centigrade temperature
busin.摄氏温度degrees centigrade
auto.摄氏温度°CCelsius temperature
auto.摄氏温度°CCelsius degree
tech.摄氏温度temperature in degree
auto.摄氏温度degree Celsiuscentigrade
met.摄氏温度centigrade (degree)
repr.biol.摄氏温度centigrade scale
hydroel.st.摄氏温度degree Celsius
hydroel.st.摄氏温度centigrade degree
space摄氏温度Celsius degree
bridg.constr.摄氏温度temperature degree of Centigrade
el.摄氏温度Celsius scale
oil摄氏温度degree centigrade
oil摄氏温度centigrade temperature
el.摄氏温度°Cdegree Celsius
phys.摄氏温度Celsius temperature
auto.摄氏温度degC (°C)
earth.sc.摄氏温度degree centigrade
avia.摄氏温度摄氏温度(°C)与华氏温度(°F )的换算关系:1°C=9/5°F, 0°C = 32°F, 1°F = 5/9°C, 100°C=212°F 换算公式如下: C=5/9×(F-32°), F=(9/5XC)+32° CC cubic contents 立方容量centigrade
desert.摄氏温度Celsius thermometer
tech.摄氏温度centigrade thermometer
ecol.摄氏温度celsius scale
tech.摄氏温度表刻度Celsius scale
tech.摄氏温度表刻度Celcius scale
tech.摄氏温度表刻度centigrade scale
wind.摄氏温度Celsius thermometer
met.摄氏温度Celcius' thermometer
oil摄氏温度Celsius' thermometer
met.摄氏温度寒暑表Celsius thermometer
met.摄氏温度centigrade thermometer
earth.sc.摄氏温度centigrade thermometer
construct.摄氏温度寒暑表centigrade thermometer
repr.biol.摄氏温度计的centigrade degree
otorhinol.摄氏温度centigrade thermometer
gen.温度计读数是摄氏 30 度the thermometer stands at 30°C
UN, tech.热带季风气候:气温——全年12个月的日平均高温达29摄氏度或以上tropical monsoon climate with temperature — average daily high of 29 degrees celsius or more all 12 months of the year
UN, tech.热带赤道气候:温度——全年12个月的日平均高温达29摄氏度或以上。tropical equatorial climate: temperature — average daily high 29 degrees celsius or above all 12 months of the year