
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing | all forms
一次拌的干拌物dry batch
三相电磁拌器three-phase electromagnetic stirrer
两段two-stage agitation
两相电磁拌器two-phase electromagnetic stirrer
中管提升拌器中央气升搅拌器central lift agitator
丹佛型拌机Denver agitator
二次secondary stirring
二次secondary agitation
二次冷却区电磁S-electromagnetic stirring
S-二次冷却区电磁secondary-cooling zone electromagnetic stirring
二次冷却区电磁electromagnetic stirring in secondary cooling zone
二次冷却区电磁拌作用S-stirring function
二次冷却区电磁拌作用S-EMS function (【技】二次冷却区电磁搅拌作用:消除铸坯中心疏松、中心偏析和缩孔;扩大铸坯中心等轴晶区;促使铸坯液相穴内夹杂物上浮,减轻内弧夹杂物集聚。)
二次冷却区电磁拌器electromagnetic stirrer in secondary cooling zone
二次冷却区电磁拌强度S-stirring intensity
二次冷却区电磁拌强度electromagnetic stirring intensity in secondary cooling zone
交流感应式拌器alternating current induction type stirrer
人工hand stirring
低速拌器low-speed agitator
内置式电磁拌器built-in electromagnetic stirrer
冶金熔池metal bath stirring (【技】为促进金属熔池的传质和传热过程并使金属液成分和温度均匀化而施加某种力以加强熔池流动的操作。)
切向拌速度tangential stirring velocity
刮板拌机agitator with scrapers
剧烈vigorous stirring
化学chemical agitation
化学chemical agitation
拌混合沉降器simple stirred mixer-settler
单一电磁single EMS
单一电磁single electromagnetic stirring (【技】 与铸坯的组合电磁搅拌相对应,指仅使用一种搅拌方式的电磁搅拌。例如:仅使用单一的结晶器电磁搅拌,仅使用单一的二冷区电磁搅拌等。)
单一结晶器single M-stirring
单一结晶器single-mold stirring
单线圈结晶器电磁single-coil M-EMS
卧式螺旋拌进料还原horizontal screw-agitated feed reduction
后吹氩气post-stirring with argon
后吹氩气post argon-blowing stirring
吹氩argon stirring
吹氩拌炉次的板坯试样slab sample from argon-stirred heat
吹氩拌用多孔塞porous plug for argon stirring
喷气羽状动区plume zone of gas injection
喷汽拌槽steam jet agitator
圆盘拌机circular pan mixer
复合式电磁combined electromagnetic stirring
复合式电磁combination stirring
复合式电磁combination electromagnetic stirring (【技】按电磁搅拌在连铸坯上的位置,连铸电磁搅拌分为:结晶器电磁搅拌、二次冷却区电磁搅拌和凝固末端电磁搅拌。为改善电磁搅拌对提高铸坯质量的效果,同时使用两种或两种以上电磁搅拌方式即为复合式电磁搅拌,亦称组合式电磁搅拌。)
外置式电磁拌装置outboard electromagnetic stirrer
多孔塞吹氩拌的熔池 钢水池bath stirred by bubbling argon through a porous plug
多尔型拌机Dorr agitator
多桨拌器multi-bladed stirrer
多膛式机械拌焙烧炉multiple-hearth mechanically-rabbled furnace
大型拌器high duty agitator
大方坯连铸电磁electromagnetic stirring for continuous casting of bloom
密闭拌器closed agitator
帕丘卡中性浸出空气拌槽neutral Pachuca
帕丘卡串联空气拌浸出槽Pachuca tank cascade
帕丘卡空气拌浸出槽Pachuca tank
帕丘卡空气拌浸出槽Pachuca agitator
帕氏空气拌浸出槽leaching Pachuca
拌工具的汽车agitator truck
带途中拌工具的混凝土运输车agitator truck
干法dry stirring
干法dry mixing
干法dry puddling
干法炼法dry puddling (【技】用高级低硅生铁不经熔化过程炼制成熟铁的方法。)
干法炼法dry puddling
底吹拌气体bottom-stirring gas
底吹惰性气体inert gas bottom stirring
底吹气体拌能stirring energy from bottom gas
底吹气体拌能bottom gas stirring energy
底部拌工艺bottom-stirring process
弯棒式拌器bent rod type stirrer
strong stirring
violent stirring
violent agitation
拌 VOD strong stirring vacuum oxygen decarburization (【技】一种生产超纯铁素体不锈钢的强搅拌真空吹氧脱碳法。部分铁素体不锈钢抗应力腐蚀性能较高,且不含 Ni, 因此原材料成本较低,是发展廉价不锈钢的重要方向。但此类不锈钢含 (C+N) 较高时,焊接部位的耐蚀性和韧性会很差,难于加工成形。克服这种缺点的可靠途径就是用真空精炼的手段将钢中 (C + N) 降到极低水平。为了解决这个问题, SS-VOD 法,即强搅拌真空吹氧脱碳法,为冶炼超纯铁素体不锈钢开辟了有效途径。)
intense stirring
拌 VOD 法strong stirring VOD process
拌 VOD 法SS-VOD process
拌氩氧脱碳strong stirring vacuum oxygen decarburization
拌真空吹氧脱碳法strong stirring VOD process
拌真空吹氧脱碳法SS-VOD process
强制positive mixing
强烈vigorous stirring
强烈violent agitation
恒磁场型拌器constant magnetic-field type stirrer
感应inductive stirring
电磁感应induction stirring
感应induction stirring
电磁感应拌器induction stirrer
感应拌熔体inductively-stirred melt
感应拌电炉induction stirred furnace
感应拌的熔池inductively stirred bath (An inductively stirred bath is shown in Fig. 3-15 (a) while in Fig. 3-15 (b) the bath is stirred by bubbling argon through a porous plug located in the ladle bottom. 图3-15 (a) 为感应搅拌的钢水熔池,而图 3-15 (b) 为通过钢包底部多孔塞吹氩搅拌的钢水熔池。)
感应拌的钢水池inductively stirred bath
感应拌的钢液inductively stirred liquid steel
感应拌线圈induction stirring coil
感应电流induced current stirring
感应电流induced current stirring
手工熟铁hand puddling
stirring motion
动作用stirring effect
动冲洗agitated rinse
动区stirring section
动区agitation section
动床vibrated bed
动床反应器stirred-bed reactor
动床搅拌输送机stirred-bed agitator conveyer
动床搅拌送料器stirred-bed agitator-conveyer
动床设备stirred-bed plant
动挖掘agitation dredging
动挖泥agitation dredging
动时间duration of agitation
动流化床反应器agitated fluid bed reactor
动流化床氢氟化反应器agitated fluid bed hydrofluorination reactor
动结晶器agitated crystallizer
动臂agitator arm
动装置agitating equipment
动酸洗agitator pickling (酸液搅动或板材摆动)
poke hole
beetle (机)
blow down
效应stirring effect
拌位置stirring position
拌作用action of agitation
拌作用stirring action
拌力stirring force
拌区stirring zone
拌区stirred zone
拌区stirred region
拌卧式高压釜agitated horizontal autoclave
混凝土拌厂batching plant
拌反应槽stirred tank reactor
拌喷枪stirring lance
拌器blending machine
拌器stirring device
AEG-Elotherm 拌器AEG-Elotherm stirrer (一种连铸用行波磁场型搅拌器)
DPC 拌器DPC stirrer (一种连铸用旋转磁场型搅拌器)
IRSID-CEM 拌器IRSID-CEM stirrer (一种连铸用旋转磁场型搅拌器)
RMS 拌器RMS stirrer (一种连铸用的旋转磁场型搅拌器)
NSC-DKS 拌器NSC-DKS stirrer (一种连铸用行波磁场型搅拌器)
Magnetogyr 拌器Magnetogyr stirrer (一种连铸用旋转磁场型搅拌器)
IR 拌器IR stirrer (一种连铸用行波磁场型搅拌器)
Ferrco-Toronto 拌器Ferrco-Toronto stirrer (一种连铸用旋转磁场型搅拌器)
Concast-ASEA 拌器Concast-ASEA stirrer (一种连铸用行波磁场型搅拌器)
拌器agitating device
拌圆盘真空过滤机Agidisc filter
拌处理过的小方坯stirred billet
拌孔stopper hole (搅炼炉的)
拌孔rabbling hole
拌工序blending procedure
拌干燥器agitator drier
拌床反应器stirred-bed reactor
拌度degree of agitation
拌强度intensity of stirring
拌强度stirring intensity
拌强度amount of agitation
拌效应agitation effect
拌时间duration of stirring
拌时间time of agitation
拌时间duration of agitation
拌机mechanical agitator
拌机械rabbling mechanism
拌条件stirring condition
拌桨叶stirrer paddle
拌桨叶stirring blade
拌桨叶stirrer arm
拌桨叶mixing paddle
拌桨叶mixing arm
拌棒stirrer bar
拌槽agitation vat
拌槽agitator tank
拌槽conditioner cell
拌槽agitator bath
拌槽agitation tank
拌槽conditioning tank
拌槽agitated bath
拌槽式微生物反应器stirred tank bioreactor
拌气体stirring gas
拌气体流量stirring gas rate
拌流动特性stirring flow characteristics
拌流动速度velocity of stirring flow
拌流动速度stirring flow velocity
拌浸出leaching by agitation
拌浸出agitator leach
拌浸出agitation leach
拌浸出高压釜agitated leaching autoclave
拌淬火agitation quenching (槽浴中的)
拌混合槽mixer-agitator tank
拌炉rabbling furnace (焙烧用)
拌焙烧炉rabbling roaster
拌用多孔塞porous stirring plug (The ladle is positioned such that the snorkel is situated right above the porous stirring plug, Fig. 3-23.如图 3-23 所示,钢包的放置应使隔离罩正好位于多孔搅拌塞的上方。)
拌程度stirring degree
拌程度degree of agitation
拌站stirring station (In the design of a steel plant the model can provide answers to such questions as to the number of ladles required, the type of continuous casting machine, the location of stirring stations, preheating equipment selection, expected shell temperature of ladle, etc. 在设计钢厂时,该模型可以对下述问题给出答案:所需钢包数量、连铸机类型、搅拌站位置、预热设备的选择、钢包壳温度期望值等。)
拌系统pugmill system
拌线圈stirring coil
拌线速度linear stirring velocity
拌耙rake stirrer
拌耙rabbling hoe
拌臂agitator arm
拌臂mixing arm
拌装置stirring apparatus
拌装置stirring device
拌装置agitating device
拌角速度angular stirring velocity
拌设备agitating equipment
拌质量quality of agitation
拌辊stirring roll
拌辊in-roll stirrer
拌运动强度intensity of stirring motion
拌送料器agitator conveyer
拌速度rate of agitation
拌速度控制stirring velocity control
拌速度控制control of stirring velocity
拌量amount of agitation
拌铸造stirring casting
熟,锻puddled iron
puddling iron
炼机械puddling machine
炼机械装置puddling machine
炼棒puddle stick (除渣用)
炼棒puddle stick
炼法Puddling process (【技】中世纪利用普德林炉大规模生产熟铁的冶金方法。因其在冶炼过程中金属呈半凝固状态,需要人力搅拌冶炼才能进行下去,故称为搅炼法,亦称为普德林法。)
炼渣best tap
炼炉puddling furnace
炼炉上渣puddlers top cinder
炼炉坯铁puddled bloom (中间产品)
炼炉坯铁puddled billet (中间产品)
炼炉渣puddling cinder
炼炉渣puddle cinder
炼炉火光puddler's candle (搅炼炉发出的一氧化碳蓝色火焰)
炼炉炉缸puddling hearth
炼炉炼铁法puddling furnace process
炼炉熟铁knobbled iron
炼炉熟铁球puddled ball
炼炉用生铁puddled pig iron
炼炉用赤铁矿puddlers mine
炼炼铁车间puddling works
炼熟铁puddling iron
炼熟铁puddle iron
炼熟铁puddled iron
炼车间puddling works
炼钢puddle steel
斜鼓形混凝土拌机tilting drum concrete mixer
旋转rotary stirring
有罩拌器cage-contained stirrer
有罩拌器agitator with shroud
未经拌处理的小方坯nonstirred billet
机械mechanical stirring
机械mechanical agitation
机械动式干燥坑rabbled-hearth drier
机械动膛式干燥窑rabbled-hearth drier
机械拌器mechanical stirrer
机械拌多膛焙烧炉mechanical multiple-hearth revolving-rabble type roaster
机械拌槽mechanically agitated tank
机械拌法脱硫desulphurization by Kanbara reactor (【技】铁水进人炼钢炉前在铁水罐中加人脱硫剂的同时,插人高铝质耐火浇注料搅拌器进行机械搅拌的铁水预脱硫法,亦称 KR 法。其优点是可以将铁水中的硫降到极低程度,是铁水脱硫的重要方法之一。该脱硫法由日本新日铁广田制铁所于1965年研制成功并应用于工业生产。)
机械拌炉mechanically rabbled furnace
机械拌耙mechanical rabble
机械拌高压釜mechanically-agitated autoclave
机械炼炉mechanical puddling furnace
机械化熟铁mechanical puddling
机械化熟铁mechanical puddling
板坯结晶器电磁slab mold electromagnetic stirring (【技】借助电磁感应产生的电磁力,促使板坯结晶器内钢水产生旋转或上下垂直运动,提高连铸板坯质量的技术。)
板坯结晶器电磁electromagnetic stirring in slab mold
格哈特炼炉冶炼熟铁法Gerhardt process
框式拌器gate mixer
框架式拌器gate type stirrer
框架式拌器gatetype stirrer
框架式拌器gate stirrer
轮式拌机paddle wheel agitator
桨叶式拌器paddle agitator
桨叶式拌机blade paddle mixer
桨叶式拌机compulsory mixer
桨叶式拌机paddle stirrer
桨叶式拌机arm mixer
桨式拌机paddle stirrer
桨轮式拌机paddle wheel agitator
气体gas agitation
气体动电弧再加热gas stirring arc reheating
气体gas stirring
气体gas agitation
气体拌冶金反应器gas stirred metallurgical reactor
气体拌熔体gas-stirred melt
气体拌电弧再加热gas-stirring arc reheating
气体拌的钢水gas-stirred liquid steel
气体拌系统gas-stirring system
气体拌能gas-stirring energy
气体拌设备gas-stirring equipment
气体喷射gas injection stirring
气动拌器pneumatic stirrer
气升拌槽airlift tank
气升式拌器airlift agitator
气泡bubble stirring
气泡拌效果bubble stirring effect
氧枪拌平衡lance bubbling equilibrium
氧枪拌平衡复合吹炼法BOF-LBE process BOF-LBE
拌熔体argon-stirred melt
氩枪argon lance stirring
氩气Ar stirring
氩气argon stirring (Turbulence at the slag/metal interface during argon stirring can result in slag entrainment and the formation of exogenous inclusions in the steel. 氩气搅拌时,渣/金界面处的紊流会导致卷渣和在钢水中形成外来夹杂物。)
氩气拌功能Ar stirring function
氩气拌实践Ar stirring practice
氩气拌操作Ar stirring operation
氩气拌法argon stirring method
氩气拌炉次argon stirred heat
氩气拌熔体argon-stirred melt
氩气拌用多孔塞porous plug for argon stirring
氩气拌站argon stir station (Granite City Steel is an integrated steelmaker with two blast furnaces, two basic oxygen furnaces, one LMF, two argon stir stations, and two slab casters. 格拉尼特城钢公司是一家钢铁联合公司,它有两座高炉、两座氧气顶吹转炉、一台钢包冶金炉,两个氩气搅拌站和两台板坯连铸机。)
氩气拌站argon stirring station
氩气拌能argon stirring energy
氩气拌装置argon stirring device
氩气后post-stirring with argon
沉淀拌机precipitating agitator
浸人式氩气submerged argon stirring
浸入式拌器submerged agitator
涡轮拌机turbine agitator
液心电磁electromagnetic stirring for liquid core
液相穴末端旋转rotary stirring at end of crater
液相穴末端电磁electromagnetic stirring at end of liquid pool
炉底拌工艺bottom-stirring process
炉底拌气体bottom-stirring gas
炉底拌气体bottom agitating gas
炉底拌系统furnace bottom stirring system
熔化炼法wet puddling (铁水在熔化状态下的搅炼熟铁法)
熔化炼法wet puddling
熔池agitation of bath
熔池bath stirring (【技】向金属熔池提供动力,使金属液和熔渣产生运动,以改善熔池冶金反应的动力学条件。熔池搅拌可借助于气体、机械、电磁感应等方法来实现。)
熔池shaking down (熔化)
熔池stirring of melt bath
熔池bath agitation
熔池拌的冶金效益metallurgical benefits of bath stirring
熔池拌运动stirring motion in melt
熔池表面拌度degree of surface agitation of bath
熟铁炼炉knobbling furnace
现场拌混凝土job mixed concrete
电动拌机electrical stirrer
电弧炉底吹气体拌技术stirring technique with bottom blowing gas into EAF
电弧热磁拌真空处理法ASEA-SKF process ASEA-SKF
电磁electromagnetic stirring
M-电磁electromagnetic stirring in mold (Electromagnetic stirring in the mould, (M/EMS), improves the surface, subsurface and internal quality of the as cast billets and blooms. 结晶器电磁搅拌改善了铸态方坯的表面质量、皮下质量和内在质量。)
S-电磁electromagnetic stirring in secondary cooling zone
电磁EMS (This approach was used for analyzing the relationships between EMS parameters and stirring intensity in the mold. 该方法用于分析电磁搅拌参数与结晶器内搅拌强度之间的关系。)
F- 电磁F-electromagnetic stirring (【技】将电磁搅拌器安装在连铸坯凝固末端,通常安装在液相穴长度的3/4处或铸流液芯直径小于 40mm 的区段。连铸坯的凝固末端为两相区,富集较高的溶质浓度,易形成严重的铸坯中心偏析。通过凝固末端电磁搅拌,可使液相穴末端的富集溶质液体分散到周围区域,消除或降低铸坯中心偏析和中心疏松,提高铸坯内在质量。)
F- 电磁F-stirring
M- 电磁in-mold electromagnetic stirring
M -电磁M-electromagnetic stirring
M- 电磁M-EMS
M-电磁mold electromagnetic stirring (【技】将电磁搅拌器安装在结晶器外围。搅拌器内铁心激发的磁场通过结晶器的钢质水套和铜板渗人到钢水中,借助电磁感应产生的电磁力,促使结晶器内钢水产生旋转运动或上下垂直运动。亦称 M- 电磁搅拌。)
M+S- 电磁M+S-stirring
M-电磁M-stirring (From these results, it is concluded that M-stirring enhances the uniform shell growth in the mold, thus resulting in the elimination of the surface cracks. 根据这些结果,得到的结论是:结晶器电磁搅拌强化了结晶器内坯壳均匀生长,从而消除了表面裂纹。)
S-电磁S-electromagnetic stirring (【技】将电磁搅拌器安装在二次冷却区,可以打碎连铸坯液相穴内的树枝晶搭桥,消除铸坯中心疏松和缩孔;碎枝晶片作为等轴晶核心,扩大俦坯中心等轴晶区,消除中心偏析;促使铸坯液相穴内夹杂物上浮,减轻内弧夹杂物集聚,改善铸坯内部质量。亦称为 S- 电磁搅拌。)
S 电磁S-stirring (Compared with S-stirring, a wider equiaxed crystal zone can be obtained with less negative segregation by M-stirring. 与采用二次冷却区电磁搅拌相比,结晶器电磁搅拌可以获得较宽的等轴晶区和较轻的负偏析。)
F- 电磁final-solidifying-end electromagnetic stirring
M+S- 电磁M + S-electromagnetic stirring
电磁electromagnetic stirring (【技】连铸时,利用电磁力控制钢液流动和凝固过程,改善铸坯质量的工艺,亦称为 EMS 技术。连铸采用电磁搅拌,可有效改善铸坯表面质量、扩大等轴晶区、减轻中心偏析和中心疏松。连铸电磁搅拌按其搅拌部位分为三种,即结晶器电磁搅拌 (M-EMS) 、二冷区电磁搅拌 (SEMS) 和凝固末端电磁搅拌 (F-EMS)。 此外,在钢铁工业中电磁搅拌还广泛用于炉外精炼时搅拌钢水,使其成分、温度均匀。)
F-电磁electromagnetic stirring at final solidifying end
电磁electromagnetic agitation
电磁拌位置electromagnetic stirring location
电磁拌原理electromagnetic stirring principle
电磁拌参数EMS parameter
电磁拌器magnetic stirrer
电磁拌器electromagnetic stirrer
电磁拌对冷隔的影响influence of electromagnetic stirring on cold shut
电磁拌强度electromagnetic stirring intensity
电磁拌技术electromagnetic stirring technology
电磁拌炉次electromagnetic stirring heat
电磁拌真空脱气electromagnetic stirring vacuum degassing (法)
电磁拌真空脱气法induction stirring degassing
电磁拌系统EMS system
电磁拌系统electromagnetic stirring system
电磁拌装置electromagnetic stirring unit
电磁拌装置electromagnetic stirring device
电磁拌设备electromagnetic stirring equipment
电磁拌设备magnetic stirring equipment
电磁拌设备magnetic stirrer installation
电磁拌辊electromagnetic stirring roll
电磁感应electromagnetic induction stirring
电磁感应拌器electromagnetic induction stirrer
电磁感应拌装置induction stirring device
真空土机de-airing pug mill
真空拌机de-airing mixer
真空电磁拌精炼法ISLD process
砂浆灰浆拌机mortar mixer
弧热真空精炼炉furnace ladle
磁力magnetic stirring
磁力拌效果magnetic stirring effect
磁流体力学拌器magnetohydrodynamic stirrer
离心式拌器centrifugal stirrer
空心拌器hollow stirrer
空气air agitation
空气air agitation
空气拌器airlift agitator
空气拌器air agitator
空气拌沉淀槽air agitated precipitation tank
空气拌电解electrolysis with air agitation
粗糙harsh mix
粘土拌机mud mixer
refining puddling (熟铁的)
线型拌器linear type stirrer
线性电磁拌器linear electromagnetic stirrer
组合式电磁combined electromagnetic stirring
EMS 组合式电磁combination
组合式电磁combination stirring
组合式电磁combination electromagnetic stirring
羽状动区plume zone (吹气形成的)
脱气拌机deairing mixer
脱气泥机deairing pug mill
膛式炼炉puddling basin
臂式拌机arm stirrer
蒸汽steam stirring
蒸汽拌高压釜steam-agitated autoclave
蒸汽喷射拌器steam jet agitator
蒸汽鼓泡拌式髙压釜steam-bubbling type autoclave
螺旋动床反应器screw-agitated bed reactor
螺旋拌器spiral agitator
螺旋拌机spiral stirrer
螺旋拌机pugmill type mixer
螺旋拌机pug mill
螺旋拌机pugmill type mixer
螺旋拌机helical blade stirrer
螺旋拌给料器screw-agitator feed
螺旋拌进料器screw-agitator feeder
螺旋式拌叶轮screw impeller
螺旋桨拌机helical blade stirrer
螺旋桨叶式拌运输机compulsory mixer
螺旋桨式拌器propeller-type agitator
螺旋磁场型拌器spiral magnetic field type stirrer
螺条拌器ribbon stirrer
行星式拌器planetary compulsory mixer
行波磁场型拌器travelling-wave magnetic-field type stirrer (铸坯电磁搅拌用)
行波磁场型拌器traveling-wave magnetic-field type stirrer (铸坯电磁搅拌用)
调整拌器correction agitator
转盘式拌机roller pan mixer
转筒式混凝土拌机rotary drum concrete mixer
转筒式混凝土拌机revolving-drum concrete mixer
辊式拌器roll stirrer
辊式拌器in-roll stirrer
边管提升拌器edge-lift agitator
过度excessive stirring
过度excessive agitation
适于炼炉用的赤铁矿puddlers mine
逆流countercurrent agitation
酸性浸出空气拌槽acid pachuca
钢包ladle stirring
钢包吹气gas-stirring in ladle
钢水molten steel stirring (【技】采用电磁感应、喷吹惰性气体等方法对钢水所进行的搅拌。它能使钢水成分和温度均匀化、促进冶金反应进行、加速夹杂物上浮净化钢水等。)
钢水liquid steel stirring (【技】采用电磁感应、喷吹惰性气体等方法对钢水所进行的搅拌。它能使钢水成分和温度均匀化、促进冶金反应进行、加速夹杂物上浮净化钢水等。)
钢水熔池steel bath stirring
铁水hot metal stirring
铅液螺旋拌器lead rotor
铅精炼锅拌器lead stirrer
锚式拌器anchor mixer
锚式拌机 anchor mixer
锚式拌机anchor mixer
锥底气体弥散拌器cone-bottom gas•dispersion agitator
镍质连枷状拌器nickel flail stirrer
除气拌机deairing mixer
集中拌厂central mixing plant
顶吹气体拌熔体top gas-stirred melt
顶渣吹氩top-slag Ar bubbling stirring
黄铁矿手工拌炉pyrite hand-rabbled furnace
鼓风拌电解electrolysis with air blowing
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