
Terms containing 提 前 角 | all forms | in specified order only
avia.以固定提前角沿追击曲线制导deviated pursuit guidance
auto.供油提前角fuel supply advance angle
railw.供油提前角advance angle of fuel supply
nautic., tech.供油提前角injection advance angle
auto.修正的点火提前角compensated ignition advance angle
auto.燃油喷射喷射提前角degree of injection advance
railw.喷油提前角commencement of fuel injection (angle of advance)
railw.喷油提前角injection advance angle
shipb.喷油提前角commencement of fuel injection
auto.柴油机喷油喷射提前角推迟装置fuel-injection retarding device
mil.固定提前角导航fixed lead navigation
auto.基准提前角basic advance angle
auto.基本点火提前角由转速和负荷决定的点火提前角basic ignition angle
auto.基本点火提前角由转速和负荷决定的点火提前角basic ignition advanced angle
auto.实际点火提前角actual timing
avia.提前角相遇航向near collision course
auto.开始爆燃时的点火提前角angle at the beginning of knock window
tech.提前角total lead angle
auto.点火系统提前角total advance angle
avia.提前角total correcting angle
auto.点火系统总点火提前角total ignition angletiming
auto.总点火提前角total advance
auto.超,移前角lead angle
archit.提前超前advance angle
archit.提前超前angle of advance
space提前位置方位角azimuth at future position
space提前方位角azimuth at future position
astronaut.提前方位角future azimuth
space提前角angle of allowance
space提前角angle of advance
space提前角advanced angle
tech.提前角angular advance
auto.提前角ahead angle
space提前角advance angle
auto.点火/燃油喷射提前角advance angle
avia.提前角lead angle
space提前角angle of lead
space提前角angular lead
space提前角lead-ahead angle
space提前角angular aiming allowance
auto.点火系统/燃油喷射提前角degree of advance
avia.提前角碰撞路线lead collision course
space提前角angle of lead table
tech.提前风向角predicted wind angle
tech.方向提前角lateral deflection angle
space提前角跟踪自导引zero-lead homing
auto.最大提前角full advance
tech.最大扭矩的最小点火提前角minimum advance for best torque
auto.最大转矩时的最小点火提前角minimum advance for best torque
auto.发动机最大转矩时的最小点火提前角minimum spark advance for best torque
auto.最大转矩时的最小点火提前角minimum spark advance for best torque
avia.提前角的射击lead firing
space提前角的自导引lead-homing control
avia.有固定提前角的截击航向clinodromic course
tech.柴油机喷油提前角firing angle
auto.点火提前正时ignition advance angle
auto.点火提前角ignition-timing angle
auto.点火提前角spark advance
auto.内燃机点火提前角spark-advance angle
auto.屏幕显示点火提前角IGN ADVANCE
auto.点火提前角ignition-timing advance
el.点火提前角ignition dwell angle
oil点火提前角ignition advance angle
auto.点火提前角advance angle of ignition
auto.测试仪字符点火提前角下止点SPARK ADV BTC
auto.点火系统点火提前角degree of ignition advance
auto.测试仪字符点火提前角控制SPARK CTRL ADV
auto.车间点火提前角测试仪timing-advance tester
auto.磁电机点火提前角调节杆magneto advance lever
auto.离心提前角centrifugal advance angle
auto.参数识别缩写1缸点火提前角ignition timing advance for #1 cylinder
avia.自动计算提前角的瞄准具automatic lead computing sight
shipb.角度提前量angular advance
construct.角提前angular advance
space角提前量angular lead
space角提前量angular aiming allowance
avia.计算提前角的光学瞄准lead computing optical sight
auto.调迟点火提前角adjustment of ignition timing to a more retarded angle
auto.点火系统起动点火提前角start advance angle
auto.点火系统起动提前角advance angle at start
auto.起动点火提前角start ignition angle
auto.进气提前角intake advance angle