
Terms for subject Economy containing 提到 | all forms | in specified order only
提到…就at the mention of
为将到期的债券再提供资金refinancing of maturing bonds
买方收到供方提交的发票后立即用现金支付The purchaser shall pay down promptly after submission of an invoice by the supplier
提到他没有任何义务及不动产负债He mentioned that he was free from any obligations and encumbrances
公司的一切重大决定必须提交公司董事会并得到董事会的批准All the important decisions of the company shall be submit ted to and approved by the board of directors
别处未曾提到not elsewhere mentioned
银行提取款项make a draft on (a bank)
到港提单port bill of landing
到货提货不著险、偷窃、扒窃及未交货险theft, pilferage & non-delivery
听人提到…时at the mention of
在刚刚收到的来信中,得知一家日本公司向我们提出较高的佣金及其他便利条件In your letter, you advise us that a Japanese company is offering us a higher commission and other facilities
在横滨卸货时,这些盒子常掉入水中,因此保险人已将保险费提高到百分之…Owing to the fact that these boxes are frequently dropped into the water during the unloading in Yokohama, the insurer has raised the premium to...%
在谈判开始阶段我们提到过我们的原则We mentioned our principle in the initial stage of the negotiations
将生产提高到最大限度maximize the production
将生产提高到最大限度maximize production
尽管我们很想提前发货,但由于运输能力有限实难办到However desirous we are of delivering goods ahead of schedule we cannot do so because of limited transport capacity
提到…时at the mention of
我们有在本地区独家制造和销售这一产品的权利,这一点已在上面特别提到We have the sole and exclusive right to produce and sell the goods in our area, as particularly provided for above
我们记得在上封信中特别提到过这一问题We remember having particularly mentioned this question in our last letter
我方将把根据合同条款提出的一切单证邮寄到你方的主要营业地点We shall send all documents under the terms of the contract to your principal place of business by post
提单是承运人收到货物并将货物装上货船的证明A bill of lading is evidence that the goods have been received on board by the carrier
根据你方代表的请求,我们将提前到10月份装运Upon the request of your representative, we will advance the shipment to October
索赔必须在货物到后一个月内提出,逾期无效The claim must be lodged within one month of the arrival of the goods, after that date all rights to it will be forfeited
老是迟到会影响你提升的机会Always being late would jeopardize your chances of promotion
考虑到包含于此的契约与协议,以及下文所提供的付款,双方彼此同意如下…In consideration of the covenant and agreement herein contained, and of the payments hereinafter provided, it is mutually agreed as follows...
请原谅我们没有注意到你在2月 21日信中所提之事Please accept our apologies for ignoring what you said in your letter of Feb 21
货到后提示货票the hold for arrival of goods
货到目的地方向付款人提示的汇票arrival draft
零售商所接到的有关产品的查询意见应提交给制造商All inquiries received by dealers relating to the products shall be refer red to manufacturers