
Terms for subject International trade containing 提出 | all forms | in specified order only
一方所提出的证据ex-parte evidence
不准否认或提出抗辩的制裁under penalty of estoppel
仲裁程序中提出的申请statement of claim in arbitration proceedings
仲裁程序中提出的索赔申请statement of claim in arbitration proceedings
作为抵消而提出的债权claim made by way of set-off
依法提出赔偿要求prosecute a claim
依限提出due presentment
保证债权人提出时立刻履行guarantee on first demand
其他当事人不能主张权利或提出抗辩的票据instrument free from claims and defenses of other parties
出口提单export bill of lading
原告应向被告的管辖法院提出控告actori sequitur forum rei
口头提出oral presentation
因损害或违犯契约而提出补偿物tender of amend
因货物不符合合同而提出主张的权利right to rely on lack of conformity
提出异议下按要求纳税pay duty under protest
对于材料装卸方法提出建议offer suggestions on materials handling methods
对仲裁裁决的有效性提出异议contest the validity of an award
对某一仲裁员提出异议的理由grounds for challenge of an arbitrator
对法院的管辖权提出异议contest jurisdiction
就人身侵害提出的诉讼personal claim (for personal injury)
就诉讼提出证据substantiate a claim
就载货的灭失、损坏提出的赔偿要求cargo claim
开出提单issue a bill of lading
提供服务的出口after-service export
提供的出售报价offered price
提出债权作为抵消assert a set-off
提出关于无管辖权的抗辩raise a plea of lack of jurisdiction
提出反诉act performed by way of counterclaim
提出履行合同tender performance
提出废除合同的诉讼institute proceedings for annulment
提出异议raise objection (to)
提出抗辩raise a plea
提出有关仲裁人管辖权的抗辩raise a plea as to the arbitrator's jurisdiction
提出有关制造资料,供未来研究发展的参考offering information on manufacturers, gained in research and development work
提出有初步推定证据力的债权establish a prima facie claim
提出某项债权抵销对方的请求权invoke a right as a defense for the purpose of set-off
提出海事债权assert a maritime claim
提出申诉provide recourse
提出索赔lodge a claim
提出索赔lodge claims
提出索赔要求submit a claim for compensation
提出结论与建议present the conclusion and recommendations
提出证据produce evidence
提出证据的责任onus of proof
提出赔偿要求raise a claim
提出赔偿要求put in a claim
提出追偿filing a claim for recovery
提出追偿file a claim for recovery
提出追偿要求provide recourse
无人能提出权利主张或异议的汇票bill free from claims or defenses
有权提出权利要求的人person entitled to make a claim
未提取的汇出汇款remittance and drafts outstanding
权利人无提出异议之权licensee estoppel
根据某项事由提出的抗辩plea based on the face that ..........
根据票外的关系提出诉讼bring an action outside the instrument
根据票据外的关系提出的诉讼action outside the instrument
根据责任范围提出的抗辩权defenses and limits of liability
由保税仓库中提出take out of bond
输出提单export bill of lading
输出提货单export bill of lading
铁路出口提单railway export bill of lading
铁道出口提单railway export bill of lading