
Terms for subject China containing 提出 | all forms | in specified order only
提出异议又不履行支付令neither dissented from nor complied with the order of payment
书面提出申辩意见submit the written defence
书面提出申辩意见present a written statement in his own defence
书面提出质询案address a written question
书面提出质询案address a written inquiry
书面提出辞职submit his written resignation to
书面提出进行审查的建议make a written proposal for review
书面提出进行审查的要求make a written request for review
书面或者口头提出filed in writing or orally
书面联名提出候选人nominate the candidates with joint signatures
代表候选人的提出nomination of candidates for deputies
以书面提出made in writing
口头提出filed orally
向... 提出抗议lodge a protest with
against…向 …提出抗议lodge a protest
向主席团提出审议意见submit its deliberated opinions to the Presidium
向人民代表大会常务委员会书面提出罢免要求submit a demand in writing to the standing committee of the people's congress for the recall of a deputy they elected
向全国人民代表大会提出submit to the National People's Congress
向全国人民代表大会提出修改宪法的议案submit to the National Peopled Congress bills on the amendment to the Constitution
向全国人民代表大会常务委员会提出对各方面工作的建议、批评和意见communicate: to the National People's Congress NPC Standing Committee suggestions, criticisms and comments on all aspects of its work
向同级人民法院提出抗诉present a protest to the people's court at the same level against the judgment or order
向常务委员会书面提出对国务院和国务院各部、各委员会的质询案submit to the Standing Committee written questions addressed to the State Council and the ministries and commissions under the State Council
向常委会提出报告report on...to the Standing Committee
就有关领域的问题提出建议offer suggestions on questions related to the fields
就有关领域的问题提出建议make suggestions on questions related to the fields
报警, 向警方告发某人,对某人提出起诉have the law on somebody
按照十届全国人大五次会议对经济财政工作提出的各项要求meet all the requirements for economic and financial work set out at the Fifth Session of the Tenth NPC
提出set forth
提出come up with
提出call for
提出一项议案propose a bill
提出主要目标set the major targets (for)
提出书面审查意见submit written comments and suggestions on the basis of their examination
提出了国民经济和社会发展的奋斗目标、指导方针和主要任务set forth the objectives, guiding principles and main tasks for China's economic and social development
提出交易申报propose transaction declaration
提出交易申报declare orders
提出人选be nominated by
提出人选nominate candidates for
提出仲裁要求的一方party that request for arbitration
提出修改宪法的议案submit a motion for amending the Constitution
提出修改意见put forward some suggestions to revise the Draf
提出修改方案work out a revision proposal
提出动议议案propose a motion for
提出反证prove to the contrary
提出审核意见set forth the opinions on examination
提出审议报告prepare a report on the examination
提出审议报告make a report on the deliberations
提出对代表的罢免案submit a proposal for the recall of a deputy (to)
提出对全国人民代表大会常务委员会组成人员的罢免案move to recall members of the National Peopled Congress NPC Standing Committee
提出对各方面工作的建议和意见offer suggestions and comments on all work
提出对各方面工作的建议和意见make suggestions and comments on all work
提出对国务院或者国务院各部、各委员会的质询案address questions to the State Council or the ministries and commissions under the State Council
提出工作报告present a work report
提出建议bring forward a proposal
提出建议raise proposals
提出建议书submit a written recommendation
提出异议raise objection
提出意见和建议advance opinions and proposals
提出抗诉present a protest
提出抗诉lodge a protest
提出控告lodge complaint
提出提案bring forward proposals
提出检察意见make suggestions
提出法律案submit legislative bill
提出申诉make complaints
提出申诉lodge a petition
向有关国家机关提出申诉、控告make to relevant State organs complaints or charges (against)
提出的意见comment presented
提出的法律案bill introduced
提出答辩状file a defence
提出罢免案make a motion to recall
提出议案propose a motion (for)
提出议案submit a bill (and proposals)
提出议案的代表the sponsor deputy
提出询问address inquiries
提出询问address a question
提出请求make a request
提出调查报告present an investigation report
提出质询raise questions
提出质询address an inquiry
提出辞职submit the resignation
提出辞职submit their resignations (to)
收集整理分组审议的意见和各方面提出的意见以及其他有关资料collect and sort out the deliberated opinions from group meetings and the opinions offered by the various quarters as well as other relevant information
明确提出clearly call for
有权提出意见have the right to put forward one's opinion
提出异议raise no objection
没有提出异议having raised no objection
法案的提出、审议和表决程序the procedures for submission, deliberation and voting of bills
由委员长会议提出at a suggestion of the Council of Chairmen
申请的提出file of one's application
研究提出是否修改法规的意见study and put forth suggestions as to whether to revise the regulations
联名提出be introduced jointly
联名提出jointly submit to
提出罢免的人员the deputy proposed to be recalled
提出罢免的人员persons proposed to be removed from office
议案提出the bill's sponsor
议案的提出submission of a bill
对问题调查研究提出建议conduct investigations and make proposals on
对问题调查研究提出建议investigate and propose solutions (to issues)
对问题调査研究提出建议conduct investigations and make proposals on
酝酿、联合提出deliberate on and jointly nominate
酝酿、联合提出候选人deliberate on and jointly nominate candidates
重新提出法律案submit a legislative bill anew