
Terms containing 提交 | all forms | in specified order only
construct.不可预见指一个 有经验的承包商 在提交投标文件 那天还不能合理 预见的unforeseeable means not reasonably foreseeable by an experienced contractor by the date for the submission of the tender
commer.不论货物发生何种情况,按 CIF 条件成交的买主可以根据提单对船主提岀诉讼,或根据保险单对保险人提出诉讼The c.i.f. buyer, whatever happens to the goods, will have either a cause of action on the bill of lading against the ship or a cause of action against underwriters on the policy
org.name., securit.东加勒比证券交易所东加勒比地区安圭拉、多米尼加、安提瓜、格林纳达、圣卢西亚Eastern Caribbean Securities Exchange
weightlift.两臂体侧交替提拉哑铃curl under arm
el.两阶段提交协议two phase commit protocol
UN为处理严重环境问题提供战略咨询支助信息交换所机制技术合作信托基金Technical Cooperation Trust Fund to Support the Clearing-House Mechanism through Provision of Consultancies on Strategies for Dealing with Serious Environment Problems
el.主叫身份提交calling identity delivery
proj.manag.主干网提供商互相连接、 在各自用户间交换数据Backbone providers connect to each other to exchange data between their customers
econ.买方收到供方提交的发票后立即用现金支付The purchaser shall pay down promptly after submission of an invoice by the supplier
IT二阶段两级提交确认two-phase commit
IT二阶段两级提交协议two-phase commit protocol
multimed.二阶段提交协议two-phase commit protocol
logist.提单release Bill of Lading
econ.交出提单surrender of bill of lading
busin.交出提单凭以提货surrender of bill of lading
tech.交出提单surrender bill of lading
textile交叉提款cross firing
telecom., amer.交换业务提供者市话公司,长话公司,蜂窝电话公司switch provider
busin.交换中交入与提出的票据incoming and outgoing clearing exchange
econ.交换提单switch bill of lading
interntl.trade.交换提单switch bill of lading (B/L)
busin.交换提单指经转运的货物,其启运港提单为交换提单Switch bill of lading
exhib.交提单release a bill of lading
securit.交易中风险提示take precautions against risks in trading
securit.交易提醒trade alert
securit.交易的提供者supplier of trading
textile交织大提花床罩mixed jacquard bed cover
textile交货提前时间deliver lead time
busin.交货提前期delivery lead times
textile交错浮线提花alternate accordion
commun.人为提高交混回响的播音室live studio
econ.提交了他们所要求的履约保证金He presented performance bond they required
econ.他们相信我方会作一切必要安排,提前交货They trust that we will make all necessary arrangements advance the delivery
fin.他行提出交换的本行票据in clearing
commer.付款交单凭信托收据借单提货D/P Trust Receipt
econ.付款请求书已提交给财务处长The payment requisition has been submitted to the chief of financial department
avia.低空空中加油提交low-altitude drogue delivery
econ.你方对这批货物提出的索赔应提交保险公司解决Your claim for compensation concerning this cargo should be referred to the insurance company
econ.你方应提交一份报表说明保险总额的限度You shall submit a statement as to the coverage limit
shipb.你方能不能再提前一点交货呢?Could you possible effect shipment more promptly?
econ.你的申诉已提交给董事会,经理会很快给你答复Your complaint has been referred to the board of directors and the manager will soon give you a reply
securit.债换股交换提议debt-equity exchange offer
tech.储量提交单位prospector and/or explorer of reserves
tech.储量提交日期presenting date of reserves
avia.先行提交系统advanced delivery system
auto.先进交通信息提供系统参阅 ITS;,系其子系统advanced traveller information system
shipb.免交提成费royalty free
econ.兑付…提交的汇honour sb's draft on presentation
shipb.全船舱室完整性提交completeness of all cabins to be delivery
econ.公司的一切重大决定必须提交公司董事会并得到董事会的批准All the important decisions of the company shall be submit ted to and approved by the board of directors
UN, geol.关于编写划界案提交大陆架界限委员会的训练手册training manual on the Preparation of a Submission to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf
avia.其他合同提交miscellaneous contract commitment
avia.提交更改recommitment of changes
avia.提交评价要求recommitment evaluation request
sport.凡上交仲裁组的申诉均应在正式宣告裁判长的裁决之后 30 分钟内提出An appeal to the Jury of Appeal must be made within 30 minutes of the official announcement of the decision made by the Referee
interntl.trade.凭提单交货delivery against B/L
tech.凭提单交货delivery against bill of lading
fin.利率设定程序提交报价submissions to the Libor rate-setting process
econ.到货提货不著险、偷窃、扒窃及未交货险theft, pilferage & non-delivery
avia.发动机数据提交engine data submittal
fin., India古瓦哈提证券交易所Guwahati Stock Exchange Ltd
gen.只要能提交能够证明您符合得到非移民签证条件的补充文件或证明,您就可以重新申请If additional information or supporting documentation is available which may further demonstrate an applicant's qualification for a visa, an application may be resubmitted
econ.合同中发生的纠纷应提交给被诉人住地的仲裁机构仲裁The disputes arising from the contract should be submitted for arbitration in the place where the defendant domiciles
commer.合约规定任何争议应提交伦敦商会指定的人进行仲裁The contract provides that any difference or dispute shall be referred to the arbitration of a person appointed by the London Chamber of Commerce
China, polit.向..... 提交submit to
UN向发展中国家提供顾问处理严重环境问题以支助情报交换所机制的技术合作信托基金Technical Cooperation Trust Fund to Support the Clearing House Mechanism through Provision of Consultants to Developing Countries for Dealing with Serious Environment Problems
gen.向…提交讨论bring before
securit.向政府提交加强上市监管事宜的意见submission to the Government to enhance the regulation of listing
org.name., securit.国家股票交易所美国原辛辛纳提股票交易所National Stock Exchange
econ.国际商品提交换所International Commodities Clearing House
avia.图纸提交监控系统drawing submittal monitoring system
gen.在某些例子中,申请被拒是因为没有提交必要的信息和相关文件In some instances, the application is denied because necessary information or supporting documents were not submitted
econ.在设法建新车间之前,你必须先把各项计划提交给厂长Before attempting to build a new workshop, you have to submit the plans to the director
avia.垂直船上提交vertical onboard delivery
IT增量提交incremental commitment
econ.如有必要,我们将向董事会提交一份报告,以明信守We will submit a report to the Board of directors under oath if necessary
commer.如果买方在货物运输途中变得无法清偿货款,即便提单已交付买方或其代理人,卖方仍有权停止交货If the buyer becomes insolvent when the goods are in transit, the seller is entitled to stop the delivery even where the B/L has already been delivered to the buyer or his agent
shipb.如果你们答应提前一个月交货,我们就同意开信用证We will open a L/C if you promise to effect shipment one month earlier.
gen.如果你要去英国,在少数情况下,可能会被要求面谈一次或电话交谈一次。工作人员会向你提供一个最早可以面谈的日期If you want to go to the U. K. , in a small number of cases, you may be asked to attend an interview or take part in a telephone interview. If you are asked to attend an interview, they will offer you the first available interview date
econ.如果要重新提交样品,则任何附加测试的费用必须由你方负担In the event of the resubmission of samples you must bear the cost of any additional tests
shipb.如果贵方能提前交货,我们才可接受贵方价格We may accept your price only if you can make an earlier shipment.
econ.如果这个争论无法通过谈判解决,则应提交仲裁委员会裁决In case this dispute is not negotiable adj., it may be submitted to a committee for arbitration
econ.如赔偿金额超过50万英镑,该案将提交仲裁If the compensation exceeds £ 500 000, the case will be submitted to arbitration
avia.存储信息提交服务content delivery service
proj.manag.它的破产申请应该在伦敦时间下午1点钟左右、美国股市开市前、提交给位于曼哈顿的联邦法院Its bankruptcy petition is due to be filed in a federal court in Manhattan at about 1pm London time, before the US markets open
avia.客户驱动,提前交付customer-driven, previously delivered
busin.对不起,我们无法提早交货I'm sorry. We can't advance the time of delivery
proj.manag.对于我、作为一个服务提供商、如果交易成本很高、我就不能在一个小时内给客户提供一辆汽车And for me, as a service provider, I would never be able to provide you a car for an hour if the transaction cost was anything
securit.对暂停交易提出上诉appeal against suspension
econ.将 M 提交 Ncommit M to (N)
econ.货物提交submit goods to (customs control, 海关检査)
commer.将争议提交仲裁submit a dispute for arbitration
China, polit.将候选人名单提交代表酝酿、讨论submit the list of candidates to the deputies for deliberation and discussion
commer.将对损失费的索赔提交仲裁submit a claim for damages for arbitration
commer.将货提交海关查验submit goods to customs authorities
interntl.trade.将货物提交海关检查submit goods to customs control
gen.提交be submitted to
gen.提交…处理讨论be referred to
econ.应将一切实际情况、数据及资料随同投标文件一起提交The bid documentation should be submitted together with all the facts, data and materials
busin.延迟提交late presentation
proj.manag.建议书提交前预备会pre-proposal conference
econ.律师已将被告人的申诉提交仲裁委员会The lawyer has submitted the statement of the defendant to the arbitration commission
econ.总经理应提交一套所签合同的复印本给董事会The managing director shall submit a set of reproducibles of the agreement newly signed to the board of directors
IT惰性提交lazy commit
tech.成果提交方式presentational fashion of results
econ.我们与这家银行交往的经验使我们不能向你们提供一份有利他们的报告Our experience with this bank does not warrant our giving you a favourable report
econ.我们愿意让一步,同意你们对这笔交易所提的条件We are prepared to stretch a point and agree to your terms for this transaction
econ.我们提出这个要求,并不是利用双方多年交往关系,而是出于需要We advanced the request not presuming upon our long association, but out of necessity
commer.我们获悉你方已提交了进口许可证的申请We note that you have handed in your application for import licence
econ.我方在提交报价前将先派出代表Our reps will be sent in advance of our submitting the quotations
econ.我方对一切提交给我们的信息均严加保密We hold all information submitted to us in strict confidence
econ.我方将把全套交单提交给你方We shall deliver to you a set of tender documents
avia.战术批量空中提交系统mass tactical aerial delivery system
econ.提交的图案和颜色均不符合顾客要求The design and colour submitted do not serve the purpose of the customer
econ.所有不动产,如无具体的处理办法,则应提交法院判决All real estate, the disposition of which is not specifically provided for, shall be submitted to the court
proj.manag.所有重要问题都必须提交董事会讨论Important problem must be submitted to the board of directors for discussion
avia.手提式交通管制灯portable traffic light
avia.承包者的信息提交Contractor's information submittal
gen.把M提交交付,委托Nrefer M to (N, 处理,讨论)
gen.把 M 提交 N 批准submit M to N for approval
gen.把 M 提交 N 批准present M to N for approval
gen.把事情提交委员会讨论put a matter before a committee
tech.投标提交的最后期限deadline for submission of bids
proj.manag.投标书提交时间time for bid submission
tech.报告提交及时率timely rate of report filing
tech.报告提交日期reporting date of report
telecom.报文提交抽象操作message-submission abstract-operation
telecom.探查提交probe-submission (MHS)
econ.提交hand in
gen.提交give in
manag.提交hnad in
gen.提交give in
gen.提交请示上级解决go upstairs
sport.提交书面申诉submit the appeal in written form
commer.提交产权契据deed of surrender
tech.提交仲裁submission for arbitration
commer.提交仲裁submission to arbitration (协议)
textile提交仲裁submission to arbitration
interntl.trade.提交仲裁engage in arbitrage
tech.提交仲裁refer to arbitration
interntl.trade.提交仲裁裁决deposit of the award
tech.提交仲裁裁决deposite of the award
econ.提交仲裁解决deposit of the award
comp., MS提交佇列Submission queue (A persistent queue that is used to hold messages that are submitted to the Exchange Server organization through SMTP-receive, the Pickup directory, or the store driver)
agric.提交作业submit job
fin.提交保险费支票tender a cheque for the premium
econ.提交保险费支票tender a check for the premium
avia.提交信息包submission information package
auto.提交修理under repair
auto.提交修理placement under repair
commer.提交单据production of documents
commer.提交单据surrender of documents
interntl.trade.提交单据presentation of document
commer.提交单据tender of documents
busin.提交单据delivery of document
China, law提交原件submit the originals
securit.提交发行审核委员会审核的报告submitting files for examination by issuance examination commission
econ.提交国际法院Brought Before the International Court of Justice
proj.manag.提交图纸submit drawing
tech.提交图纸submit drawings
China, polit.提交大会审议的预算草案及指标the draft budgets and their targets submitted to the session
China, polit.议案提交大会表决put the bills or proposals to a vote at a plenary meeting
China, polit.提交审议结果报告submit a report on the results of the deliberations
el.提交并发与恢复commitment concurrence and recovery
IT提交、并发和恢复commitment, concurrency and recovery
tech.提交建议书预备会pre-proposal conference
tech.提交投标时间time for bid submission
exhib.提交报价submission of quotation
China, polit.提交、提出报告、审议意见等submit
IT提交操作commit operation
IT提交文件submit file
nautic., tech.提交submitter
el.提交方式means of delivery
space提交日期submission date
agric.提交时间submission time
securit.提交标书submit tender
interntl.trade.提交汇票delivery of the bill of exchange
textile提交海关检查submit to customs control
interntl.trade.提交海关检查管理submit to customs control
IT提交commit point
IT提交状态submit state
IT提交确认confirmation of delivery
agric.提交确证confirmation of delivery
multimed.提交管理submission management
busin.提交纳税申报表submit a tax return
gen.提交给维炉人员的要求一览表qualitative personal requirements information
securit.提交给美国证券委员会的季度报告quarterly reporting to SEC
commer.提交美国仲裁协会进行仲裁be submitted to AAA for arbitration
proj.manag.提交董事会board presentation
securit.提交虚假证明submit falsified certificates
busin.提交计划delivery of program
sport.提交讨论put forward for discussion
sport.提交讨论bring up for discussion
econ.提交议会前预算informal presentation
busin.提交证券交易委员会的季度报告quarterly reporting to SEC
avia.提交试车delivery test
tech.提交试验submit to test
interntl.trade.提交货单production of shipping documents
interntl.trade.提交货物tender goods
comp., net.提交贴子submit post
multimed.提交软件submission software
IT提交边界commitment boundary
cryptogr.提交阶段commit phase
securit.提交预测forecast submission
commer.提交预算submit a budget
securit.提价交易uptick trade
securit.提供交易双方开价quote two-way prices
fin.提供交易收费折扣offer discounted transaction fees
fin.提供"纸黄金"网上交易产品offer "paper gold" online trading products
securit.提供自动交易服务providing automated trading services
China, law提出交易申报propose transaction declaration
China, law提出交易申报declare orders
busin.提前交付的票据bill for premature delivery
space提前交会early-bird encounter (未命中,口语)
avia.提前交会early-bird encounter
securit.提前交易when-issued trading
securit.提前交易when issued
fin.提前交易when issued (指在证券已获准发行但尚未正式发行之时进行的交易)
fin.提前交易when-issued trading (指在证券获准发行但尚未正式发行之时进行的交易)
fin.提前交易制度when-issued trading system
fin.提前交易合约when-issued contract
fin.提前交易市场when issues market
securit.提前交易的合同when-issued contract
fin.提前交易股票when-issued stock (指已获准发行但尚未正式发行之时进行交易的股票)
fin.提前交易股票when-issued shares (指已获准发行但尚未正式发行之时进行交易的股票)
fin.提前交易证券when-issued securities (指已获准发行但尚未正式发行之时进行交易的证券)
tech.提前交货premature delivery
tech.提前交货early delivery of goods
securit.提前报交易所备案report to the exchange for filing in advance
commer.提单一经提交买主The property right in the goods passes when the bill of lading relating to them is tendered to the buyer
commer.提单一经提交买方The goods are deemed to be delivered to buyer when B/L is delivered to him
China, law提取交易风险准备金withdraw a trading risk reserve
tech.提取热交换器extract exchanger
fin.提示交单document against presentation
tech.提示交单documents against presentation
textile提货交单documents against acceptance
busin.提货交单documents contre acceptation
textile收货人指定交提单consignee order B/L
avia.改进的武器提交系统improved weapons delivery system
proj.manag.政府推行电子表格计划、 是希望方便市民以电子方式向政府提交资料The Government has launched the e-form project to provide the public with greater convenience in electronic submissions to the Government
econ.新雇员向雇主提交了一项补充建议The new employee submitted a subproposal to his employer
busin.无提货单凭赔偿担保交货indemnity and guarantee delivery without B/L
avia.更改提交记录change commitment record
commer.有义务提交已装船的清洁提单be obliged to tender shipped on board clean bills of lading
avia.有效提交时间time available for delivery
econ.本拟提交仲裁,唯望通过双方友好协商解决,故作罢We could submit it for arbitration but restrained from doing so because we wished it could be settled through friendly negotiation of both sides
el.机载目标瞄准与交叉提示系统airborne targeting and cross cueing system
avia.机载瞄准和交互提示系统airborne targeting and cross-cueing system
econ.根据协议中第六条规定,万一产生争论,可提交调解委员会解决In case any dispute should arise, it can be submitted to a conciliation committee for a settlement according to Article 6 of the agreement
met.正交流动区域提纯器cross-flow zone refiner
commer.此处习惯于提交形式发票一式三份It is customary here to have Proforma Invoice submitted in triplicate
econ.此项重要建议将提交董事会考虑This important proposal will be put to board
avia.武器控制和提交weapons control and delivery
gen.每位申请人,包括儿童在内,都必须要有自己的 DS-160签证申请表。在去大使馆进行面谈之前,须通过在线方式完成并提交 DS-160表Each applicant - including children - must have their own visa application, which is known as the DS-160. The DS-160 must be completed and submitted online prior to your interview at the American embassy
econ.汇票提交时立即照付honour sb's draft on presentation
interntl.trade.汇票承兑后交付提单documents against acceptance
interntl.trade.汇票承兑后交付提单document against acceptance
econ.法院可以裁决提交仲裁的争执The court may decide a dispute which is referable to arbitration
avia.波音在线提交Boeing on line delivery
textile涤锦丝交织提花绸polyester/nylon suiting
textile涤锦交织提花绸polyester/nylon mixed brocade
gen.溶剂提取与离子交换Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange
econ.甲板交货提单on deck bill of lading
multimed.电子提交electronic submission
avia.电子文档提交服务electronic file delivery service
avia.电气联络更改提交记录electrical liaison change commitment record
textile直交提单straight bill of lading
textile直交提单straight B/L
interntl.trade.直交提单straight bill of lading (B/L)
telecom.直接提交direct submission
avia.相关工程资料自动检索系统工程信息提交reference engineering data automated retrieval system/engineering information delivery
met.矿浆离子交换提取resin-in-pulp extraction
multimed.IContact 社交服务提供商IContact
fin.票据交提日期date of clearance
met.离子交换提取萃取ion-exchange extraction
logist.空箱提交equipment despatch order
tech.集装箱空箱提交equipment dispatch order
avia.终端项目提交end item delivery
econ.缔约双方的任何分歧可提交仲裁,并由其裁定Any differences between the two parties may be submitted to, and determined by arbitration
el.网络服务提供商因特网交换点network service provider Internet exchange point
avia.联络更改提交中心liaison change commitment center
avia.联络更改提交记录liaison change commitment record
econ.自动提交保险费贷款automatic premium loans
busin.自动提交保险费贷款automatic premium loan
fin.自动化交易服务提供者automated trading service provider
proj.manag.舱面交货提单on deck bill of lading
met.船上交货提单on deck B/L
busin.船边交货与提货brought to and taken from alongside
interntl.trade.船边交货和提货brought to and taken from alongside
commer.船边交货提单alongside B/L
econ.船边交货提单an alongside bill of lading
tech.船边交货提单alongside bill of lading
tech.提交的技术文件document to be submitted
econ.要求谈判人将修订的合同重新提交总经理批准The negotiator is required to resubmit the revised contract to the executive for his approval
tech.要求银行提交财务报表通知bank call
fin.认可自动化交易服务提供者authorized ATS provider
securit.证券提价交易规则美国相关证券法规定,除非卖空前的交易价格低于卖空交易被执行的价格,否则证券不能被卖空uptick rule
securit.证券提价交易规则uptick rule
securit.证券提价交易规则up tick rule
econ.该公司交纳关税后提出海关扣押的货物The company paid duty and took goods out of bond
econ.详细的销售计划每隔两月提交给销售经理一次Detailed sales schedules are submitted to the sales manager at two month intervals
IMF.请求提交建议书request for proposal procurement
proj.manag.读取机如果接近电源、 可直接与交流电源连接、 或者由电池提供电力Readers may be AC-powered if they are near power outlets or may be battery-powered
econ.财务报告在提交给董事会之前应仔细审核The financial report should be carefully checked before submission to the board of directors
textile账单已提交bill lodged
securit.辛辛那提股票交易所Cincinnati Stock Exchange
org.name., securit.辛辛那提证券交易所美国Cincinnati Stock Exchange
fin., amer.辛辛那提证券交易所Cincinnati Stock Exchange
proj.manag.这个高性能的折叠网络使用了三层交换、为客户端和服务器提供网络冗余The high performance collapsed backbone uses layer three switching. Network redundancy are provided to clients and servers
econ.这些费用在你方香港代理人提交单据后由收货人付给On presentation of the documents by your agents in Hongkong these expenses will be paid by consignees
space遥控提交telecommand delivery
telecom.间接提交indirect submission
telecom.间接提交端口indirect submission port
securit.降低杠杆交换提议debt-reducing exchange offers
econ.零售商所接到的有关产品的查询意见应提交给制造商All inquiries received by dealers relating to the products shall be refer red to manufacturers
shipb.非常抱歉,我们不能提前交货I'm very sorry, we can't advance the time of delivery.
work.fl.项目提交文件简写为PSDproject submission document
AI.项目可提交的成果project deliverable
org.name., securit.高哈提证券交易所印度Gauhati Stock Exchange