
Terms for subject Economy containing 推销 | all forms | in specified order only
一次推销an once-for-all method of amortization
专业推销训练人员据以评价每一推销训练方案在一给定情况下所具有效果的四个方面aim, content, method, expectation (即目的、内容、方法、期望)
个别联络推销direct marketing by personal solicitation
产品连续推销follow treaty
他们以佣金报酬方式雇推销员出售地产They hired salesmen to sell estates on commission basis
他们努力推销照相机,但收效甚微They gave their cameras the hard sell, but the effect is slim
代理商的工作就是推销、经销或促销某一厂家的产品An agent's work is to sell, distribute or promote the sale of the products made by a certain factory
供给与推销supply and marketing
倾力推销high pressure (selling)
健全的推销组织a well-developed sales organization
公开推销费用above the line expenditure
减价将提高他们推销这些产品的积极性The decrease in price will boast their zeal to push the products
劝买性推销the persuasive selling
协助推销assist in pushing the sale of...
双方同意尽其最大努力直接向用户或通过其销售渠道来推销共同研制的产品Both parties agree to use their best efforts to promote the sale of the jointly developed products either directly to users or through their distribution channels
商业推销a commercial traveller
因为这种货物价格太高,我方实在难以推销It is very difficult for us to push the sale of this article, because its price is too high
国外推销an expatriate salesman
外放国外推销expatriate salesman
大众推销mass selling
夸大的推销宣传a glib sales talk
如经销商无力付款,我们有权推迟发货We shall have the right to delay shipment if the distributors fail to meet the payments
寡占下的推销活动selling activities in oligopoly
市场推销运动marketing campaign
希给予合作推销我方这项新工艺We hope you will cooperate in fostering interest for this new technology of ours
帕克曼从经理降为推销Parkman was demoted from manager to salesman
帮助推销的人dealer aids (或物)
广告与推销advertising and promotion
建议性推销suggestive selling
强行推销hard selling
很遗憾,你们这种新产品不值得我方努力推销We regret to say that the new product of yours is not worth our effort to promote
律师着手进行为推销员回收欠款的民事诉讼程序The attorney instituted civil proceedings for the collection of debts by the salesman
惯性推销inertia selling
我从不吹嘘自己的推销术有多么好I am not given to boasting of my salesmanship
我们不再雇用额外的上门售货推销We will not employ any additional door-to-door salesmen
我们充分相信你方能有效地推销我方产品We have full confidence in that you can sell our products efficiently
我们已扩大接触面,以便有效地推销新产品We have widened our contracts to promote the new product effectively
我们希望这一措施将有助于你方的推销We hope this measure will facilitate your efforts in sales
我们必须扩充推销员队伍We have to expand our sales force
我公司代理必须是领到正式执照的推销员或经纪人Our agent must be a duly licensed salesman or broker
我公司利用报纸、杂志、录音带、彩色图表等做广告推销我方产品Our company advertises the sales of our products by means of newspapers, magazines, recordings, colour schemes, etc
我方一直在考虑代理问题,希望贵方继续努力推销我方的产品We are considering the question of agency and hope you continue to use your efforts in pushing the sale of our products
我方有足以胜任的推销人员来完成此项任务We have salesmen competent enough to accomplish the task
扫射式推销flock shooting
拉通推销the pull-through marketing
按指定路线销售的推销route man
挨户推销door-to-~ selling
推知销售数extrapolate sales figure
…推销make sales of
推销promote transactions
推销make a push on (a house, 房屋)
推销主要步骤key step in selling
推销产品promote the transaction of products
推销产品promote a product
推销产品的积极性the zeal to push the product
推销及管理成本the selling and administration cost
推销travelling agent
推销direct sales forces
推销a missionary salesman
推销field salesman
推销员旅差交际费salesman's travelling and entertainment expenses
推销员的无能造成了营业额的下降The inefficiency of the sales staff causes a fall in turnover
推销员薪金及佣金a missionary salesman's salaries and commission
推销奖金the push money
推销媒介promotion media
推销展示sales presentation
推销广告sales promoting advertisement
推销成本sales promotional cost
推销成本marketing cost
推销成本distribution cost
推销成本分析distribution cost analysis
推销成本的地区分析the territorial analysis of distribution cost
推销技巧selling technique
推销技术marketing technology
推销技术marketing techniques
推销新产品promotion of a new product
推销明细表schedule of amortization
推销sales technique
推销机器push sales of machines
推销活动sales promotion
推销活动promotional activities
推销活动trade drive
推销活动act of pushing
推销活动对消费者偏好的重要性significance of selling activities for consumer preferences
推销活动报酬递减decreasing returns, from selling activities
推销活动的不完全imperfections in selling activities
推销活动的递增报酬increasing return from selling activities
推销种类promotion mix
推销promotional expense
新任总经理解雇了二分之一的推销The new managing director fired half the sales force
旅行推销travelling salesman
旅行推销commercial traveller
明星推销a star salesman
杂志推销a magazine solicitation
派出一组推销dispatch a group of salesmen
流动推销itinerant salesman
游说推销sales talk
游说推销sale talk
硬行推销a hard sell
硬行推销hard sell
私人推销活动below-the-line promotional activity
线上推销指采用广告形式, 在报纸、电视或其他媒介上宣传推销商品above-the-line promotion
细节推销detail man
经理没有实现他的推销计划因为董事们投票反对此项计划The manager didn't realize his plan for sales because directors had voted against it
自设推销系统直接销售direct marketing by integration
证券推销a boiler room
推销员今天拜访了一位最佳客户The salesman called on one of his best clients today
该公司已雇用他们为销售其新商品的推销The company has employed them to act as its salesman for the sale of the new commodity
请尽全力推销这些产品Please make your whole efforts to promote these products
这些媒体更适合于生产资料的推销These media are more appropriate to the sales of capital goods
进攻性推销hard sales promotion
连环式推销the referral selling
逐户推销house-to-~ selling
通函一般是为产品宣传和特价销售发的推销Circular letters are usually sales letters advertising products or special offers
那家工厂厂长同意将产品交付给推销The director of that factory agrees to consign the products to the salesmen
那笔现金可交托给该推销The salesman can be trusted with that cash
金字塔式推销the pyramid selling
销售代理将尽全力用各种方法推销新产品The sales representative will make every effort to merchandise the new products
销售额低是推销员工作不积极所导致的失误The lower sales figures were the fault of a badly motivated sales force
附送赠品的商品推销coupon system
随函推销envelope stuffer
饵诱推销the bait-and-switch selling
高压推销high pressure (selling)