
Terms for subject Finances containing 推进 | all forms | in specified order only
全面推进投资自由化和便利化comprehensively promote the investment liberalization and facilitation
全面推进改革开放和现代化建设comprehensively advance reform, opening up and modernization
加快推进改革开放accelerate the reform and opening up
坚定不移全面推进改革be steadfast in promoting reform
坚持推进改革的决心不动摇remain firm in our resolve to advance reform
推进理论theory of big push
大力推进经济结构调整strongly promote economic restructuring
大力推进自主创新vigorously promote innovation
推动人民币进一步国际化push for greater international use of renminbi
推进人民币国际化expanding international use of the renminbi
推进人民币汇率形成机制改革promote Rmb exchange rate reform
推进人民币资本项下可兑换工作press ahead with making the RMB convertible under capital accounts
推进全面经济合作promote comprehensive economic cooperation
推进利率市场化改革push forward the market-based reform of interest rates
推进国际金融机构改革promote the reform of international financial institutions
推进市场改革push market reform
推进布雷顿森林机构改革advance the reform of the Bretton Woods Institutions
推进战略目标push strategic objectives
推进改革advance reforms
推进更为广泛的经济合作promote more extensive economic cooperation
推进机制改革promote institutional reform
推进现代化进程push ahead the process of modernization
推进经济全球化promote economic globalization
推进资本账户自由化move toward capital account liberalization
着力推进循环发展endeavor to promote circular development
着力推进改革开放和自主创新press ahead with reform and opening up and with independent innovation
积极推进企业兼并重组vigorously carry out enterprise mergers and reorganizations
积极推进企业技术改造vigorously carry out technological upgrading in enterprises
积极推进投资自由化便利化actively promote investment liberalization and facilitation
稳妥推进国际货币体系改革advance the reform of the international monetary system in a steady manner
稳步推进利率、汇率市场化改革steadily carry out reforms to make interest rates and the RMB exchange rate more market-based
稳步推进市场为导向的改革steadily push forward market-oriented reform
进口推动通货膨胀import-push inflation