
Terms for subject International trade containing 控 制 | all forms | in specified order only
不可控制的成本uncontrollable cost
不可控制的成本non-controllable cost
不可控制的费用uncontrollable expenses
主动控制的有条件出口conditional export
产量控制output control
价格控制price control
价格控制集团price ring
优惠进口管理与控制制度system of administration and control of preferential imports
信用控制credit control
信用数量控制quantitative credit control
信用质量控制qualitative credit control
单向控制unicontrol car
单钮控制unicontrol car
卖方所不能控制的情况circumstance beyond seller's control
原料控制material control
控制的通货膨胀如战时repressed inflation
控制成本controllable cost
控制费用controllable expenses
可以控制的可变因素controlled variables
商业控制commercial control
商品控制control of merchandise
商贩控制commercial control
基量存货控制base stock system of inventory control
多数控制majority control
存货控制stock control card
实际控制working control
对外贸易的控制政策policy of controlling foreign trade
工资控制wage control
所有权和控制权的分离separation of ownership and control
控制公司control company
控制外围投资流入entry controls relating to foreign investment
控制权益controlling interest
控制汇率制度controlled-exchange system
控制湿度的集装箱humidity-controlled container
控制经济command-directed economy
控制股权controlling interest
控制跨度span of control
控制通货膨胀curbing inflation
控制通货膨胀政策disinflationary policies
支出控制control of expenditure
信用数量控制quantitative credit control
无法控制的通货膨胀run-away inflation
最大最小存货量控制系统max-min system
控制力的权益controlling interest
材料控制material control card
满意的控制satisfactory control
票据交换所控制clearing house in-book
统计控制statistical control
控制公司controlled corporation
控制公司controlled company
订货点控制系统order-point control system
设备控制equipment control
购物控制hire-purchase restriction
费用控制expense control
费用控制control of expenses
资本控制capital control
跨国公司的超国家控制transnational control of multinationals
输出控制export control
适应控制adaptive control
选择性的信贷控制selective credit control
通货膨胀控制inflation control
验收控制acceptance control chart