
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing | all forms
三排铆钉对butt rivet joint in three rows
三行铆triple-rivet joint
下端固fixed connection at lower end
下端铰hinged connection at lower end
不拼的钢筋unspliced reinforcement
不等高横隔板connecting joint of unequal height diaphragms
不透水watertight joint
两排铆钉对butt rivet joint in two rows
两排铆钉搭riveted lap joint in two rows
互嵌dapped joint
互搭lap joint
互搭clinch joint
互搭lapped splice
交叉联cross bracings
交错铆zigzag riveting
企口match joint
企口tongue-and-groove connection
企口matched joint
企口tongue-and-groove joint
企口grooved and tongued joint
企口连groove connection
侧向焊side welding
侧边搭side-lap welding
false joint
偏心eccentrically jointing
偏心eccentric joint
偏心连eccentric connection
偏心连eccentrically connecting
inscribed circle
多边形inscribed polygon
内外搭in-and-out splice plate
内环joint of internal ring
内角焊inside corner weld
fillistered joint
分节construction in segments
分节construction in sections
刚性rigid joint
刚性stiff joint
刚性连stiff connection
前进触角钢advancing contact steel angle
剪力连shear connector
十字形角的焊接头welded joint of cross-angle
半刚semi-rigid joint
单剪single-shear joint
单排铆钉搭single-row riveted lap joint
单行铆single row riveting
单行铆single row riveted joint
单行铆single row rivet joint
单行铆钉对single-row riveted butt joint
双剪铆double shear riveted joint
双排铆double row riveted joint
双排铆double row rivetting
双点焊duplex point welding
双行铆double row rivetting
反曲线point of reverse curve
受连件撬起作用的螺栓bolt subjected to prying action by connected parts
各种构件或连的疲劳容许应力allowable fatigue stress of various member or joint
fixed connection
固结快剪直试验consolidated quick direct shear test
固结慢剪直试验consolidated slow direct shear test
填塞packed joint
circumscribed circle
faucet joint
套筒faucet joint
套筒butt and collar joint
安装焊erection welding
butt splice
butt and butt joint
butt junction
butt joint
平焊butt weld in the flat position
搭板butt strap
法兰butt flange
焊缝butt welded seam
盖板butt cover plate
对头jointing on butt
对头jam joint
对头joint on butt
对头拼butt splice
对头焊jam weld
对头焊butt welding
对头连butt and butt joint
对头连butt joint
对头铆butt rivetting joint
对头错butt and break joint
对抵abutting joint
对抵butt joint
对抵拼夹板butt splice
对抵焊拼butt-welded splice
对抵连butt junction
对搭halved joint
尖轨switch rail joint
就地焊site weld
局部拼partially splicing
工厂焊shop welding
工厂铆shop riveting
工地拼field splice
工地铆field riveting
工程直direct expense of engineering
工程间indirect expense of engineering
dry splice
dry joint
even joint
butt joint
平头焊jump weld
平夹板plane fishplate joint
平焊flat welding
平焊flush weld
建筑近限界construction clearance
建筑近限界obstruction gauge limit
建筑近限界clearance gauge
弹性固elastic fixing
抗剪连shear connector
接合spliced connection
接头splice joint
butt strip
splice plate
joggled beam
盖板splice cover plate
螺栓splice bolt
splice angle
角钢splice steel angle
拼合splice joint
合板splice plate
合法兰盘joint flange
合钢筋splicing bar
合钢筋splicing reinforcement
头施工joint construction
头钢筋joint bar
头钢筋jointing reinforcement
pile splicing
extension on pile
splicing pile
灌混凝土additional placing before hardening of pre-placed concrete
缝压缩joint compression
缝回缩joint contraction
缝灰浆joint mortar
缝间距joint spacing
contact layer
触压力分布distribution of contact pressure
触应力contact stress
触摩擦contact friction
触网overhead contact line equipment
触网overhead catenary system
触网支架bracket of contact line equipment
触部分contact part
触问题contact problem
触面contact plane
触面faying surface
触面摩擦interfacial friction
轨站junction station
近竣工near completion
长基桩lengthening pile of foundation
长基桩lengthening of foundation pile
长杆件lengthening bar
长杆件lengthening of member
长杆件lengthening member
lapped joint
接头overlap joint
接头ledge joint
lap jointed sheet
lap jointed plate
overlaid seam
lap seam
节点overlap joint
amount of lap
铆接lap riveting
铆接riveted lap joint
长度lap splice length
摩擦friction joint
摩擦合高强度螺栓high strength friction grip bolt
摩擦焊friction weld
数控钻孔的工地连numerically-controlled drilled field connection
施工construction joint
无法兰盘合桩junction pile without flange
曲线连connection of curves
木材连timber connector
杆件或头的疲劳容许应力allowable fatigue stress of member or joint
杆件拼节点splice node of member
loose joint
构件或连的形式form of member or joint
构件连member connection
构件连connection of members
构件连接头connected joint of members
桁架桥pin-connected truss bridge
柔性flexible connection
柔性flexible joint
pin connected member
bolted plate
法兰bolted flange
结构bolted structure
装配fitting for bolting
桥台abutment expansion joint
桥台abutment joint
pile splice
桩拼pile splice
桩的pile joint
桩的joint of piles
桩的connecting joint of piles
tenon joint
tenon joint
tenon joint
tenon-and-mortise joint
grooved-and-tongued joint
榫槽dado joint
榫槽木夹板tabled fishplate joint
槽口rabbet joint
槽焊拼groove welded splice
横向对焊缝transverse butt welded seam
横向角焊接头welded joint of transversal angles
横隔板joint of diaphragms
正面填角焊side fillet weld
正面填角焊front fillet weld
气压铆pneumatic riveting
水下联underwater connection
水平焊horizontal welding
法兰flanged connection
法兰flanged joint
法兰盘连flange coupling
法兰盘连flanged connection
混凝土不曝露在空气中或不与地面concrete which not exposed to air or not contacted with ground
湿头混凝土wet joint concrete
滑动sliding contact
灌浆grouted joint
assemble by welding
变形welded deformation
工字钢welded I-section
应力residual stresses caused by welding
应力welded stress
应力stress due to welding
技术technology of welding
H 杆件welded H-member
杆件welded member
板梁welded girder
桁架桥welded truss bridge
桥梁welded bridge
welded beam
残余应力residual stress due to welding
残余应力residual stress due to
环式钢筋welded steel hoop
环式钢筋welded hoop reinforcement
箱型杆件welded box-member
箱形截面杆件welded compression bar with box-crosssection
结构的疲劳fatigue of welded structure
缀板welded stay plate
连接weld connection
连接welded connection
金属weld metal
钢丝网welded wire mesh
钢桥welded steel bridge
钢筋welded reinforcement
钢筋笼welded reinforcing cage
钢筋网welded steel bar mesh
长度weld length
长钢轨continuously welded rail
长钢轨continuous welded long rail
长钢轨welded long rail
长钢轨ribbon rails
长钢轨long welded rail
环氧树脂砂浆epoxide resin mortar joint
环氧树脂连epoxy bonding agent
现场拼field splicing
现场焊site-welded bridge
现场焊welded-in-place bridge
现场铆field rivetting
琢石ashler joint
用单搭板对butt joint with single strap
电弧焊electric arc welding
电弧焊electric arc welded joint
电弧焊钢筋接头electric arc welding bar joint
作用于桥墩上的力force acted directly on pier
作用荷载direct acting load
刚度法direct stiffness method
剪切direct shearing
剪切仪direct shear test apparatus
单剪试验direct simple shear test
压力direct compression
外推法direct-extrapolation method
应力direct stress
拉力direct tension
拼接direct splice
日光direct sunlight
相互作用direct interaction
direct charges
相互连杆件interconnected members
端搭lapped butt
端搭overlap butt
端缝焊end filled welding
等宽等厚钢板对butt connection of equal width and equal thickness steel plates
管段刚性rigid joint between elements of culvert
管段柔性flexible joint between elements of culvert
管理间administrative overhead
管节joint of pipe section
管螺纹pipe nipple
纵向longitudinal joint
纵向对焊接头longitudinal butt welded joint
纵向角的焊weld joint of longitudinal angles
线路joint of track
结构焊structural welding
缀条连lacing bar connection
翼缘拼flange splice
bracing system
螺帽coupling nut
螺栓coupling bolt
腹板web plate joint
腹板拼web splice
螺栓joining by bolts
螺栓拼bolted fishplate splice
螺栓拼bolted splice
螺栓连bolt connection
螺栓连bolt connecting
螺栓连桁架bolt-connected truss
表面焊surface welding
角钢连angle steel joint
角钢连jangle lacing
角钢连angle-bar joint
贴角焊fillet welding
rail joint
轮胎触面积tyre contact area
辊轴摇轴与平板自由触的径向受压free contact radial compression between roller rocker and plate
处的摩擦系数factor of friction at connected joint
处的摩擦面数number of friction face at connected joint
拱的桁架truss connecting the arch
曲线connecting curve
connecting rod
杆件connecting member
杆件的承载能力bearing capacity of connected member
法兰盘connecting flange
类别classification of connection
类别class of connection
类别type of connection
线connecting track
connecting leg
螺栓fastening bolt
螺钉fastening screw
螺钉connection screw
connecting angle
角钢connecting steel angle
角钢connecting angle
部分connected part
钢材表面摩擦系数factor of friction on surfaces of connected steels
钢筋connecting reinforcement
铁路connecting track
连续焊钢轨continuous welded rail
adjoining span
部分拼partial splice
缀条riveted lace bar
钢板内涨圈joint of internal swell ring of steel plate
钢筋joint of reinforcements
钢筋bar joint
钢筋reinforcement splice
钢筋splicing of reinforcements
钢筋拼splice of reinforcements
钢筋搭lapping of reinforcements
钢筋搭lap-splice of reinforcements
钢筋搭接头lap splice of reinforcement
钢筋搭长度lapped length of reinforcement
钢筋焊reinforcement welding
钢筋焊welded splice of reinforcements
钢筋焊接头welded splice of reinforcement
钢轨rail joint
钢轨头缝play of rail joint
钢轨rail joint gap
钢轨焊接头cast welded rail joint
钢轨连rail joint fastening
rivet jointing
rivet connection
或高强度螺栓联结拉杆的净截面积net sectional area of riveted or high-strength bolted tension member
杆件riveted member
板梁riveted girder
板梁riveted plate girder
桁架riveted truss
框架riveted frame
桥梁riveted bridge
riveted girder
riveted beam
缀板riveted stay plate
试验testing of riveted joint
钢桁架riveted steel truss
钢梁riveted steel girder
铆钉对butt riveted joint
铆钉搭rivet lap joint
linked connection
hinged connection
固定支座hinged immovable bearing
linked arch
摇座pin rocker bearing
摇座articulated rocker bearing
条件hinged condition
桁架pin-connected truss
桁架hinged truss
框架pin-connected frame
框架hinged frame
活动支座hinged movable bearing
结构pin-connected structure
轴向杆组成的框架consisting of pin-connected axial elements
长度hinged length
pinned end
锁口lock joint
staggered joint
错位搭staggered over lapping
错列铆lozenge riveting
错列铆staggered rivet joint
错列铆接头zigzag riveting joint
错缝连alternate joint
锚下间钢筋的配置disposition of indirect reinforcement under anchor
锥体、排水及桥台与路基连drawing for connection of conic pitching, drainage, and abutment with subgrade
工程费indirect construction cost
影响indirect influence
洪水损失indirect flood damage
荷载indirect load
观测indirect observation
解法indirect solution
indirect cost
indirect expenses
overhead cost
indirect charge
附加连additional connector
附加连additional connector
隐蔽concealed joint
预制分段箱形梁拼步骤jointing procedure for precast segmental box-beam
预制分段箱形梁拼步骤precast segmental box-beam jointing procedure
预埋连钢筋pre-buried connecting reinforcement
预埋连钢筋stub steel bar
预埋连钢筋stub reinforcement
预埋连钢筋embedded connecting reinforcement
高强度high strength joint
高强度螺栓联high strength bolted connection
鱼尾板fished joint
鱼尾板fish-plate joint
鱼尾板拼fish-plate splice