
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
一般间制造费用general overhead burden
一般间general overhead of office on cost (or general burden)
一般间general burden
一般间费用general overhead
受私人支票no personal checks
不可受避税unacceptable tax evasion
与国际市场integrate with the world market
两点套汇套会two-point arbitrage (direct arbitrage)
互联网直融资市场internet direct financing market
交易连窗口trading access window
保险公司乐意保的健康人good life
债券受者takers for bond
偿付时债权人必须受的货币legal tender
再保险受人reinsurance acceptor
分类账直转账ledger transfer
分类账直转账法ledger transfer method
利率衔interest collar
制造间manufacturing overhead expenses
制造间费用factor burden
制造间费用分摊差费异over-and-under absorbed overhead
发盘与offer and acceptance
受会计原理acceptable accounting principle
受原理acceptable principle
可分配间费用assignable indirect charges
呆帐直销帐法direct write-off method for uncollectibles
商业银行间融资indirect financing of commercial banks
固定间fixed charges (fixed expenses)
在制品间制造费manufacturing expense-in-process
在制品间成本burden in process (manufacturing expenses in process)
坏账直注销法direct write-off method for uncollectibles
坏账直注销法direct write-off method for bad debts
坏账间转销法indirect write-off method for uncollectibles
坏账间转销法indirect write-off method for bad debts
增加直融资比重increase the proportion of direct financing
外国来华直投资direct investment by other countries or regions in China
多摊配的工厂间over absorbed factory overhead expense
多摊配的工厂间费成本over absorbed overheads cost
多摊配间制造费用over-absorbed burden (overapplied factory overhead)
定向直投资fixed direct investment
实际利用外商直投资actual utilized foreign direct investment
实际工厂间费用之摊入产品allocation of actual factory overhead to products
对外直投资direct investment overseas
对政府直放款能力capacity direct lending to the government
工厂间费帐户factory overhead a/c
工厂间费摊配帐户factory overhead applied a/c
工厂间费用factory overhead (manufacturing expenses)
工厂间费用帐户factory expense a/c
工厂间费用按预计数摊入产品applying factory overhead cost to products
工资直存款制direct deposit of payroll
已分配间制造费用帐户burden credit account
已分配间费用applied overhead
已分配间费用absorbed burden (applied expenses)
2006年2月1日任格林斯潘出任美联储主席Ben Shalom Bernanke
《开展境内个人直投资境外证券市场试点方案》Pilot Program for Direct Foreign Portfolio Investments by Domestic Individuals
弹性间生产费预算flexible factory overhead budget
愿意受人民币be willing to accept renminbi
扩大直融资规模increase the amount of direct financing
承担过多工厂间over-absorbed burden (overapplied factory overhead)
前页brought forward from previous page
受人民币支付accept renminbi as payment
受人民币支付accept payment in renminbi
受债券作为抵押品accept bonds as collateral
受发盘的通知notice of acceptance
受国际纾困accept international bail-outs
受存款acceptance of deposits
受存款公司deposit-taking company
受所有一切剩余流动资产all the rest residue and remainder
受纾困accept bail-out
洽费用cost per call
管中in receivership
纳标准acceptance criterion
纳贷款loan takedown
近于一close to unity
近于整数close to unity
近于零的政策利率near zero policy rates
近"均衡"水平be close to its "equilibrium" level
提供直支持provide direct support
新债券直募集direct offering of new bond
新债券直发行direct offering of new bond
新债券间募集indirect offering of new bond
新债券间发行indirect offering of new bond
普通间人工工资general indirect labor
最低可以受的价格lowest possible price
期权的受人taker of an option
未分配间费用unabsorbed overhead
标准间制造费standard manufacturing overhead
标准间制造费摊配率standard burden rates of manufacturing expenses
汇率直标价法direct quotation of exchange rate
汇率间标价法indirect quotation of exchange rate
现金交及保管制度system of cash delivery and custody
电子收设施electronic reception facility
与间接direct and indirect process costs
人工工资率差异direct labor rate variance
人工成本差异direct labor cost variance
人工成本差异帐户cost variance-direct labor account
人工成本法direct labor cost method
人工时间法direct labor hours method
从外汇储备拨出资金allocate funds directly from foreign exchange reserves
以货币支付的利息explicit interest
以货币支付的成本explicit costs
传送通信direct transmission
信用控制direct credit control
信用控制direct control of credit
债券straight bond (固定利率债券)
债务primary obligation
债务人primary obligor
冲销法direct write off method
冲销法direct charge-off method
出单人direct writer
劳动成本direct labor cost
劳动费用direct labor expense
发放direct payment
可变成本direct variable costs
后果direct consequence
存账指示direct credit instruction
对角套汇direct exchange
影响direct effects
成本direct costs
成本法direct cost method
成本计算direct variable costing
成本计算收益表direct costing income statement
扣账指示direct debit instruction
投资利息direct investment interest
投资来源国direct investor
投资资金direct investment fund
控制direct controls
摊入assign directly
材料direct material and labor cost
材料成本direct material cost
材料成本差异帐户cost variance-direct materials
材料成本法direct material cost method
材料用量差差direct material usage variance
标价法direct quotation method
汇率outright exchange rate
法往来计算direct method of account current
注资direct injection
生产工本direct labor cost
管理费management direct cost
纳人中央结算系统的新股direct stock admission
结算direct clearing
财产immediate goods
财产direct goods
费用flat cost
费用direct costs
费用法direct cost method
过帐direct posting
远期交易outright forward transaction
远期外汇合约outright forward foreign exchange contracts (指远期的期限直接从签约的时候开始,到规定日期进行交割的外汇合约,它实际上仅是双方的一种约定,在签约时任何一方不需要向另一方支付任何款项)
采购direct procurement
采购计划direct-purchase program
金融direct finance
金融交易direct financial transactions
金融工具direct financial instruments
管理人员工资及间payroll overhead
管理间administrative overheads (costs)
管理间administration overhead expenses
耗用直原料direct material consumed
股票自子公司直购入stock acquired directly from the subsidiary
受的最低收益率lowest acceptable rate of return
受的最低收益率cut-off rate of return
购股purchase acquisition
贷款受人recipient of loan
资本市场直融资direct financing of capital market
式信用back-to-back credit
式信用证back-to-back letter of credit
达到或近创纪录水平jump to record or near-record levels
过多分配工厂间overapplied factory overhead
过多分配间overapplied overhead
选择使用人民币支付和受付款choose to pay and be paid in the Chinese currency
通融受远期信用证accommodate by accepting time
部门间费用indirect departmental cost
部门间费用分摊departmental contribution to indirect
部门间费用分析表departmental overhead analysis sheet
部门间费用帐户indirect departmental cost a/c
•银行直转帐制bank giro
银行直转账bank autogiro
业务经营indirect operation expenses
人工成本indirect labor cost
信用控制indirect credit control
分配indirect allocation
分配成本indirect distribution cost
制造成本indirect manufacturing cost (factory overhead)
制造成本overhead cost
制造成本burden (manufacturing or factory overhead)
制造成本差异overhead variance (manufacturing expense variance)
制造成本摊配率overhead rate
制造费用manufacturing expense (factory overhead)
制造费用burden (manufacturing or factory overhead)
制造费用之分配burden distribution
制造费用之分配burden apportionment (burden distribution)
制造费用表burden statement
募集法indirect offer
原材料indirect material (factory supply)
原材料成本indirect material cost
套汇indirect exchange
对外租赁indirect lease
成本administrative overheads
成本overhead costs
成本administrative overhead
成本administrative overhead costs
成本池服务成本中心indirect cost pool
报价交叉汇率indirect quote foreign exchange cross rate
控制人indirect controller
收入overhead earnings
标价法indirect quotation (外汇术语,指一单位本国货币可兑换若干单位外币的报价方式)
汇兑平价arbitrated par of parity
汇票indirect paper
折旧indirect method
生产费分摊率burden rate
管理费management indirect costs
联系人remote parties
负债indirect liability
责任indirect liability
费分配标准base for overhead distribution
费分配表overhead distribution sheet
费开支overcharged burden
费开支过多overcharged burden
费用overhead expense
费用地租、房租、工资等indirect expense
费用on cost (manufacturing expense, burden)
费用overhead charges (expenses)
费用expense burden
费用准备reserve overhead
费用分摊安排burden-sharing arrangement
费用分配burden apportionment (burden distribution)
费用成本indirect expense cost
费用成本差异帐户cost variance-overhead account
费用按部门划分departmentalization of overhead costs
费用控制帐户manufacturing overhead control account
费用标准overhead expense standards
费的分配基础overhead distribution basis
部分indirect department
金融indirect finance
金融工具indirect financial instruments
非金融类对外直投资non-financial outward direct investment
预定间费用分配率estimated overhead distribution rate