
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing 接着 | all forms
万向管子接头universal pipe joint
三角形连接电路delta connected circuit
上接口线upper edge line
下接口线lower edge line
下水后、 中间轴和螺旋桨连接校中aligning intermediate shaft and propeller shaft after launching
下水后、 主机曲轴和中间轴连接校中aligning main engine's crank-shaft and intermediate shaft after launching
下水后中间轴和螺旋桨连接校中aligning intermediate shaft and propeller shaft after launching
下水后主机曲轴和中间轴连接校中aligning main engine's crankshaft and intermediate shaft after launching
下焊接underwater welding
与其他货物接触受损damage through contact with other cargos
与其他货物接触受损damage through contact with other cargoes
与出票人接洽refer to drawer
专用线终接器individual line connector
两端铰接梁hinged-hinged beam
为了今后的业务,这次我们接受分期付款方式With an eye to future business, we'll accept payment by installments this time.
为了达成这次交易,我们接受你方的报价In order to conclude the transaction, we accept your price.
买卖双方直接交易principal-to-principal transaction
交接货物清单list of freight delivered and received
交流接地继电器AC earth relay
人口转接器inlet adapter
以立即复电接受为有效subject to immediate acceptance by telegram
以立即接受为有效subject to immediate acceptance
仪表接线柱instrument terminal
传真发送/接收变换器facsimile transmitting/ receiving converter
传真发送/接收变换器facsimile transmitting/receiving converter
你们能不能接受付款交单?I wonder if you will accept document against payment?
使用焊接机器人use welding robot
偏转线圈接插件yoke connector
先进焊接工艺advanced welding technology
入口转接器inlet adapter
全位置焊接all position welding
全方位焊接all position welding
全波段接收机full wave-band receiver
全焊接浮船坞all-welded floating dock
全部焊接浮船坞all welded floating dock
全部焊接浮船坞all-welded floating dock
八号与九号分段合拢后检查接头装配精确性和结构完整性check the joint accuracy and structure integrity between No.8 and No.9 block after closed
冷凝器膨胀接头condenser expansion joint
凸模接合器punch adapter
凸缘联接器flange connector
凸轮锁紧接头cam lock adapter
分段组装焊接流水线flow line of section assembling and welding
分段组装焊接程序sequence of section assembling and welding
切勿接近食品keep away from food products
刚性连接拖驳integrated tug-barge
加速接收器acceleration pickup
加速接触器程序accelerating contactor sequence
单回路接收机single circuit receiver
单回路接收机single-circuit receiver
单波段接收机single band receiver
单波段接收机single-band receiver
单边带接收机single-side-band receiver
单通道接收机single channel receiver
单通道接收机single-channel receiver
卫星导航接收机satellite navigation receiver
印刷电路板直接插入式card edge type
双三角形接线hexagon connection
双变频超外差式接收机dual conversion superheterodyne receiver
双接点聚光灯bipost lamp
双面对接焊double welded butt joint
反接制动counter current breaking
可以接受的价格acceptable price
可以接受的差异范围acceptable difference
吸泥管转动密封接头turning gland for suction-pipe
地址链接计算机术语address chaining
塑料管热接heating joint of plastic pipe
塑料管粘接bonding joint of plastic pipe
塑料管黏接bonding joint of plastic pipe
多波段接收机multiwave-band receiver
多通道直检式接收机multichannel direct detection receiver
多通道超外差式接收机multi channel superheterodyne receiver
多通道超外差式接收机multichannel superheterodyne receiver
天线接线盒aerial spur box
天线接线盒aerial casing
天线接线端子aerial terminal
天线转接开关coaxial duplexer
如果贵方接受我们的还盘,我们就劝用户向贵方订货If you accept our counter offer, we' ll persuade the end-user to place an order with you.
如果贵方能提前交货,我们才可接受贵方价格We may accept your price only if you can make an earlier shipment.
如果贵方能满足我们的需要量,我们就接受贵方的价格If you can meet our needs of quantity, we'll accept your price.
客户很难接受你们的价格I don't think the end-user would accept your price.
对接焊夹具clamp apparatus for butt welding
对接焊机butt welding machine
对接焊的butt welded
导接线塞钉bond pin
导接线孔bonding hole
导接线撤出冲头bond extracting punch
导接线撤岀冲头bond extracting punch
导接线联接bond joint
导接线连接bond joint
导电接线柱conductive connector
导线接头wire connection
导线接头套wire connection sleeve
导线接线故障bond failure
导线连接wire coupling
展带接收机band-spread receiver
差动连接back connection
广播接收台broadcast reception station
开关接点片switch contact blade
引线接合器wire holder
引线接合工艺wire bonding technique
引线接合法wire bonding
引线连接框wire frame
引进先进焊接技术introduction of advanced welding technology
引进焊接技术introduction of welding technology
彩色电视接力传输color TV relay transmission
总段对接边缘检验survey of block abutting edge
总段对接边缘检验survey of block abutting edges
感应式接收装置inductive pickup apparatus
感应电阻焊接induction resistance welding
我们无法接受你们的建议,我们坚持用信用证支付方式It's very difficult for us to accept your suggestion. We insist on payment by L/C.
我方无法接受贵方的还盘I'm afraid we can't accept your counter offer.
扫描接收机scanning radio
按件交接handing-over as per number of package
按数量交接handing-over as per quantity
按质量交接handing-over as per quality
按质量交接handing-over as per mass
按重量交接handing-over as per weight
按钮接点button contact
换新万向管子接头renewal universal pipe joint
换新球形管子接头renewal ball pipe-joint
换新的万向管子接头renewal universal pipe joint
换新的球形管子接头renewal ball pipe-joint
接人继电器cut-in relay
接入继电器cut-in relay
接受委托receive entrustment
接受索赔claims accepted
接口线edge line
接合式轴承adapter type bearing
接地保护自动断路器earth leakage trip
接地回线earthed return
接地均衡器导线earth equalizer conductor
接地天线earthed aerial
接地报警器ground alarm
接地电流断路器earth current breaker
接地电阻测试器earth resistance tester
接地自耦变压器earthed autotransformer
接头润滑脂joint grease
接收扫描器receiver scanner
接收指示器receiver indicator
接收监控器receiver monitor
接收调节器receiver regulator
接点导线contact conductor
接点引线contact lead
接点清洁器contact cleaner
接点磨损容限contact wear allowance
接点符号contact symbol
接点簧片组contact spring block
接点组合contact combination
接点绝缘片contact insulator
接点腐蚀contact corrosion
接点输入contact input
接点闭合contact closure
接点闭合电路contact closure circuit
接点间隙contact clearance
接线套管connecting sleeve
接线插头connecting plug
接线插孔connecting jack
接线柱螺钉binding post screw
接线电缆cable jumper
接线盒coupling box
接线端子wire connecting terminal
接线符号wiring symbol
接触式转速计contact tachometer
接触方式contact operating form
接触机构contact mechanism
接触标志contact mark
接触盘contact disc
接触腐蚀contact etching
接触造型contact molding
接近亮灯轨道电路approach lighting track circuit
接近区段轨道电路approach section track circuit
接近控制电路approach control circuit
接近灯光继电器approach lighting relay
接近相对航速relative speed approach
接近表示灯approach indication lamp
接近锁闭表示灯approach lock lamp
接近锁闭轨道电路approach locking track circuit
插接头connection peg
插销接合bayonet joint
搭接口活塞环lap-joint piston-ring
搭接板lap plate
擅长焊接工作be good at welding work
改变链接图change link drawing
数据传递接收机data transmission receiver
整流器接线片commutator lug
斜向接缝帆diagonal-cut sail
斜接口活塞环bevel-joint piston-ring
方向仪接收机gyro angle receiver
无法兰连接管道pipeline connecting without flange
无线电通信接收机radio communications receiver
最新焊接技术转让transfer of the latest welding technology
机器人自动控制焊接设备robot automatically controlled welding device
机械接入mechanical switching
柔性连接拖驳articulated tug-barge
桥楼无线电接收室bridge receiving room
检查螺旋桨轴与螺旋桨毂锥度接触面check the surface contact area between stern shaft and propeller hub tapers
横向接缝transverse seam
横向接缝帆crosscut sail
横摇数据接收机rolling data receiver
橡胶管子接头rubber pipe joint
气象图传真接收机weather map facsimile receiver
气闸软管接头air brake hose nipple
气闸软管接头air brake hose coupling
氢原子焊接hydrogen atomic welding
氮气保护焊接helium shielded welding
水压接收机hydrodynamic receiver
水声接收机hydroacoustic receiver
水平角焊接horizontal fillet welding
水煤气焊接water gas welding
水蒸气保护焊接water vapor arc welding
法兰接头flanged ends
法兰胶管接头flanged hose coupling
法兰连接管道用pipeline connecting with flange
波导扭转接头wave guide twist
波导接头wave guide connector
波导管接头wave guide connector
波导管接头wave guide junction
波导连接部件wave guide connecting parts
波导连接部分wave guide connecting parts
活塞环接头piston ring joint
测向接收机direction-finding receiver
浮筒连接链connecting chain of pontoon
港口交接试航harbour acceptance trial
热夹具焊接技术hot fixture soldering technique
焊接上层建筑后检查结构完整性check the structure integrity of superstructure after welding
焊接体welded body
焊接凸缘welded flange
焊接喷灯welding blowlamp
焊接夹钳welding die
焊接学会Institute of Welding
焊接成型formation of weld
焊接成形formation of weld
焊接技术协会welding association
焊接接头性能property of welded joint
焊接接头特性property of welded joint
焊接方位welding direction
焊接时间weld interval
焊接时间间隔weld interval
焊接机械化和自动化welding mechanization and robotization
焊接机械化程度degree of mechanization in welding
焊接架welding manipulator
焊接棚welding booth
焊接用合金welding alloy
焊接用套轴welding sleeves
焊接用帽welding cap
焊接用眼镜welding glass
焊接用遮光罩welding screen
焊接用面罩welding mask
焊接电流调节器welding regulator
焊接程序图welding procedure drawing
焊接程序说明书weld procedure specification
焊接站welding station
焊接组合曲轴assembly welded crankshaft
焊接结合weld into
焊接结合welded connection
焊接罐welded seam can
焊接船首柱welded stem
焊接裂缝敏感性weld crack sensitivity
焊接装配welded fitting
焊接规范welding instructions
焊接车间welding booth
焊接钢轨welded rails
焊接锚链welding anchor chain
焊接闪光welding flash
焊接顺序welding procedure
焊接首柱welded stem
熔接加热密封heat seal
熔接机heat sealer
熔接罐welded seam can
爆炸焊接explosive weld
环视接收机panoramic receiver
球形接头绝缘子ball head insulator
球形管子接头ball pipe-joint
由接电话者付款的长途电话call collect
甲板接缝deck joint
电压调节器接触托架voltage regulator contact bracket
电子干扰接收机electronic counter measures receiver
电子接收体electron acceptor
电子束焊接electrons leaves welding
电子转接electronic switching
电子转接器electronic commutator
电子转接设备electronic switching equipment
电弧接触加工electroarc contact machining
电桥接线bridge connector
电池接点battery contact
电池接线夹绝缘体battery bridle insulator
电流调节器接点托架current regulator contact bracket
电缆接线座cable socket
监视接收机surveillance receiver
目标方位接收机target bearing receiver
直接传动齿轮direct drive gear
直接存取程序系统direct access programming system
直接损失direct loss or damage
直接租赁straight lease
直接进出口direct import and export
直接销售straight sale
直流负极双线接地系统negative grounded DC two-wire system
直流负极接地双线系统negative grounded DC two-wire system
相干光焊接coherent light bonding
省电接触器economy contactor
硬件连接hardware connections
磁场分路接触器field shunting contactor
磁头电缆连接器head cable connector
磁带标准接口magnetic tape formatter
磁带黏接magnetic tape splicing
磁鼓接收装置magnetic drum receiving equipment
空气清洁器接头air cleaner adapter
竖向接缝帆up-and-down cut sail
管路无法兰连接pipeline connecting without flange
管路法兰连接pipeline connecting with flange
管路焊接pipeline joint of welding
管路连接pipeline connecting
管道焊接pipeline joint of welding
管道连接pipeline connecting
红外接收器Trfr infrared receiver
红外线接收器infrared receiver
红外线辐射接收器infrared receiving set
纵摇数据接收机pitching data receiver
线接头wire connection
线接头套wire connection sleeve
组合式插接件modular connector
细丝焊接fine wire welding
自动信息转接automatic message switching
自动同步接收机synchro receiver
自动连接器automatic connecter
自动链接automatic link
艉桨轴与螺旋桨毂锥度间接触面检查inspection of the contact surface between stern shaft and propeller hub tapers
虚焊接头faulty soldered joint
螺旋桨与尾轴胶接bonding propeller to stern shaft
螺旋桨与艉轴胶接bonding propeller to stern shaft
螺旋桨轴与螺旋桨毂锥度接触面检查inspection of the contact surface between stern shaft and propeller hub tapers
螺栓连接分段浮船坞bolted sectional floating dock
表动连接wobble joint
角接触滚珠轴承angular contact ball bearing
角面接触轴颈轴承angular contact journal bearing
调频接收机frequency-modulation receiver
货物交接cargo handing-over
转换电路控制器接点switch circuit controller contact
软管接头垫圈hose coupling gasket
轴套粘接shaft bush bonding
轴套黏接shaft-bush bonding
轴承润滑油管接头bearing oil pipe union
输人接线器incoming connector
输人连接点incoming junction
输入接线器incoming connector
进口接头inlet connection
进气口螺纹接套air-inlet nipple
远距离接收机distant receiver
连接天桥connecting bridge
连接端connecting terminal
连接误差connection error
连接链环detachable link
选频联接器frequency selecting connector
通信线路转接器communication line adapter
通信联接装置communication link
通信联接设备communication linkage
速接联轴器quick-connecting coupling
配电器线接头distributor terminal
钎接金属片brazing sheet
钢质焊接浮船坞steel welding floating dock
钩接合hook joint
铰接悬臂梁hinged cantilever girder
铰接板hinge plate
铰接板hinged plate
铰接架hinged frame
铰接柱hinge pedestal
铰接桅hinged mast
铰接框hinged casing
铰接装置hinge assembly
铰接连杆hinged type connecting rod
铰接钳hinged jaw tong
铰接链hinged chain
铰接锚articulated anchor
铰接面板hinged panel
铸钢球形管子接头cast-steel ball pipe-joint
铸钢球形管子接头cast-steel ball pipe joint
锅炉板焊接boiler plate welding
闪光对接焊有档锚链flash butt welded link stud anchor chain
闪光对接焊锚链flash butt welded anchor chain
闪光焊接锚链flash welded anchor chain
间接加热干燥器indirect fired dryer
间接加热炉indirect fired furnace
间接受热式阴极indirectly heated cathode
间接损失或损害indirect loss or damage
间接润湿器indirect humidifier
间接输人indirect input
防止故障接地earth fault protection
面朝下焊接机face down bonder
预告接近显示advance approach aspect
预备交接试航preliminary acceptance trial
风管连接air hose coupling
风表接口air gage fitting
高频焊接high frequency soldering