
Terms for subject Nautical containing 排气 | all forms | in specified order only
倒车排气室喷雾器astern-exhaust chest sprayer
可变排气关闭variable exhaust closing
差排式燃气轮机cross-compound gas turbine
排气乏气exhaust steam
蒸汽机排气余面exhaust lap
排气再循环技术exhaust gas recirculation
排气冲程out stroke
排气压力排出压力exhaust pressure
排气exhaust chest
排气总管废气集合器exhaust collector
排气机匣exhaust casing
排气机匣exit casing
排气歧管排气阀箱exhaust manifold
排气涡壳exhaust casing
排气温度exhaust gas temperature
排气排出管exit pipe
排气freeing pipe
排气排出管exhaust pipe
排气排气道exhaust passage
排气exhaust gas pipe
排气管填料exhaust pipe packing
排气管系exhaust steam pipe line
排气管路exhaust line
排气管通风帽vent cowl
排气线示功图exhaust curve
排气通风筒抽风机exhaust ventilator
排气排气阀exhaust valve
排气exhaust door
排气air outlet valve
排气风扇抽风机exhaust fan
提前排气exhaust advance
旁路排气by-pass steam dump
有毒有害气体排放控制hazardous gas emission controls
涡轮前排气温度exhaust gas temperature before turbine
排气融霜hot gas defrost
排气压计pitot traverse
蒸发气排放控制vapour emission control
蒸发气排放控制系统vapour emission control system
蒸发气排放收集系统vapour emission collection system
蒸汽管路、排气管路和泄水管路的管子和阀门护层隔热材料lagging material for piping and valve of steam line, exhaust line and drain line
蒸汽管路、排气管路和泄水管路的管子和阀门的法兰填料packing with flange of piping and valve for steam line, exhaust line and drain line
货物蒸发气体排放控制系统标准standard for vapor emission control system
辅机排气预热给水auxiliary turbine exhaust steam feed heating
顺排式燃气轮机straight compound gas turbine