
Terms containing 据有 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.不要相信这些没有根据的谣言Don't believe in these unfounded rumors
busin.不附货物所有权单据的汇票clean bill of exchange
UN, tech.与主要装备没有直接关系的次要装备和消耗品应根据部队实力按 "自我维持"予以偿还minor equipment and consumables not directly related to major equipment be reimbursed as "self-sustainment" based on troop strength
telecom.与局数据有关的数据库office-dependent database
proj.manag.与数据库结构有关的数据称为元数据、 元数据可以通过多种不同方法检索Data about the database structure is called metadata and can be retrieved by a number of different methods
econ.专业推销训练人员据以评价每一推销训练方案在一给定情况下所具有效果的四个方面aim, content, method, expectation (即目的、内容、方法、期望)
agric.专有数据proprietary data
avia.专用有效载荷通信数据链dedicated payload communications link
gen.为…提供有力证据speak volumes for
agric.产量选择的有效依据efficient basis of selection for yield
commer.仔细检查所有装运单据make a scrutiny into all the shipping documents
econ.他们未发现有任何质量低劣的证据They did not find any evidence of inferior quality
proj.manag.他们设计了数据迁移计划来合并现有的用户数据、 并不断地保持更新They develop a data migration scheme to merge existing user data and keep it updated on a continuous basis
econ.他有权背签商业票据He is entitled to endorse mercantile papers
China, law伪造其他有罪证据fabricate other evidence of guilt
auto.作业指示单和有关票据合写在一张传票上以此作为改装、保养的依据one writing
space作战有效数据operational availability data
China, polit.依据宪法和有关法律in line with the Constitution and other relevant laws
econ.信用票据的或有负债contingent liability incurred by notes
nautic., tech.其他有关证据other relevant evidence
econ.具有结案依据的仲裁裁决award having the authority of res judicata
el.具有错误恢复功能的分布数据访问语言language access to distributed data with error recovery
fin.减少贴现票据的持有量reduce holdings of discounted bills
comp.name.加拿大能源数据股份有限公司Canadian Energy data, Ltd.
geophys.勘探数据咨询有限公司Exploration Data Consultants Incorporated
el.单据合法持有人lawful holder of a document
busin.单据持有人holder of document
econ., int. law.单据的合法持有lawful holder of a document
interntl.trade.单据的合法持有人lawful holder of a document
sport, bask.据有利位置get position
gen.M 占据比M有利的地位have the grab on
gen.M 占据比M有利的地位get the grab on
geophys.原始有效数据initial effective data
interntl.trade.可转让有价票据negotiable instrument (paper)
securit.售出带有回购条件的票据bill sold on condition of repurchase
el.国际数据总线有限公司International Data Highways Ltd.
space图像有关数据处理系统imagery-related data handling system
econ.在商店中使用的每一种票据上均有一个标志,用以说明该店是私营的Each note used in the shop bears a notation indicating that the shop is privately owned
tech.多户共有公寓大楼的主契据declaration of condominium
el.多批有序数据交织电子束光刻系统numerous and orderly data weaving electron-beam lithography system
proj.manag.如今的磁带机有内置的硬件数据压缩、 可显著提高将数据传送到驱动器的有效传送速率Modern tape drives have built-in hardware data compression that can significantly increase the effective transfer rate of data to the drive
proj.manag.如何有效地对数据进行压缩、 是一个亟待解决的问题How to efficiently compress the data is a critical problem
econ.官方持有单据official holdings of documents
econ.官方持有单据official holding of document
interntl.trade.官方特有的单据official holdings of documents
fin.审计证据的有效性validity of audit evidence
econ.对于这一索赔,他提出了有充分根据的理由For this claim, he put forward well-grounded justification
China, law对证据有疑问have doubt about the evidence
proj.manag.对象可参与许多不同的文件格式、设计器序列化并没有与特定的数据格式相关联Objects can participate in many different file formats, and designer serialization is not tied to a particular data format
proj.manag.属人财产被划为占有上的物产和据法权产。 占有上的物产和据法权产Personal property is divided into choses in possession and choses in action
eng.geol.已有数据preexisting data
tech.已有数据canned data
securit.带有利息条款票据interest clause bill
China, law并附有关证据with relevant evidence attached thereto
cosmet.当你的品牌占据了市场优势时,它就会拥有异常强大的地位When your brand dominates a market, it will be in an exceptionally strong position
proj.manag.当数据具有关系结构时、在数据访问、存储和可扩展性方面会非常高效、但编写高效的、可维护的代码则变得非常困难When data has a relational structure, data access, storage, and scalability are very efficient, but -writing efficient and maintainable code becomes more difficult
gen.很有根据的well founded
social.性别有关的数据gender-related data
fin.或有票据负债contingent liability incurred by notes
busin.或有票据负债contingent liability incurred by note
commer.所交付单据有缺陷The documents tendered are defective
tech.所有权契据title deed (for land)
busin.所有权契据保证deposit of title deeds
tech.所有权文据document of title
fin.所有权的证据摘要abstract of title
tech.所有权证据evidences of title
tech.所有权证据evidence of title
econ.所有票据和现金应该由财务监督保管All bills and money shall be in the custody of the finance controller
textile所有者根据不同条件补足保险owner's difference in conditions
econ.所谓"以有条件转让的契约形式保存的单据",就是交给第三者保存并在钱款交付后将其转交给某人的一种单据A document held in escrow is one given to a third party to keep and to pass on to someone when money has been paid
sport.批准 200 米及 200 米以下各项目的纪录、必须申报有关风速数据For all records up to and including 200 metres, information concerning wind speed shall be submitted
busin.承认有要求提供契据的权利acknowledgement of right to production of documents
econ.美国技术数据有限出口普通许可证general license GTDA
gen.把…据为已有glom on to
busin.持有单据holding of document
watchm.据乔治•华盛顿大学和L2智库最近的调查,在中国市场,有些品牌的知名度超过了劳力士、宝格丽、蒂芙尼A recent analysis by George Washington University and L2, a think-tank, found some brands are better known in China than Rolex, Bvlgari or Tiffany
econ.据悉你方有500瓶的一批货遗失,建议你们向保险商提出索赔We are informed that your shipment consisting of 500 bottles was missing, therefore we advise you to lodge your claim with the underwriters
shipb.据我方所知,有的国家对这种商品正在削价大量抛售As we know, some countries are selling those goods at low prices in big quantities.
econ.据我方运输行称,有600包运输的一批货遗失Our forwarder informed us that the shipment consisting of 600 parcels was missing
gen.据有in possession
gen.据有possess oneself of
proj.manag.据称拥有人reputed owner
econ.据许可人所知,这些专利中并没有任何一份受到侵犯None of the patents is being infringed to the knowledge of the licensor
UN, tech.提供电子数据处理能力和复制能力,包括必要的软件,以运行所有总部内部的通信和管理,包括必要的数据库electronic data processing and reproduction capability, including necessary software, to run all internal headquarters correspondence and administration, including necessary databases
interntl.trade.提出有初步推定证据力的债权establish a prima facie claim
securit.搜集有关市场罪行的证据gather evidence related to market crime
busin.收集有关数据collecting relevant data
el.据有data valid
telecom.据有data available
work.fl.据有效性data validation
IT据有效性data validity
earth.sc.据有效性data valid
IT据有效操作data validation operation
IT据有效线data available
USA, space据有限公司Datum Inc.
tech.数据库有效率database availability
proj.manag.数据库记录将从所有的备份字段中拷贝Database records will be copied from backup for all fields
earth.sc.数据流系统有限公司Data Flow System, Inc.
el.数据特有字data unique word
proj.manag.数据简化是一个把测试数据转为精练、有用的信息的过程Data reduction is the process of converting experimental data into useful, condensed information
el.无源-有源数据模拟passive-active data simulation
gen.是很有根据的be well grounded
gen.是没有根据的be without foundation
gen.最有力的根据the ace of trumps
fin.最有力证据most powerful testimony
busin.最有说服力的证据best evidence
fin.有上下限的浮动利率票据collar floating rate note
securit.有上下限的浮动利率票据collared floating-rate note
fin.有上限的浮动利率票据capped floating rate note
fin.有下限的浮动利率票据floor floating rate note
securit.有依据的投资决定informed investment decision
busin.有保证支付出口票据guaranteed export papers
commer.有保证票据guaranteed bills
fin.有信用商业票据fine trade bill
textile有信用的票据fine paper
busin.有信用的票据fine bill
fin.有信用票据fine paper
fin.有信用票据fine bill
gen.有充分根据have good reason to say that
dipl.有充分根据的论点solid arguments
gen.有充分根据说…may well say that...
gen.有充分根据说…have good reason to say that
econ.有关关税的论据arguments concerning tariffs
econ.有关关税的论据argument concerning tariffs
commer.有关单据relevant documents
busin.有关单据supporting voucher
econ.有关单据supporting vouchers
securit.有关单据related document
commer.有关单据提供的指示instructions about documentation
UN, polit.有关妇女的统计数据的收集和利用方法手册Methodological manual on the collection and utilization of statistics relating to women
tech.有关应提供数据的标准standard on data to be provided
busin.有关数据relational data
dril.有关数据relevant data
tech.有关数据pertinent data
tech.有关数据文件relational data file
commer.有关现有消费量的数据data regarding existing consumption
comp.有关终端的主存数据库terminal-related main storage database (terminal-related MSDB)
oil有关证据relevant testimony
busin.有关证据relevant evidence
UN, police有关证据和证据可采性的要求evidentiary and admissibility requirements
China, law有关证据材料relevant evidential materials
econ.有关证据的形式的要求evidential requirement of form
interntl.trade.有关证据的形式要求evidentiary requirements of form
busin.有关证据的格式要求evidentiary requirements of form
interntl.trade.有关货物品质的证据evidence as to the quality of goods
proj.manag.有初步证据的案件prima facie case
securit.有利率上限的浮动利率票据capped floating-rate note
fin.有利率上限的浮息票据capped note
busin.有力证据assertive evidence
earth.sc.有坐标网格的数据库系统grided data base system
fin.有契据之负债debt of record
econ.有契据的负债debt of record
econ.有官册根据的土地所有者copy holder
auto.有定格数据故障码freeze frame DTC
earth.sc.有害物质数据库Hazardous Substances Data Bank
org.name.有害生物特定数据表的格式编排准则Guidelines for formatting pest specific data sheets
space有序体数据sorted volumetric data
tech.有序型数据ordered data
space有序数据ordered data
oil有息票据interest bill
securit.有息票据interest bearing note
tech.有技术根据的检查engineering demonstrated inspection
securit.有抬头票据note to order
interntl.trade.有抵押之票据bill with collateral securities
interntl.trade.有抵押品的票据bills with collateral securities
busin.有抵押品的票据bill with collateral securities
fin.有抵押品的贴现票据bills discounted with collateral securities
busin.有抵押品贴现票据bills discounted with collateral securities
econ.有抵押的票据bill with collateral securities
proj.manag.有抵押票据secured note
fin.有担保应付票据secured notes payable
busin.有担保的票据collateral note
fin.有担保票据secured note
fin.有担保票据secured bill
el.有效[常用]数据保存和检索系统system for holding and retrieval wanted data
el.有效[重要]数据选择significant data selection
telecom.有效会话协议数据单元valid SPDU
busin.有效判据utility criterion
busin.有效契据authentic deed
busin.有效性判据validity criterion
el.有效接收数据receive data available
textile有效收据valid receipt
busin.有效数据disposal data
busin.有效数据live data
dril.有效数据significant figure
busin.有效数据active data
tech.有效数据effective data
space有效数据valid data
bridg.constr.有效数据useful data
earth.sc.有效数据data valid
earth.sc.有效数据data available
shipb.有效数据available data
avia.有效数据传输data transfer utility
met.有效数据传输率effective data transfer rate
IT有效数据传送率effective data transfer rate
telecom.有效数据传送率actual data transfer rate
telecom.有效数据传送速率effective data transfer rate
cryptogr.有效数据元valid data element
tech.有效数据处理effective data process
el.有效数据指示valid data indication
tech.有效数据法effective data process
el.有效数据记录validated data record
IT有效数据辞典active data dictionary
textile有效证据valid evidence
space有效载荷位置数据payload position data
tech.有机连接的防灾据点continued position
China, law有权调查收集证据have the right to investigate and collect evidence
securit.有权转换为固定利率的浮动利率票据floating rate note with fixed rate conversion option
busin.有条件应付票据和款项bill and accounts payable with terms
textile有条件的票据兑现qualified acceptance of bill
econ.有条件的票据承兑qualified acceptance of bill
busin.有条件票据conditional bill
busin.有条件票据兑现qualified acceptance of bill
IMF.有根据的估计educated guess
interntl.trade.有根据的债权just claim
agric.有根据的怀疑just suspicions
busin.有根据的考虑solid consideration
busin.有根据的论点solid arguments
space有用数据useful data
telecom.有用数据data available
earth.sc.有用数据生成系统generation availability data system
bridg.constr.有用的数据available data
bridg.constr.有用的试验数据available test data
tech.有确实可靠的根据on good authority
el.有线数据传输data over cable
el.有线数据传输安全系统data over cable security system
el.有线数据传输服务接口规范data over cable service interface specification
el.有线数据传输系统接口规范data over cable system interface specification
el.有线数据传输系统运行支持系统接口data over cable system operations support system interface
nautic., tech.有线数据通信cable data communication
China, law有罪证据evidence of guilt
gen.有证据on evidence
econ.有证据的效力evidentiary effect
China, law有证据证明have evidence to prove
China, law有证据证明不具有have evidence to the contrary
product.有证据说明there is evidence (that)
tech.有误差的地图数据error map
busin.有说服力的证据和原始证据best evidence and primary evidence
gen.有足够的证据说have good authority for stating that
China, law有足够证据构成上述指控evidence sufficient to substantiate such charge
fin.有问题票据doubtful bill
interntl.trade.有附件的票据bill with attached documents
el.有限元数据生成finite element data generation
el.有限元模型数据库finite element model data base
commer.英国有限公司合伙契据deed of association
econ.有限数据finite data
tech.有限数据传递及显示装置limited data transfer and display equipment
mil., air.def.有限数据发送模式limited transmission of data
avia.有限数据程序块limited data blocks
space有限访问数据limited access data
IT有限访问数据limited-access data
el.有限距离数据业务limited distance data service
expl.本文的以下部分除详细分析了有关数据以及自变量之间的关系外、还简短探讨了自变量和常量The remainder of this paper is intended to make a brief discussion of independent variables and constants as well as a detailed analysis of the relevant data and relationship between the independent variables involved
econ.据有效债权ex debito justitiae
econ.根据上下文,合同中单数词汇有时表示复数的含义In contracts, words importing the singular sometimes refer to the plural according to the context
econ.根据其遗嘱,她所有的房产留给她的丈夫According to her will, all her premises is left to her husband
econ.根据原有资料进行预测benchmark forecast
econ.根据合同,你方应毫无保留地及时给我方提供一切详情和有关资料According to the contract, you shall provide us with all particulars and relevant data without reserve in time
econ.根据合同文件规定,我方自然有权筹措这笔额外资金We certainly have the right to procure such an additional sum of money in accordance with the contract documents
expl.根据实际情况和计算药量、参照成功的有可比性的工程、确定药包个数、药量、布置位置、人水深度和起爆顺序design procedure of water pressure blasting
econ.根据我们公司的规则,只有销售额完成了而且真实可靠,才允许扣除损失According to the rule of our company, a loss can be deductible only when the sale is complete and bona fide
econ.根据我们的要求,他们立刻将所有的样品和说明书退坯给我们Upon our demand, they immediately returned to us all the samples and manuals
gen.根据所在国的法律和有关的国际条约或协定,外国人可以在该国短期、长期或永久居留In accordance with the laws in the host country and relational international treaties or agreements, foreigners can obtain long-term, short-term or permanent residency
econ.根据法院命令行事的官员有权拍卖此物The officer acting under the order of the court is entitled to sell it at auction
econ.根据目前形势,我认为这不会是扩大业务的有效措施I don't think this will prove to be an effective measure to widen business according to the present situation
econ.根据贸易惯例,双方一经签订合同,就有义务执行According to trade practice n., both parties are liable for the performance of the contract
proj.manag.检查饭店电脑系统数据总库备份、 确保数据的安全和有效保存Examine the copy file of the hotel data bank to make sure that data are safely and effectively kept
proj.manag.每一版本的应用程序都具有独立于其他版本的数据目录Each version of an application has its own data directory, which is isolated from other versions
gen.比…占据有利的地位get the weathergauge of...
gen.比…占据有利的地位have the weathergauge of...
gen.没有事实根据have no foundation (in fact)
gen.没有可靠的证据证明这点there is no sound evidence to prove this
commer.没有充分的事实与根据就提岀索赔是不慎重的It would be ill-advised to file a claim without sufficient facts and evidence
gen.M 没有M的根据〔必要〕have no occasion for
econ.没有证明缺点的证据,我们无法详细调査Without evidence in support of the defect we can't make a minute investigation
el.测试数据有效性测量test data effectiveness measurement
proj.manag.然而、如果有一种语言已经使用一个简单的数据结构表示、那么这种情况就可以简化了However, this might be simplified if there was a language already represented with a simple data structure
econ.特许费根据有关双方一致同意的条款和条件决定The franchise fee depends upon the terms and provisions consented by the parties concerned
UN, tech.特遣队是指所有根据本备忘录在任务区部署的部队/警察部队派遣国的建制部队、人员和装备contingent means all formed units, personnel and equipment of the troop/police contributor deployed to the mission area under this memorandum
el.现有[通用]数据库管理系统available data base management system
econ.现有数据available date
wind.现有数据available data
desert.现有数据existing data
el.现有数据库existing database
expl.现有爆破数据available fragmentation data
expl.现有的数据材料,文献,工具,基金等available data materials,literature, tools,fund, etc
proj.manag.电子商务站点内的订单处理系统可能轮询数据库以查看是否有任何新订单需要处理An order processing system inside an e-commerce site may poll the database to see if any new orders need to be processed
tech.登台数据有效率staging effective data rate
IT登台有效数据率staging effective data rate
proj.manag.磁盘上有数据、 是否重新格式化磁盘并清除所有数据?There is information on the disk. Do you want to re format the disk and erase the information?
econ.票据和有价证券再贴现rediscountable bills and acceptances
exhib.票据持有人note holder
busin.票据持有人holder of bill
busin.票据的有效兑现currency of a bill
avia.系统有效数据系统systems effectiveness data system
IT系统有效数据速率system effective data rate
pharm.系肝素钠裂解获取的硫酸氨基葡聚糖片段的钠盐,根据分子量、链末段结构的不同,生产有不同的制剂,如达肝素钠dalteparin sodium
pharm.系肝素钠裂解获取的硫酸氨基葡聚糖片段的钠盐,根据分子量、链末段结构的不同,生产有不同的制剂,如达肝素钠 、瑞肝素钠reviparin sodium
el.综合占有数据分析程序comprehensive occupational data analysis program
logist.联合国有关国际贸易单据的设计方案United Nations Layout Key
logist.联合国有关数据传输的标准信息United Nations Standard Message
mil., air.def.能力有限的通用数据链limited capability common data link
avia.自动数据有效性监控auto data validity monitoring
proj.manag.若数据线也正常、则有可能是主机的 USE 接口出现问题了If the data cable works well, it is possible that USB interface on the computer goes wrong
econ.荷登父子公司是一家根据美国法律组成和运行的有限公司T. Holden & Son is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of U.S.A.T.
gen.据有in possession
commer.装运单据必须与有关信用证的规定完全一致The shipping documents shall exactly coincide with the stipulations in the covering L/C
UN, tech.警务专员指根据秘书长授权任命的负责特派团所有警务行动的官员police commissioner means the officer, appointed under the authority of the Secretary-General, responsible for all police operations within the mission
gen.认作有效之证据in evidence
proj.manag.记录文档的一个合适的方法可以是一个包含有每台计算机所有相关信息的电子数据表An appropriate means of documentation might be a spreadsheet containing all the relevant information for each computer
econ.该收据已报银行认可有效The receipt was validated by the bank
proj.manag.语义万维网的目标是让计算机从网络中的数据中获取有用的信息The semantic web aims to allow computers to extract useful information from data on the net
gen.说话有根据speak by the book
说话没有根据talk without the book
说话没有根据speak without the book
steel.轧制本块钢二级机的所有设定数据PDI: product data input
econ.转包商有机会出席仲裁,这样他就能提出证据The subcontractor is given an opportunity to be present in arbitration so that he can submit evidence
UN, tech.部队指挥官是指根据秘书长授权任命的官员,负责特派团内所有的军事行动force commander means the officer, appointed under the authority of the Secretary-General, responsible for all military operations within the mission
tech.阶梯有效数据传输率staging effective data rate
textile附有单据documents attached
tech.附有回购条件的售出票据bill sold on condition of repurchase
tech.附有回购条件票据的贴现discount on bill sold on condition of repurchase
interntl.trade.附有担保品的票据bills with collateral securities
interntl.trade.附有担保品的票据bill with collateral securities
tech.附有条件的票据claused bill
securit.附有条款的票据claused bill
interntl.trade.附有货运单据的汇票bill accompanied by document
gen.需要有关…的证据require proofs of...
gen.需要有关…的证据require proof of...
el.验证有效性判据validation criterion