
Terms containing 换行 | all forms | in specified order only
telecom.换行no wrap
gen.换行run on
fin.不兑换发行法irredeemable issue method
securit.不可兑换发行方法irredeemable issue method
securit.不同行业股转换sector switch
telecom.不自动换行no wrap
gen.#不起,我们银行不兑换国外支票I'm sorry. Our bank doesn't negotiate foreign checks
fin.与外国央行之间的货币互换协议currency swap agreements with foreign central banks
proj.manag.个复选框可通过单击空格键进行切换A check box is toggled by pressing the spacebar
IMF.中央银行货币互换central bank currency swaps
tech.中途换车出行transit trip
telecom.串并行变换serial-parallel conversion
tech.串并行变换serial parallel conversion
telecom.串并行变换器serial-parallel converter
space串并行模/数转换器serial-parallel A/D converter
tech.串并行模/数转换器serial parallel analog ue/digital converter
tech.串并行模/数转换器serial parallel analog /digital converter
tech.串并行转换serial parallel conversion
tech.串并行转换器serial to-parallel converter
tech.串至并行转换器series to-parallel converter
comp., net.串行交换节点serial interchange node
space串行到并行转换器series to parallel converter
math.串行反馈模/数转换器serial feedback A/D converter
el.串行-并行转换serial to parallel conversion
el.串行-并行转换器serial-to-parallel converter
el.串行数据交换serial data exchange
earth.sc.串行模〔拟〕-数〔字〕转换器serial analog to digital converter
el.串行码-电压转换器serial-to-voltage converter
gen.乘环线到银行站,然后换乘一号线Take the Loop Line to Bank station and then transfer to Line
met.二行程换热器two-pass heat exchanger
tech.交换中的本行票据in clearing
fin.交换代理银行clearing agent
tech.交换发行exchange offerings
securit.交换发行exchange offers
gymn.交换步行进walk with steps change
fin.交换银行clearing bank
fin.他行提出交换的本行票据in clearing
space以信息交换为纽带的未来的快速、灵活、自由飞行、模块化航天器F⁶ future, fast, flexible, fractionated, freeflying spacecraft united by information exchange (计划)
commer.伦敦银行业票据交换所London Bankers' Clearing House
earth.sc.伦敦银行业票据交换所London Bankers, Clearing House
busin.伦敦银行票据交换所清算所London Bankers' Clearing Houses
IMF.债券的票面价格进行交换par bond exchange debt restructuring
busin.偶然交换行accidental exchange
securit.偿债债券或调换债券的发行refunding bonds issue
econ.兑换券发行税bank note duty
securit.兑换黄金的银行gold bank
math.全串行模-数转换器all serial A/D converter
math.全串行模/数转换器all serial A/D converter
tech.全串行模/数转换器all serial analog/digital converter
tech.全并行模/数转换器all parallel analogue/digital converter
math.全并行模/数转换器all parallel A/D converter
tech.全并行模/数转换器all parallel analog/digital converter
met.其主要特点是在吹炼后期改换为 Ar-O₂ 吹炼进行不锈钢生产。STB
dril.内装蛇行管的换热器hair pin heat exchanger
tech.出行交换模型trip interchange model
wind.切换运行switching operation
tech.初等行变换elementary row operation
el.动态暂行交换机间信令协议dynamic interim inter-switch signaling protocol
surg.匐行置换creeping substitution
tech.参加票据交换的银行clearing bank
fin.发行兑换券银行bank of issue
busin.发行新债券换回旧债券refunding issue
securit.发行新债券换回旧债券bond refunding
fin.发行股票换取财产stock issued for property
commer.发行随时可换成现款的股票投资公司mutual fund company
commer.发行随时可换成现款的股票投资公司mutual investment company
econ.发行随时可换成现款的股票的投资公司open-end investment company
econ.发行随时可换成现款的股票的投资公司open-end investment trust
securit.发行随时可换成现款股票的投资公司mutual investment company
tech.换行列式determinant of transformation
el.变换执行过程transformational implementation
gen.只有在你能证明自己的身份时,银行才会为你兑换支票The bank will not change the cheque unless you can identify yourself
tech.可兑换银行券convertible bank note
securit.可提前执行的互换puttable swaps
refrig.同时进行的换热和传质过程simultaneous heat and mass transfer
space同步串行数据转换接器synchronous serial data adapter
el.同步转换器与行输出级synchronous converter and line output stage
fin.向个人银行客户提供人民币兑换与存款业务offer Rmb exchange and deport services for personal banking customers
proj.manag.哈里斯交换机主要通过命令行对数据库进行配置Harris switches generally use command line mode to con figure Database
gen.嗯,任何银行都会以我们现在的旅游支票购买率来兑换,我们在某些方面比酒店更便宜一点是因为服务费Well, any bank will cash it at our present traveler's check buying rate, for which we're somewhere cheaper than hotels because of the service charge
telecom.回车换行new line
telecom.回车换行字符newline character
telecom.回车换行字符new line character
multimed.回车/换行carriage return/line feed
telecom.回车一换行顺序carriage return/line feed sequence
telecom.回车和换行carriage return and line feed
interntl.trade.因货币贬值或升值而进行的某些货币换算调整certain translation adjustments as a result of currency depreciations and appreciations
danc.在侧行位置中左脚向侧不置换重心LF to side without weight in PP
avia.地区飞行气象通报交换系统regional operational meteorological bulletin exchange system
danc.外侧换步在侧行位置结束outside change ended in PP
fin.外汇兑换银行foreign exchange bank
dat.proc.换行word wrap
IT换行与居中word wrap and centering
IT字转行绕行,自动换行word wrap
fin.〈阿塞拜疆〉巴库银行同业货币交换所Baku Inter-bank Currency Exchange
auto.市区行驶换档模式city mode
tech.平行变换parallel transformation
oil平行射线束变换parallel-beam transform
space平行快速傅里叶变换parallel fast-Fourier transform
el.平行流热交换器parallel-flow heat exchanger
telecom.并-串行变换parallel-serial conversion
tech.并串行变换parallel serial conversion
telecom., amer.并串行变换器serializer
tech.并串行转换parallel serial conversion
IT并串行转换寄存器parallel serial register
el.并行FORTRAN 语言转换器parallel FORTRAN converter
space并行-串行变换parallel-to-serial conversion
earth.sc.并行-串行变换器parallel-to-serial converter
mil., air.def.并行-串行变换器parallel to serial converter
gen.【计】并行-串行变换器parallel-to-serial converter
el.并行-串行转换parallel-to-serial conversion
el.并行-串行转换器parallel-to-serial converter
el.并行傅里叶变换parallel Fourier transform
math.并行反馈模/数转换器parallel feedback A/D converter
el.并行媒体转换concurrent media conversion
el.并行模拟-数字转换器parallel analog-to-digital converter
el.并行模数转换器parallel analog-to-digital converter
el.并行码-电压变换器parallel code-to-voltage converter
tech.并行转换concurrent conversion
el.并通过通信网与任何人进行任何种类信息交换的通信方式whoever, whenever, wherever, whomever, whatever
footwear彳艮多职业女性穿平跟鞋步行去上班,在电梯里再换成高跟鞋A lot of women are walking to work in flats and switching in the elevator
gen.必要时进行测试和更换test and replace as necessary
gen.情人节可能来自于欧洲的异教徒兴盛节,这个节日在冬天结束之际举行,通常情人之间会在这个节日互换手写信物This may have followed on from the pagan fertility festivals that were held all over Europe as the winter came to an end, when traditionally lovers would exchange hand written notes
gen.我们只能兑换外汇牌上的这些外币,其他外币您可以去银行兑换We can only change the foreign currencies listed on the foreign currency board. If you have other currencies to change, please go to the bank
gen.我想兑换一些钱,请问银行在哪?I want to change some money. Where is the bank?
gen.我想兑换美国运通的旅行支票I'd like to cash an American Express traveler's check
gen.我想把这些旅行支票换成现金I would like to cash these traveler? s checks, please
gen.我本来打算在酒店兑换的,但是我一个朋友说银行的兑换率会更低一点I was going to cash it at hotel, but one of my friends said that banks always give better exchange rates
securit.执行兑换convertibility undertaking
securit.执行和信息交换法规的第4号工作小组国际证监会组织Working Party 4 on Enforcement and Exchange of Information IOSCO
space执行通信交换executive communication exchange
el.执行通信交换executive communications exchange
avia.执行通信交换executive communication exchange (机)
brit., busin.批发合作社票据交换银行Co-operative Wholesale Society Bank
commer.把支票交银行出纳员兑换现金give one's check to the bank teller
busin.按换算假设进行的计算"if-converted" computation
interntl.trade.按现行价格兑换conversion at the current price
tech.换向迎风行驶【船】change tack
UN, afr."换帽子"成为布隆迪行动的部队re-hatted as ONUB troops
gen.换旅行支票,银行要收取5%的手续费The bank adds on a 5 % handling charge for changing the traveler's cheque
auto.换档行程shift stroke
auto.变速器换档行程shifting travel
auto.换气-压缩行程exchange-compression stroke
auto.换油前行驶的英里数oil mileage
railw.换算走行公里converted running kilometers
space换行line feed
electric.换行line feed
telecom.换行字符line feed character
telecom.换行fresh line
multimed.换行wrap around
el.换行字符new line character
telecom.换行line advance
telecom.换行line shift
gen.换行new line
telecom.换行后填充字符padding after line feed
space换行命令line replace command
IT换行字符line feed character
IT换行字符index character
proj.manag.换行字符newline character
comp.换行控制carriage control
telecom.换行提示wrap prompt
space换行line feed code
multimed.换行newline character
proj.manag.换行LF (linefeed)
multimed.换行line break
tech.换行new line key
tech.换行line feed key
el.排成一行的直管式热交换器aligned heat exchanger of straight tubes
telecom.数字行存储标准转换器digital line-store standard converter
telecom.文字换行wrap text
gen.旅行支票的兑换率是688元兑现100美元The rate for the traveler's check is 100 dollars against 688 yuan
corp.gov.旅行系统替换项目travel system replacement project
fin.无息的银行兑换券non-interest bearing circulation bank note
fin.无息的银行兑换券non-interest-bearing circulation bank note
econ.无息的银行兑换券non-interest bearing circulation
busin.无息银行兑换券non-interest bearing circulation bank note
proj.manag.早前的显卡只能执行光栅化、而CPU 被迫执行顶点变换和光照的计算Earlier cards could only perform the rasterization while the CPU was forced to do the vertex transformation and lighting
econ.’更换债券发行发行新债券兑换旧债券conversion issue
econ.更换债券发行conversion issue (发行新债券兑换旧债券)
securit.更换债券发行发行新债券兑换旧债券conversion issue
auto.更换前行驶的英里数renewal mileage
earth.sc.月球轨道飞行器数据换算系统lunar orbiter data conversion system
el.月球轨道飞行器数据转换系统lunar orbiter data conversion system
el.本地交换局运行系统local exchange operation system
IT本地交换运行系统local exchange operation system
IT本地交换运行系统LE-OpS (local exchange operation system)
auto.机油更换间隔期内的行驶英里数drain mile
railw.机车换算走行公里converted locomotive kilometers
tech.机车换算走行公里locomotive converted running kilometers
telecom.标尺自动换行wrap to ruler
telecom.标题换行wrap title
baseb.比赛进行中的换人on-the-fly substitution
railw.气液转换执行元件air-oil actuator
auto.润滑油更换间隔期内的行驶英里数lube oil miles
auto.自动变速器滑行换档阀coast shift valve
el.燃料元件例行更换【核】routine replacement of fuel elements
UN, tech.特遣队可保持有限的作业储备不超过批准数量的10%,以用于迅速替换业已损失的或在战区无法进行保养的损坏车辆operational stocks up to 10 per cent of authorized quantity designed as immediate replacement for vehicles lost or damaged beyond in-theatre repair capability
tech.现行兑换率current rate
soil.现行水旱轮换使用的稻田制指稻田水旱轮换使用的制度present paddy field in alternative land usage system
org.name.用于行政、商业和交通的电子数据交换Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport
el.电子数据交换行为规范用远程传送方式进行数据交换的通则uniform rule of conduct for the interchange of data by teletransmission
el.电子数据交换银行联盟网络交易中心美国Electronic Data Interchange Bank Alliance Network Exchange
telecom.换行返回hard return
tech.票据交换后银行借差debit bank balance
tech.票据交换后银行贷差credit bank balance
tech.票据交换所会员银行clearing member
securit.票据交换所会员银行member bank of the clearing house
IMF.票据交换所银行间支付系统clearing house interbank payments system
tech.票据交换轧差银行debtor bank
interntl.trade.票据交换银行clearing bank
econ.票据交换银行banker's bank
telecom.窗口内自动换行wrap to window
tech.符号转换例行程序symbolic conversion routine
securit.美国银行家协会交换号码ABA transit number
nautic., tech.联合国行政、商业、运输电子数据交换规则UN/EDIFACT
auto.二冲程汽油机膨胀-换气行程expansion-scavenging stroke
auto.膨胀-换气行程expansion-exchange stroke
telecom.自动换行line wrap
telecom.自动换行wrap text
telecom.自动换行wrap words
telecom.自动换行word wrap
telecom.自动换行automatic line feed
tech.自动换行automatic new line
tech.自行车停车换乘bike and ride
ecol.臭氧行动信息交换中心ozone action information clearinghouseOAIC
UN臭氧行动信息交换所OzonAction Information Clearinghouse
shipb.航行试验中轴带发电机与柴油发电机的换车试验change over test between shaft generator and diesel generator on sea trial
fin., Russia莫斯科银行同业货币交换所Moscow Inter-bank Currency Exchange
auto.活塞程换向stroke reversal
anim.husb.行为转换反常行为的一种,个体忽然中止其正在进行的活动,而转向另一种完全不同性质的活动displacement behavior
progr.行变换row transformation
tech.行变换line translation
tech.行变换器line transformer
el.行地址转换总线row address transition bus
el.行地址转换检测器row address transition detector
el.行政、商务和运输业用电子数据交换electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and transport
plast.行星式可替换筒的混合器planetary change-can mixer
mil., air.def.行波管能量交换互作用电路traveling-wave tube interaction circuit
tech.行程交换模型trip interchange model
tech.行程换向return of stroke
auto.行程转换器travel transducer
auto.行车道变换指示器多数车由转向信号灯代用lane change indicator
tech.行转换line translation
tech.被替换行replaced row
econ.让货币浮动,意思就是让它在国际市场上自行确定其兑换率The float of a currency means letting it find its own exchange rate on the international market
busin.证券转换发行conversion issue
econ.试行交换dry exchange
gen.请问你们这儿兑换外币吗?这是我的旅行支票。能兑现吗?Do you exchange foreign currency here? This is my traveler's check. Can you cash it for me?
interntl.trade.调换发行conversion issue
telecom.转换例行程序conversion routine
el.运行换料on-load refueling
hydroel.st.运行方式转换operating mode transition
earth.sc.运行、维修和更换operation, maintenance, and replacement
fin.通过交换托收的银行票据bank exchanges
math.采样一保持串行数/模转换器sample/hold serial D/A converter
securit.银行交换托收票据bank exchange
busin.银行交换票据bank exchanges
securit.银行交换票据bank exchange
tech.银行兑换单bank slip
tech.银行兑换单bank exchange memo
fin.银行兑换率bank rate
el.银行卡信息交换中心bank card switch center
gen.银行可以拒绝兑换支票,却不可以拒绝兑换银行汇票A bank cannot refuse to a banker's draft, whereas it can refuse to a cheque
busin.银行汇票支票,汇票兑换bank exchanges
econ.银行票据交换bank clearing
interntl.trade.银行票据交换所bank clearing house
proj.manag.银行票据交换所bankers' clearing house
interntl.trade.银行票据交换所banker's clearing house
el.银行系统信息交换banking systems information exchange
el.银行自动化票据交换业务banker automated clearing service
el.银行自动化票据交换系统banker automated clearance system
tech.随行夹具交换装置pallet changer
tech.随行托板交换装置pallet changer
tech.雅可比变换行列式Jacobi's transformation determinant
fin., korea.韩国外换银行Korea Exchange Bank
space飞行中更换组件in-flight replacement unit
avia.飞行中替换装置in-flight replacement unit
space飞行中过度换气in-flight hyperventilation
avia.飞行仪表信号系统转换器flight instrument signal system converter
avia.飞行仪表信号转换器flight instrument signal converter
avia.飞行器转换装置airframe converter unit
avia.飞行指引仪信号换接器flight director signal adapter
securit.首席执行官的撤换CEO turnover
securit.首次公开发行前可转换证券pre-IPO convertible