
Terms containing 损失 的 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.一方得利引起另一方损失的zero sum
econ.一旦发生事故,你方应采取一切可能的措施以避免经济损失Upon the occurrence of the accident, you shall take all steps possible to prevent economic loss
econ.不受损失百分比限制的赔偿irrespective of percentage
busin.不可弥补挽回的损失irrecoverable losses
tech.不可弥补的损失irretrievable loss
textile不可挽回的损失incurable loss
busin.不可挽回的损失irredeemable loss
chem.不可测定的损失undeterminable losses
tech.不可测定的损失undeterminable loss
agric.不可补偿的损失dead loss
textile不可避免的损失inevitable loss
tech.不可避免的时间损失unavoidable lost-time
met.不可预测的损失unknown loss
busin.不可预测的损失incalculable loss
tech.不可预见的损失unforeseen loss
tech.不应有的损失unwarranted losses
econ.不时发生的损失sporadic losses
el.不明的损失unexplained loss
econ.不正当的损失contemptuous damages
busin.经法院判决不正当的损失索赔contemptuous damage
interntl.trade.不正当的损失赔偿要求contemptuous damages
tech.不管损失已否发生的条款lost or not lost clause
shipb.不能挽回的损失irredeemable loss
interntl.trade.不能补偿的损失dead loss
tech.世界范围的耕地损失the world loss of cropland
busin.丧失使用的损失loss from engagement
econ.个人用品因公遗失或损坏的赔偿compensation for loss or damage to personal effects attributable to service
tech.为损失支付的费用loss draft
UN, tech.为联合国服务所引起的死亡、受伤或疾病和个人财产损失的索赔要求compensation claims in respect of death, injury or illness attributable to united nations service and/or loss of personal property
busin.为避免通货膨胀损失的保值措施hedge against inflation
econ.买卖双方应该共同承担由于货币调整而造成的损失Both the buyer and the seller should share the loss caused by a monetary adjustment
ecol.买方垄断的无谓损失deadweight loss of monopsony
refrig.产品中的热损失heat loss from products
econ.他们公司要求赔偿五万美元的火灾损失Their company claimed $50.000 for fire damage
econ.他们蒙受了自然灾害所造成的巨大损失They sustained great losses caused by natural disasters
econ.他们认为对他们遭受的损失应给予赔偿They consider themselves entitled to an allowance for the loss they suffered
econ.他们需要一笔贷款来支付由于这次损失带来的亏空They need a loan to cover the shortfall resulted from the loss
proj.manag.他表示:"任何一个最初以对冲为动机的人、最终都会变成一个赌徒。我在对冲上损失了太多的钱、因此我不会再这么做了""Anybody that starts off as a hedger becomes a gambler and I have taken too many losses from hedging, so I don't do it anymore," he says
econ.他购买黄金以规避兑换率的损失He bought gold as a hedge against exchange losses
interntl.trade.以发生损失的时间为根据的赔款loss occurring basis
econ.仲裁委员会裁决赔偿该公司的损失The company was awarded its damage by the Arbitration Commission
auto.传动系统变速器中的功率损失transmission loss
econ.作业损失时间的扣除deduction for time lost
econ.作为共同海损予以补偿的损失loss made good as (general average)
interntl.trade.作为共同海损予以补偿的损失loss made good as general average
busin.作为共同海损得到的损失补偿damage made good as general average
busin.作为共同海损得到的损失补偿damage allowed as general average
textile作为共同海损得到补偿的损失damage made good as general average
interntl.trade.作为共同海损得到补偿的损失damage made good a general average
interntl.trade.作为共同海损得到补偿的灭失、损害和费用loss made good as general average
interntl.trade.作为共同海损的损失loss allowed as general average
interntl.trade.作为共同海损补偿的损失allow make good a loss as general average
econ.你将收到汇款作为对你方损失的补偿You will receive the remittance in compensation for your loss
econ.你方迟误,使我方遭受相当大的损失This delay on your part has subjected us to a considerable loss
econ.你能告诉我谁承担了那个子公司的损失吗?Can you let us know who absorbed the loss by the subsidiary?
gen.依据 1999年《蒙特利尔公约》,国际航空公司须为行李丢失或损坏的顾客支付高达3 000美元的赔偿金Under the 1999 Montreal Act, international airlines are required to offer their customers compensation for lost or damaged luggage for up to $3,000
tech.依次张拉的应力损失sequence-stressing loss
securit.保证投资不受损失的方案保证投资得到一定利润和不受损失的计划investment guaranty program
UN, tech.修理总费用超过了该装备的通用公平市价的75%时,则该装备将被视为全部损失total loss, when the cost of repair exceeds 75 per cent of the GFMV
shipb.停业造成的损失loss from suspension
econ.停止损失的指令stop order
interntl.trade.停止或限制损失的指示stop-loss order
tech.偶然事故的损失loss from accident
tech.储存时的损失storage losses
tech.储存时的损失storage loss
chem.催化剂的磨耗损失attrition loss of catalyst
econ.允许作为共同海损补偿的损失allow a loss as general average
otorhinol.免疫介导的感音神经性听力损失immune-mediated sensorineural hearing loss
busin.免赔的损失deductible loss
econ.共同海损得到补偿的损失damage made good as general average
earth.sc.关于二次损失函数的容许性admissibility with respect to quadratic loss function
earth.sc.关于二次损失函数的非容许性inadmissibility with respect to quadratic loss function
interntl.trade.关于经济损失的债权、诉权claim for financial loss
econ.农业投入中的损失losses in agricultural inputs
expl.冲击波压力损失与炸药的爆炸压力有关、可以通过计算炸药的密度和爆速来估算。因此、炸药的冲击波压力损失的测定可以通过实验引人一些诸如温度、静态和动态预压及导爆索支线等变量来确定The shock pressure loss is related to the explosive's detonation prepressure, which can be estimated by knowing the density and detonation velocity of the explosive. Therefore, the SLF for a test explosive can be experimentally determined by introducing in the test certain additional variables, such as temperature,static and dynamic pre-compression and detonating cord downline
econ.减少发生损失的危险reduce the risks of loss
econ.出于卖方自己疏忽造成的损失得由卖方负责The seller shall be liable for damages resulting from his own negligence
interntl.trade.出于轻率造成的损失recklessly caused loss
tech.分散发生损失的危险reduce the risks of loss
avia.分离的实际损失actual loss of separation
interntl.trade.到岸以后的损失post-CIF loss
auto.功的损失loss of work
gen.单位长度射程中的能量损失linear energy transfer
polygr.印版因胶多而损失图文的故障[故障]gum blinding
econ.即使稍有失误也会有损贵公司的信誉Even minor faults may impair the reputation of your company
tech.压力损失动作的雨淋阀pressure-loss operated deluge valve
refrig.压力楼梯井内每层的摩擦损失frictional losses per floor inside the pressurized stairwell
interntl.trade.双重损失的whip sawed
fin.受害一方自己的损失contributory negligence
econ.受时效限制而损失的索赔claim barred by reason of limitation
econ.可作为共同海损的损失damage allowed as general average
interntl.trade.可作共同海损的损失damage allowed as general average
tech.可决定的损失determinable losses
tech.可减少的损失deductible loss
shipb.可减除的损失deductible loss
busin.可弥补的损失recoverable loss
busin.可得到补偿的损失recoverable loss
commer.可收回的损失recoverable loss
refrig.可测量的热损失measurable heat loss
shipb.可能发生的最大损失probable maximum loss
fin.可能发生的最大损失额Probable maximum loss
econ.可能发生的最大损失额possible maximum loss
interntl.trade.可能发生的最高损失额probable maximum loss
busin.保险可能发生的最高损失额probable maximum loss
tech.可能的损失possible loss
securit.可能的损失potential losses
securit.可能的最大损失probable maximum loss
textile可能的最大损失额possible maximum loss
securit.可能的最高损失额maximum possible loss
tech.可避免的时间损失avoidable downtime
interntl.trade.可预料到的损失foreseeable damages
shipb.可预料到的损失foreseeable damage
tech.可预见的损失foreseeable loss
commer.可预见的损失foreseeable losses
tech.可预见的损失foreseeable damages
avia.喷流引起的升力损失jet induced lift loss
econ.因交货延误而造成的损失,我方负责We will assume no responsibility for the loss arising from the delayed shipment
securit.因反复亏损而导致的损失whipsaw losses
securit.因套牢而遭受的损失whipsaw losses
China, law因延误造成的损失damage occasioned by delay
China, law因此所受到的损失loss consequently suffered
busin.因罢工而损失的工作日数working days lost through the stoppage
China, law因财产保全所遭受的损失loss incurred from the property preservation
interntl.trade.因违反契约赔偿的损失heart balm
securit.固定资产与流动资产的损失losses in fixed and circulating assets
econ.在发生空舱、滞期或罚款的情况下,该公司承担由此引起的损失The company bears the losses thus incurred in the case of dead freight, demurrage or fines
commer.在实际全损的情况下,保险标的物已无可挽救地完全丧失,被保险人惟一可采取的办法就是向保险人要求赔偿In the case of an actual total loss, the subject matter is so completely and irretrievably lost that the only course open to the insured is to recover the loss from the insurer
refrig.在支管起始处有一定压力损失的管道系统duct systems with certain pressure losses in branch takeoffs
manag.在机器上损失的工件pieces lost at machine
econ.在此情况下,他们采取措施补救由地震造成的损失In this case, they took measures to remedy such damage by earthquake
econ.在这种情况下,若同意你方签订此合同的要求,将招致我方很大损失In this circumstance it would cause us a great loss if we were to accede to your request for signing this contract
tech.地区性的获得和损失regional gains and losses
earth.sc.地面系统中的压力损失pressure loss in the surface system
refrig.声音的传递损失sound transmission loss
met.计数管失效时间内的计数损失dead-time loss
commer.夸大未开信用证所造成的损失赔偿金exaggerate the damages for failure to open an L/C
econ.如果发生人力无法控制的任何偶发事件,卖方和买方必须彼此协商,以便使损失减少到最低程度in the event of any contingencies beyond control, the seller and the buyer shall consult with each other in order to minimize the loss
econ.如果该财产的任何部分被火焚毁或其他意外事故所毁坏或损害,上述的购买价格将予以削减以抵销此损失If any part of the property should be destroyed or injured by fire or other casualty, the purchase price specified above would be abated to the extent or amount of such loss
textile实际全损的理算,实际全部损失的调整adjustment of actual total loss
tech.损失的补偿offset to the loss
econ.对业主闭厂停工造成的损失,承包人概不负责The contractor shall not be liable for damage resulted from lockout by the owner
econ.对于因此而发生的一切损失,我方将被认为负有责任We will be held responsible for all losses arise-ing therefrom
econ.对于本协议的任何更新而造成的损失,第一方概不负责The first party shall not bear responsibility for the loss upon any renewal of Ms agreement
commer.对员工不忠实造成损失的保险fidelity insurance
refrig.对周围环境的热损失heat loss to surroundings
econ.对所受损失我方要求8000美元的赔偿费We claimed $8000 damages for the loss sustained
securit.对投资损失的承受忍耐力market exposure
shipb.对损失所负的责任liability for loss
econ.对规定价格须作些适当改变以补偿供应商由于成本增加而造成的损失The fixed prices shall be changed appropriately to compensate the supplier for any increased cost
interntl.trade.对财产损失的责任liability for damage to property
econ.对财产损失的责任liability damage to property
textile对货物灭失或损坏的索赔claim based on physical loss or damage
econ.对货物灭失或损坏的索赔诉权claim based on physical loss or damage
econ.对金钱损失的索赔claim for financial loss
busin.对金钱损失的索赔claim based on pecuniary loss
commer.将对损失费的索赔提交仲裁submit a claim for damages for arbitration
tech.尚未知道的损失not known loss
econ.就业不足所造成的损失idleness waste
UN, tech.就备件、次要装备和消耗品的损失或损坏向联合国索赔file claims against the united nations for loss or damage to spare parts, minor equipment and consumables
interntl.trade.就货物灭失或损坏提起的诉讼action in respect of loss or damage to goods
econ.就货物遗失或损坏提起的诉讼action in respect of loss or damage to goods
interntl.trade.就载货的灭失、损坏提出的赔偿要求cargo claim
expl.岩石爆破中由飞石造成的人身危险及财产损失,自采用爆破技术以来,一直是个严重问题Danger and damage from flyrock in rock blasting has been a serious problem ever since blasting was introduced
busin.工人责任造成的损失时间lost time accountable to the workers
auto.工作时的能量损失running loss
econ.工程师将尽力维护业主的利益,使其不受承包商给工程造成的损失An engineer shall manage to guard the owner against loss or damage to the work of the contractor
securit.损失的资本impaired capital
securit.已出现的损失realized loss
tech.已清偿了结的损失赔偿金liquidated damages
commer.已清偿的损失liquidated damage
commer.已清偿的损失赔偿金liquidated damages
securit.已经发生的损失incurred losses
securit.已造成的损失realized loss
proj.manag.应予赔偿的损失compensatory damages
securit.应急准备和其他潜在损失的准备金provision for contingency and other probable losses
met.废气带走的热损失waste heat loss
securit.延期交易损失的限制limitations on loss carryovers
interntl.trade.延迟引起的损失damages for delay
refrig.弯管的水头损失loss of head in bends
econ.当这家银行倒闭时,她损失了所有的钱She lost all her money when the bank failed
econ.很清楚,损失的责任在于你方It is clear that responsibility for such losses rests with you
tech.徐变引起的预应力损失prestressing loss due to creep
tech.徐变的损失loss due to creep
econ.得悉运到我方的瓷砖中有相当数量已损坏,令人失望It was disappointing to learn that quite a few ceramic tiles sent to us were damaged
econ.必要的损失necessary damages
sport., med.必要的氮损失obligatory nitrogen loss
telecom.性能损失的近似估计法penalty approximation
econ.总经理离职将是公司的一大损失The separation of the general manager will be a great loss for the company
tech.恶意破坏造成的损失malicious damage
econ.意外的损失unexpected losses
econ.我们一定调査造成损失的原因We will be sure to investigate the cause of the loss
econ.我们对由于不可避免的意外事故而造成损失或损坏不负责任We shall not be responsible for losses or damages caused by unavoidable accidents
econ.我们将向轮船公司询问此批货损失的原因We will make inquiries at the shipping company regarding the reason for loss of the goods
econ.我们将补偿你们的损失We will reimburse you for your loss
econ.我们必须立即着手解决拖了一年之久之事,否则我们的损失更大We must immediately set out to settle this matter, which has been hanging fire for one year or we will suffer even greater loss
econ.我们必须索赔54 000美元,以弥补所受的损失We have to ask for a compensation of US $54 000 to cover the loss incurred
econ.我们正在调査造成损失的原因We are inquiring about the reason of the loss
gen.我会赔偿损失的I will pay for the losses
econ.我方只好要求你方承担由于贵方违约造成的全部损失的责任We have to hold you are responsible for all the loss resulting from your default in the agreement
econ.我方有权索赔由于你方违约而使我方蒙受的损失We shall have the right to claim for the loss sustained as a result of your default
econ.我方赔偿你方因误送货物所造成的损失We make you a compensation for miscarriage of the goods
econ.所得的赔偿与所受的损失不相称The compensation gained is not proportionate to the loss suffered
China, law扩大的损失additional losses
commer.承保不论何种原因所引起的一切灭失或损坏to cover all loss and or damage however caused irrespective of percentage
interntl.trade.承运人对载货遭受损害的过失是知情的privity (or knowledge)
interntl.trade.承运人签发的损失或损坏证书certificate of loss or damage delivered by carrier
fin.抵补未来损失的盈余appreciated contingencies
fin.按市价计值后的损失marking-to-market loss
archit.损失 lost
gen.损失未利用中子wasted neutron
busin.保险损失与支出的比率loss-and-expense ratio
securit.损失发生的原因losses occurring basis
securit.损失发生的缘由losses occurring basis
econ.损失工作日的伤害事故频率lost-workday injury frequency
commer.损失是由不慎装卸所引起的The damage is caused by rough handling
nautic., tech.损失水线面的面积lost waterplane area
econ.损失的估价assessment of loss
econ.损失的估价the appraisement of losses
proj.manag.损失的减少loss abatement
telecom.损失的呼叫lost call
fin.损失的成本lost costs
econ.损失的成本lost cost
proj.manag.损失的或然性loss contingency
interntl.trade.损失的推定presumption of loss
econ.损失的推断a presumption of loss
securit.损失的最大限度cap to the amount of damage
tech.损失的百分percentage of damage
interntl.trade.损失的百分率percentage of damage
telecom.损失的试呼lost call attempt
telecom.损失的话务量intensity of traffic lost
busin.损失的赔偿费damages for the loss
econ.损失赔偿的要求obligation of compensation for losses
textile损失赔偿的诉讼action for damage
tech.损失赔偿的预防protection against damage claims
econ.损毁或遗失的债券destroyed or lost bond
telecom.损耗的频率失真loss distortion with frequency
insur.推定的损失总额constructive total loss
auto.管道壁摩擦损失的压头friction head
tech.摩擦引起的预应力损失prestressing loss due to friction
tech.摩擦引起的预应力损失loss of prestress friction
refrig.支管可忽略压力损失的风管系统duct systems with negligible pressure loss at branch ducts
econ.收割时的损失field loss
tech.收缩引起的预应力损失prestressing loss due to shrinkage
proj.manag.政府收人的损失cost to the revenue
interntl.trade.故意造成的损失willfully caused loss
econ.故意造成的损失the wilful caused loss
busin.故意造成的损失wilful caused loss
China, law故意造成的损失loss caused by the intentional act
busin.故意造成的损失wilfully caused loss
auto.效能的损失loss of efficiency
tech.断面扩大产生的水头损失loss head due to enlargement
refrig.断面扩大产生的水头损失loss of head due to enlargement
tech.断面收缩产生的水头损失loss of head due to contraction
securit.无可挽回的损失irreparable loss
tech.无形的损失invisible loss
forestr.无法忍受的损失intolerable loss
securit.无法挽回的损失unrecoverable loss
tech.无法测定的损失undeterminable loss
econ.无谓的损失dead weight loss
econ.无谓的损失deadweight loss
tech.无载运转的损失unload loss
proj.manag.早期的估计数字显示、 人们认为光是经济损失可能就相当严重Early estimates suggested that the economic cost alone might be grievous
securit.明显的损失explicit loss
securit.明确的损失explicit loss
shipb.最终的实际损失ultimate net loss
interntl.trade.有时发生的损失sporadic losses
busin.期初估计的损失initial loss estimate
econ.期望机会的损失expected opportunity loss
econ.期望的边际损失expected marginal loss
el.未供千瓦小时的损失费用cost of kilowatthour not supplied
interntl.trade.未保险的损失loss not covered
busin.未保险的损失uninsured loss
econ.未决定的损失赔偿要求damage at large (指受损失在赔偿要求中未提赔偿金额留待法庭裁决)
interntl.trade.未决的损失outstanding losses
econ.未发现的损失undiscovered losses
tech.未发现的损失undiscovered loss
interntl.trade.未发觉的损失undiscovered loss
econ.未发觉的损失undiscovered losses
securit.未处理的流动资产损失current assets losses in suspense
securit.未成为现实的损失unrealized loss
interntl.trade.未清算的损失unliquidated damages
auto.未确定待定的损失undetermined loss
securit.未结算的损失unsettled fails
textile未解决的损失outstanding loss
econ.未解决的损失outstanding losses
tech.未计及的损失unaccounted-for loss
commer.未预见到的损失unforeseen loss
commer.本保险在任何情况下不负责捕获、逮捕、禁制或拘留海盗行为除外以及这些行动的后果或这方面的企图造成的损失和费用In no case shall this insurance cover loss, damage or expense caused by capture, seizure, arrest, restraint or detainment piracy excepted, and the consequences thereof or any attempt thereat
commer.本保险承保上述第一款所述由于捕获、拘捕、扣留、禁制、扣押所导致的损失This insurance covers loss or damage caused by capture, seizure, restraint or detainment arising from the events in section 1 above
commer.本保险承保库存货物被没收的损失险This cover provides against loss by confiscation of the goods held in stock
busin.机器上损失的工件pieces lost at machine
fin.权益法确认的投资损失investment loss recognized under equity method
tech.构件受压变形引起的预应力损失sequence-stressing loss
econ.根据我们公司的规则,只有销售额完成了而且真实可靠,才允许扣除损失According to the rule of our company, a loss can be deductible only when the sale is complete and bona fide
proj.manag.格拉汉姆理念的标志不是利润最大化、 而是损失最小化The hallmark of Grahams philosophy is not profit maximization but loss minimization
tech.横断面突然变化引起的动力水头损失loss of dynamical head due to sudden change of cross-sectional area
tech.横断面突然变化引起的动力水头损失loss of dynamic head due to sudden change of cross-section area
econ.欠税利息及罚款的损失估计estimated uncollectible interest and penalties on taxes
busin.毁损或遗失的证券destroyed or lost bond
agric.每单位表面面积的水分损失water loss per unit surface area
agric.氮的挥发损失volatilization loss of nitrogen
tech.氮的气体损失gaseous losses of nitrogen
tech.氮的获得和损失nitrogen gains and losses
tech.水头的单位损失specific loss of head
refrig.水头的摩擦损失frictional loss of head
desert.水的输送损失conveyance loss
el.水跃的能量损失energy loss in hydraulic jump
fin.汇兑利益与损失的列计reporting exchange gains and losses
tech.油储藏损失的控制oil stock loss control
tech.油的储藏损失oil stock loss
commer.法院驳回买方提岀以不履约为由而提起的损失赔偿诉讼The court dismissed the action by the buyer against the seller for losses for non-performance
tech.洪水造成的损失flood damage
busin.清偿的损失额liquidated damages
refrig.渐扩截面的水头损失loss of head at gradual expansion of cross-section
tech.滑动引起的预应力损失prestressing loss due to slip
busin.潜在收益的损失loss of potential earning
econ.火灾损失的赔偿fire indemnity
tech.炭的摩擦损失abrasion loss of carbon
tech.热量的净损失net loss of heat
tech.熟料卸出带走的热损失clinker discharge loss
UN, tech.特遣队可保持有限的作业储备不超过批准数量的10%,以用于迅速替换业已损失的或在战区无法进行保养的损坏车辆operational stocks up to 10 per cent of authorized quantity designed as immediate replacement for vehicles lost or damaged beyond in-theatre repair capability
UN, tech.特遣队自备装备损失和损坏的索偿reimbursement for loss or damage of contingent-owned equipment
econ.生产时间的损失lost production time
auto.生产率的损失loss of efficiency
UN, ecol.生物量的损失biomass, loss of
econ.税收优惠造成的岁八损失revenue losses through (tax priviledge)
refrig.由于人口影响造成的压力损失inlet system effect pressure loss
expl.由于膨胀气体挤压这种物质、致使能量损失速度快、爆后产物的压力和温度迅速下降。这些损失作为膨胀波传到反应区之内、因而降低了压力和反应速率、且最终消除了对爆震波面传播的能量支持As the expanding gases compress such material, energy is lost rapidly and pressure and temperature drop sharply in the reaction products. These losses are communicated to the interior of the reaction zone as a rarefaction wave, lowering the pressure and reaction rate, and ultimately removing support far the propagation of the detonation front
commer.由于被保险人故意的违法行为所导致的损失不予赔偿Loss or damage attributable to the wilful misconduct of the insured is not recoverable
busin.由保险负责的损失damage covered by insurance
auto.由冷却液带走的热量损失jacket heat loss
busin.由税收优惠造成的岁入损失revenue losses through tax privilege
auto.由运动阻力引起的损失drag loss
econ.货物、财产的损失damage to (cargo, property)
refrig.皮肤表面的蒸发热损失evaporative heat loss from skin surface
securit.盈余/损失的分摊allocation of gains/losses
busin.相当大的损失considerable loss
refrig.看不见的损失invisible loss
commer.确定的损失ascertained loss
commer.确定的损失ascertained damage
interntl.trade.税的耗减损失tax deductible loss
econ.突起的风暴造成了重大的损失The lightning storm led to great losses
fin.符合规定的损失qualifying loss
tech.管进口段的压头损失loss of head due to entrance
tech.管道转弯产生的水头损失loss on head in bends
tech.管道转弯产生的水头损失loss of head in bends
tech.管道配件的压头损失loss of head due to pipe fitting
expl.粗心大意往往是蒙受巨大损失的直接原因Carelessness is often the direct cause of great losses
refrig.系统压力损失的可变部分variable part of system pressure loss
refrig.系统压力损失的固定部分fixed part of system pressure loss
bacteriol.细菌造成的牛奶损失bacterial spoilage of milk
tech.终身丧失工作能力的损伤permanent impairment
interntl.trade.经商定后的全部损失compromised total loss
dril.胶结作用所致的孔隙度损失cementational porosity lose
lat., busin.自然灾害造成的损失damnum fatale
tech.船闸过船时的流量损失loss by lockage
tech.蓄意造成的损失wilfully caused loss
tech.蠕变引起的预应力损失prestressing loss due to creep
tech.蠕变的损失loss due to creep
shipb.行李的损坏或丢失damage or loss to luggage
China, law行李的灭失、损坏loss of or damage to the passenger's luggage
interntl.trade.补偿损失的合同contract of indemnity
interntl.trade.补偿某人的损失indemnify a person for his loss
busin.被保险财产损失或损坏的赔偿compensation for loss or damage to the insured property
interntl.trade.装卸期间遭到的损失loss sustained during loading and unloading
commer.装运延误带来的价格损失loss in price incident to delay in shipment
econ., int. law.要求补偿财物被非法占用所受损失的诉讼trover
China, law要求赔偿损失的权利right to claim compensation for loss
tech.要求赔偿损失的权利right to demand compensation for losses
tech.要求赔偿损失的权利right to claim for damages
commer.要求赔偿损失的诉讼action for damage
commer.要求赔偿损失的诉讼action for the recovery of damage
interntl.trade.要求赔偿损失的诉讼action for compensation for loss
commer.要求赔偿损失的诉讼action for indemnity
commer.要求赔偿损失的诉讼action for compensation for damage
busin.要求赔偿损失的起诉sue for damage
interntl.trade.要求赔偿事先确定的损失的诉讼common assumpsit
lat., econ., int. law.要求赔偿违约所造成损失的诉讼assumpsit
commer.规定的损失价值stipulated loss value
econ.计算某人在 …的损失compute one's loss at...
econ.计算盈利和损失的方法the methodology and approach in terms of gains and loss
busin.计算盈利和损失的方法methodology and approach in terms of gains and loss
econ.该公司对于任何政府禁运所造成的损失不负任何责任The company has no liability for damages from embargoes on freight of any government
econ.该公司并没有因所有权的变化而蒙受太大损失The company has not suffered much by a change of ownership
econ.请提出赔偿你方损失的解决办法Please suggest a solution to compensate you for your loss
tech.财产的异常损失extraordinary property loss
econ.财产的损失property damage
fin.货币性项目的汇兑损失exchange loss of monetary items
textile货物损失索赔,货物短缺和损失的索赔claim for loss and damage of cargo
interntl.trade.货物灭失或损失所产生的索赔诉权claim based on physical loss damage
busin.货物灭失或残损的索赔处理disposal of claim for consignments lost or damage
econ.货物的损失loss of goods
interntl.trade.货物的损失loss damage or delay of goods
busin.货物的损失sacrifices of cargo
interntl.trade.货物的灭失、损坏或交付延误loss, damage or delay of goods
busin.货物的灭失,损坏或交付延误loss, damage or delay of goods
busin.货物的灭失、损坏或延误loss, damage or delay of goods
busin.货物的物质损失physical damage to the goods
commer.货物装船前或卸岸后陆上运输中发生损失的保险条款shore clause
econ.货物遭受的损失property damage
interntl.trade.货物遭受的物质损失physical damage to the goods
account.资产价值的损失impairment of asset values
econ.资产估价中的意外损失the assessment contingency
busin.资产估价中的意外损失assessment contingency
fin.资产的预计有形损失expected tangible loss of asset
commer.资产评估中的意外损失assessment contingency
busin.资本损失的可扣除性deductibility of capital loss
tech.资本的利得与损失capital gains and losses
tech.赔偿损失的义务obligation of compensation for losses
tech.赔偿损失的加倍付给double value compensation
econ.赔偿损失的合同contract of indemnity
tech.赔偿损失的要求claim for damages
gen.赔偿损失的要求a claim for claims of damage
gen.赔偿损失的要求a claim for damages
econ.赔偿托运人的货物破损造成的损失compensate the shipper for breakage
tech.赔偿损失时的加倍付给double value
econ.赔偿某人的损失recoup one's losses
commer.赔偿某人的损失indemnify sb. for his losses
busin.赔偿的损失损坏compensatory damage
busin.超过实际损失的警戒性赔偿exemplary damages
tech.超过实际损失的赔偿exemplary damages
gen.轻微的损失trivial loss
shipb.轻率造成的损失recklessly caused loss
tech.输出的搜索损失output hunting loss
econ.运输损失的理算adjustment of transport loss
econ.这一小小的疏忽导致了生命财产的惨重损失This slight neglect resulted in the great loss of life and property
econ.违约损失准备金的补偿compensation for default loss reserve
interntl.trade.连续的损失successive losses
interntl.trade.迟误引起的损失damages for detention
refrig.送风管的总压力损失total pressure loss of supply outlet
interntl.trade.通知损失的义务obligation of giving claim notice
busin.通货膨胀损失的预防inflation proof
interntl.trade.通货膨胀损失的预防措施inflation proof
anim.husb.通风空气在冷却和干燥过程中冷量的损失air change losses
econ.磨擦、鼠咬造成的损失damage by (friction, rats)
China, law造成难以弥补的损失incur an irretrievable loss
interntl.trade.遭受损失的一方injured party
securit.遭受的损失incurred losses
busin.避免因废弃损失的套头交易hedge against obsolescence
interntl.trade.避免通货膨胀损失的保值措施hedge against inflation
econ.避免通货膨胀损失的保值措施a hedge against inflation
tech.避免通货膨胀损失的套期保值hedge against inflation
econ.采取这些措施是为了保护投资者免受通胀时期内的损失The measures are adopted to guard the investors against the loss incurred during inflation
avia.重量带来的损失weight penalty
commer.重量损失高达总重量的10%The loss in weight amounts to over 10% of the total
interntl.trade.重量的损失weight loss
interntl.trade.金钱损失所产生的债权claim based on pecuniary loss
econ.鉴于你方违约使我们遭受重大损失,我们不得不撤销合同,并对蒙受的损失保留索赔权In view of the fact that we are incurring a heavy loss as a result of your default, we have to cancel this contract and reserve the right to claim for the loss sustained
earth.sc.钻杆中的压力损失pressure loss in the drill pipe
earth.sc.钻杆外围环形空间的压力损失pressure loss in the drill pipe annulus
earth.sc.钻铤中的压力损失pressure loss in the drill collars
earth.sc.钻铤外围环形空间的压力损失pressure loss in the drill collar annulus
tech.锚固滑动引起的预应力损失prestressing loss due to slip at anchorage
interntl.trade.防止和减轻损失的义务duty of averting or minimizing losses
avia.阻力带来的损失drag penalty
tech.阻障产生的水头损失loss of head due to obstructions
tech.阿尔法放射线的能量损失alpha energy loss
tech.障碍产生的水头损失loss of dynamical head due to obstructing object
tech.障碍产生的水头损失loss of dynamic head due to obstructing object
tech.障碍物引起的动水头损失loss on head due to obstruction
China, law难以弥补的损失irretrievable loss
econ.集装箱的损失或损坏loss of or damage to container
interntl.trade.集装箱的灭失或损坏loss of or damage to container
econ.零售商应支付由于他自己违反本协议所造成的损失的费用The dealer should pay for the damage sustained by a breach of this agreement by himself
tech.非工人责任造成的损失时间lost working hours unaccountable to workers
interntl.trade.非故意的损失involuntary loss
tech.非故意的损失involuntary loan
securit.非自愿的损失involuntary loss
tech.预加应力的弹性损失elastic loss of prestress
interntl.trade.预定的损失赔偿liquidated damage
tech.预应力钢筋的应力损失anchorage loss
commer.预见到的损失foreseen losses
interntl.trade.预防通货膨胀所造成的损失的套购保值inflationary hedge
econ.预防通货膨胀造成损失的套购保值inflationary hedge
tech.飓风造成的损失hurricane damage
auto.齿轮传动中的功率损失tooth power loss
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