
Terms containing 损失时 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.不可避免的时间损失unavoidable lost-time
econ.不时发生的损失sporadic losses
oil事故损失时accident losing time
tech.事故损失时troubles waste time
interntl.trade.以发生损失的时间为根据的赔款loss occurring basis
econ.作业损失时间的扣除deduction for time lost
UN, tech.修理总费用超过了该装备的通用公平市价的75%时,则该装备将被视为全部损失total loss, when the cost of repair exceeds 75 per cent of the GFMV
manag.储存时损失loss through standing
tech.储存时的损失storage losses
tech.储存时的损失storage loss
econ.受时效限制而损失的索赔claim barred by reason of limitation
tech.可避免的时间损失avoidable downtime
gen.因卡遗失或损坏等原因,申请补办新卡时须交付工本费1美元One dollar will be charged for a card renewal due to loss or damage
IT外部损失时external loss time
met.计数管失效时间内的计数损失dead-time loss
tech.小时损失率hourly loss rate
busin.工人责任造成的损失时lost time accountable to the workers
auto.工作时的能量损失running loss
textile工时损失loss of working time
econ.工时损失分析the ratio delay study
busin.工时损失分析ratio delay analysis
econ.当这家银行倒闭时,她损失了所有的钱She lost all her money when the bank failed
bridg.constr.徐变和收缩引起预应力损失前的暂时应力temporary stress existed before prestress losing due to creeping and shrinking
mining.总时间损失total time lost
busin.总时间损失total time loss
footb.扣除损失时allowance for time lost
sport.损失时waste time
telecom.损失时传真的死角区扫描时间lost time
anim.husb.损失时time loss
met.损失时lost time
sport.损失时loss of time
tech.提升时损失岩芯lost cores during lifting
econ.收割时的损失field loss
telecom.放射能力瞬时损失阴极black-out effect
econ.无形损失时invisible lost time
met.无效时间损失dead-time loss
met.时间损失time penalty
rugb.时间损失time lost
interntl.trade.时间损失loss of time
tech.时间损失time loss
econ.时间损失津贴allowances for lost time
busin.时间损失津贴allowance for time
tech.时间损失津贴allowance for lost time
tech.时间损失系数coefficient of time lost
econ.时间损失费downtime cost
otorhinol.暂时性听力损失transient hearing loss
otorhinol.暂时性听力损失temporary hearing loss
oil暂时性黏度损失reversible viscosity loss
oil暂时性黏度损失temporary viscosity loss
oil暂时稠化损失百分数percentage temporary thickening loss
interntl.trade.有时发生的损失sporadic losses
el.未供千瓦小时的损失费用cost of kilowatthour not supplied
oil死寂时间损失dead-time loss
hydroel.st.每千瓦时停电损失loss of power outage per kWh
tech.每小时损失率hourly loss rate
econ.生产时间的损失lost production time
tech.瞬时预应力损失immediate losses of prestress
met.空载时间损失dead-time loss
tech.等待损失时time lost in waiting for
oil组织停工损失时management down time loss
el.能量损失时energy loss time
tech.船闸过船时的流量损失loss by lockage
rugb.补足损失的时间make up for time lost
tech.赔偿损失时的加倍付给double value
met.起动时热损失start-up thermal losses
econ.采取这些措施是为了保护投资者免受通胀时期内的损失The measures are adopted to guard the investors against the loss incurred during inflation
tech.非工人责任造成的损失时lost working hours unaccountable to workers