
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
一切税包括在内toutes taxes comprises
不公平discriminatory tax
从价ad valorem tax
吨位税tonnage dues
如果货物按"成本加运费并卸到岸上"出售,卸货费其中包括驳运费和码头,应由卖方负担If the goods are sold "C & F Landed", unloading costs, including lighterage and wharfage charges, are borne by the seller
税免除immunity from taxation
税收入assessment receipts
赠国donator country
赠性资金donative money
赠的资金donated money
特别债券special assessment bonds
特别基金special assessment fund
特别留置权special assessment lien
码头pier dues
码头dock age
码头dock charges
码头和停泊费dock dues and berthage
估价assessment valuation
船方支付steamer pays dues
货物dues on the cargo
起岸税付讫条件landed duty paid
进口import levy