
Terms for subject Wind Energy containing | all forms
三维颤three dimensional flutter
不稳定动特性unstable characteristic
不稳定驰unstable galloping
临界驰风速critical galloping wind speed
principal mode
major oscillation
亥姆霍兹共频率Helmholtz resonance frequency
侧向驰lateral galloping
俯仰pitching vibration
俯仰pitch vibration
偏心质量激eccentric mass vibrator
全跨颤full span flutter
全跨驰full span galloping
俯仰resonant pitching
响应resonant response
尖响应resonant tip response
引起的载荷resonance-induced loads
弯矩resonant bending moment
抖振non-resonant chattering
旋涡激励resonant vortex excitation
旋涡脱落resonant vortex shedding
涡旋resonant eddy
激励resonant excitation
纵摇resonant pitching
resonance oscillation
冲击至impact induced vibration
准谐quasi-harmonic oscillation
absorption of shock
减幅convergent oscillation
气流分界面interfacial oscillation
刚度驱动stiffness driven oscillation
初始驰incipient galloping
剧烈heavy oscillation
力激force excited oscillation
励磁excite oscillation
升力子模型lift oscillator model
升沉heaving oscillation
反对称antisymmetrical mode
受迫forced vibration
受迫forced oscillation
叶片blade vibration
叶片动频率blade vibration frequency
叶片共blade resonance
同步synchronized oscillations
同步谐subsynchronous resonance
周期periodic vibration
线surge line
固有proper oscillations
固有natural vibration
固有fundamental oscillation
固有natural mode shape
固有natural oscillation
固有built-in oscillation
固有减性能self damping property
地面共ground resonance
基本first mode
基本fundamental oscillation
基频谐fundamental resonance
增幅divergent oscillation
壁板颤panel flutter
复合compound oscillation
外壳shell vibration
失速颤stall flutter
定常steady vibration
定常驰响应steady galloping response
尾流子模型wake-oscillator model
尾流子模型wake oscillator model
尾流抖wake buffeting
尾流旋涡共wake vortex resonance
尾流致wake induced vibration
尾流诱导次跨驰subspan wake-induced galloping
尾流颤wake flutter
尾流驰wake galloping
干扰驰interference galloping
平板颤flat plate flutter
平移translational vibration
弯扭耦合coupled bending-torsion oscillation
弯扭颤flexure torsion flutter
弯曲bending/flexural oscillation
弯曲flexural mode vibration
弯曲flexural oscillations
弯曲bending oscillation
弯曲型flexural mode vibration
弹性elastic vibration
强迫constrained oscillations
强颤hard flutter
扫描荡器sweep oscillator
扭转torsional oscillation
扭转失速颤torsional stall flutter
扭转抖torsional buffeting
扭转颤torsional flutter
扭转驰torsional galloping
响应buffeting response
因子buffeting factor
挠度buffeting deflection
激励buffeting excitation
抗颤装置antiflutter device
抗驰阻尼器antigalloping damper
持续sustained oscillations
持续persistent oscillation
动中心center of oscillation
动开关vibration switch
动检测仪vibration detector
动疲劳强度fatigue strength under oscillation stresses
动等级vibration level
动试验vibration tests
动试验oscillation test
动过大excessive vibration
动阻尼器vibration damper
型叠加法mode-superposition procedure
幅峰一峰值起伏peak-to-peak fluctuation of amplitude
荡不稳定性oscillatory instability
荡压力场oscillating pressure field
荡周期period of oscillation
荡周期cycle of oscillation
荡响应oscillation response
荡流oscillatory flow
荡谱oscillation spectrum
荡轨道oscillation orbit
荡边界oscillation boundary
荡阻尼oscillation damping
荡频率oscillation frequency
sway vibration
运动lagging motion
旋动颤whirl flutter
无阻尼undamped vibration 雾fog
无阻尼undamped oscillations
无阻尼共频率undamped resonant frequency
无阻尼谐频率undamped resonant frequency
最小阻力驰drag saddle galloping
机械mechanical oscillation
机电electromechanical oscillation
松弛relaxation oscillation
桥梁抖bridge buffeting
桥梁颤bridge flutter
横向transverse oscillation
横向transversal oscillation
横向lateral oscillation
横向驰transverse galloping
横向驰transversal galloping
横摇共roll resonance
横风cross wind vibration
横风抖cross-wind buffeting
横风抖cross wind buffeting
横风驰cross wind galloping
次同步谐subsynchronous resonance
次跨subspan oscillation
次跨驰subspan galloping
正弦sinusoidal oscillation
正弦pure oscillation
气动力致aerodynamically induced vibration
气动弹性aeroelastic vibration
气动弹性aeroelastic vibration/oscillation
气动弹性aeroelastic oscillations
流体致fluid induced vibration
流动flow oscillation
流动激flow induced vibration
流动激flow driven oscillation
流致flow induced vibration
涡激vortex excited oscillation
涡致vortex induced vibration
涡致vortex induced oscillation
涡致声vortex induced acoustic vibration
湍流抖turbulent buffeting
湍流致turbulence induced vibration
exciting oscillation
excitation force
频率exciting frequency
灾难性catastrophic oscillation
环境ambient vibration
瞬态transient vibration
破坏性destructive vibration
稳态steady-state oscillations
稳态steady oscillations
空气共air resonance
等幅continuous vibration
等幅continuous oscillation
简谐simple harmonic vibration
约束动法constrained oscillation method
pure oscillation
纯扭颤pure torsion flutter
纵向longitudinal oscillation
纵摇pitching vibration
纵摇pitch vibration
线性linear oscillator
线性黏性减linear viscous fluid damper
经典弯扭颤classical bending torsion flutter
经典抖classical buffeting
经典翼型颤classical airfoil flutter
经典颤classical flutter
结构structure oscillation
结构structural oscillation
羽流plume oscillation
耦合coupled oscillation
耦合共coupled resonance
耦合颤coupled flutter
自发spontaneous oscillation
自持self-sustained oscillation
自激self-sustained oscillation
自激self induced oscillation
自激self excited oscillation
自由free vibration
自由free-running operation
自由free running operation
蒙皮shell vibration
衰减decaying oscillation
angular oscillation
诱导induced vibration
resonance oscillation
harmonic oscillation
根弯矩resonant root bending moment
现象resonance phenomena
规模缩减因子resonant size reduction factor
频率resonant frequency
负阻尼damping driven oscillation
inception of oscillation
起伏heaving oscillation
起始inception of oscillation
连续continuous vibration
锁定共locked in resonant oscillation
damping blanket
阻尼 衰减damp ed vibration
阻尼damped oscillations
阻尼damage oscillation
阻尼驱动damping driven oscillation
随机stochastic vibration
随机random vibration
荡发散non-oscillatory divergence
非共响应non-resonant response
非线性nonlinear vibration
非线性荡方程nonlinear oscillation equation
非线性共nonlinear resonance
音频subaudible vibrations
顺风向along-wind oscillation
顺风向抖along-wind buffeting
顺风向驰along-wind galloping
力矩flutter moment
导数flutter derivative
模型flutter mode
模态flutter mode
特性buffeting characteristic
稳定性flutter stability
系数flutter coefficient
趋势flutter tendency
防爆螺栓chatter proof bolt
频率flutter frequency
风速flutter wind speed
系数wind fluttering factor
风动消pneumatic dashpot
风成aeolian vibration
风激aeolian vibration
风激wind excited oscillation
风致wind induced vibration
风致wind induced oscillation
风颤噪声wind flutter noise
不稳定性galloping instability
初始速度onset galloping velocity
判据galloping criterion
力系数galloping force coefficient
响应galloping response
型振动galloping vibration
型颤振galloping flutter
扭转galloping torsion
激励galloping excitation
高阶higher mode