
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing 挖泥 | all forms | in specified order only
单斗挖泥scoop dredger
单斗挖泥spoon dredger
双抓斗挖泥twin-grab dredger
多用途挖泥multipurpose dredger
大型铲斗挖泥large dipper dredger
小型挖泥portable dredger
小型铲斗挖泥minidipper dredger
开体耙吸挖泥split-hopper trailing suction dredger
开体耙吸挖泥split hopper trailing suction dredger
抓斗挖泥船和铲斗挖泥船专用设备和术语the special equipment and terms of grab and dipper dredgers
抓斗挖泥船最大挖泥深度grab dredger maximum dredging depth
抓斗挖泥船生产率grab dredger productivity
抓斗耙吸两用挖泥grab suction-hopper dredger
挖泥操作桥楼dredging bridge
挖泥断面形状监测仪dredged profile monitor
挖泥船专用设备修理dredger's equipment repair
挖泥船前进速度forward moving speed of dredger
挖泥船、工程船专用设备和术语the special equipment and terms of dredger and working ship
挖泥船、工程船和航道工作船dredger, working ship and waterway ship
挖泥船横移速度transverse moving speed of dredger
挖泥船生产率dredger's productivity
挖泥船绞车dredger winch
挖泥船绞车检修dredger-winch examine and repair
挖泥船绞车检修dredger-winch examination and repair
挖泥船通用术语dredger's general terms
挖泥船通用设备和术语dredger general equipment and terms
挖泥辅助船auxiliary ship for dredging
挖泥量记录仪dredged quantity recorder
斗轮挖泥bucket-wheel dredger
泥泵排泥链斗挖泥dredge-pump discharging bucket dredger
组合式绞吸挖泥demountable cutter suction dredger
组合式链斗挖泥demountable bucket dredger
绞刀最大挖泥深度cutter maximum dredging depth
绞吸挖泥screw suction dredger
绞吸挖泥cutter suction dredger
耙吸挖泥trailing suction hopper dredger
耙吸挖泥drag suction dredger
耙吸挖泥船、绞吸挖泥船专用设备和术语the special equipment and terms of drag suction and cutter suction dredgers
耙头最大挖泥深度drag-head maximum dredging depth
自动挖泥装置automatic dredging-equipment
自航抓斗挖泥selfpropelled grab hopper dredger
自航绞吸挖泥selfpropelled cutter suction dredger
自航绞吸挖泥self-propelled cutter suction dredger
自航耙吸挖泥self-propelled hopper dredger
自航耙吸挖泥selfpropelled drag suction dredger
自航耙吸挖泥drag suction dredger
自航耙吸挖泥selfpropelled trailing suction hopper dredger
自航耙吸挖泥trailing suction hopper dredger
自航链斗挖泥selfpropelled bucket dredger
计算机辅助挖泥船设计computer aided dredger-design
计算机辅助挖泥船设计computer aided dredger design
辅助挖泥auxiliary ship for dredging
进口射流挖泥import ejector dredger
进口开体耙吸挖泥import split-hopper trailing suction dredger
进口抓斗挖泥import grab dredger
进口日本造抓斗挖泥import grab dredger built by Japan
进口日本造自航耙吸挖泥import selfpropelled drag suction dredger built by Japan
进口组合式绞吸挖泥import demountable cutter suction dredger
进口美国造射流挖泥import ejector dredger built by American
进口美国造斗轮挖泥import bucket-wheel dredger built by American
进口美国造斗轮挖泥import bucketwheel dredger built by American
进口自航耙吸挖泥import selfpropelled trailing suction hopper dredger
进口自航耙吸挖泥import selfpropelled drag suction dredger
进口自航链斗挖泥import selfpropelled bucket dredger
进口荷兰造开体耙吸挖泥import split hopper trailing suction dredger built by Holland
进口荷兰造组合式绞吸挖泥import demountable cutter suction dredger built by Holland
进口荷兰造自航耙吸挖泥import selfpropelled trailing suction hopper dredger built by Holland
进口荷兰造自航链斗挖泥import selfpropelled bucket dredger built by Holland
铲斗挖泥船修理dipper-dredger repair
铲斗挖泥船生产率dipper dredger productivity
链斗挖泥船专用设备和术语bucket dredger's special equipment and terms
链斗挖泥船最大挖泥深度bucket dredger maximum dredging depth