
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
不论货物发生何种情况, CIF 条件成交的买主可以根据提单对船主提岀诉讼,或根据保险单对保险人提出诉讼The c.i.f. buyer, whatever happens to the goods, will have either a cause of action on the bill of lading against the ship or a cause of action against underwriters on the policy
与某人商谈产量奖励付酬arrange with sb. about incentive pay
习惯于即期汇票信用证销售货物be accustomed to selling against L/C available by sight draft
付款时加付利息,年利百分之…,由开票日至汇款应到达伦敦之时计息payable with interest at..., per cent per annum from date hereof to due date of arrival of remittance in London
价格市价调整subject to market fluctuation
你方八月二十日来函已时收到We have duly received your letter dated August 20
保险费协议计收premium as arranged
技术转让中先付一笔使用费后期提成的混合付款方式combination of lump-sum fee and running royalty
到岸价班轮条件CIF liner terms (船方负责装卸费用)
卖方接到伦敦一位买主 CIF 条件The seller received a shipment order from a buyer in London on terms c.i.f. London
合同必须期充分执行The contract shall be duly executed (performed, fulfilled)
跟单信用证支付方式下,银行依照买方指示,承诺对卖方开岀的汇票予以承兑,兑付或议付Under documentary credits, the banker, on the instructions of the buyer, promises to accept, honour or negotiate bills of exchange drawn by the seller
实际产量、销量或利润计算的提成费低于最低数额,技术引进人必须补足差额When the amount of royalties calculated on the actual production, sales or profits falls short of the amount of the minimum, the technology recipient shall cover the difference
如你方保证及时付款,我们将凭单付款方式发运货物If you guarantee payment in time, we'll forward the goods on D/P basis
如所约定,我方已将这一批货物发票金额加成10%投保综合险As agreed, we have covered insurance on these goods for 10% over the invoice value against all risks
如果货物"成本加运费并卸到岸上"出售,卸货费其中包括驳运费和码头捐,应由卖方负担If the goods are sold "C & F Landed", unloading costs, including lighterage and wharfage charges, are borne by the seller
对社会基础设施项目优惠条件提供的资金provision of funds on soft terms for infrastructure
尽力此价成交try to close at the price
尽力那些条款成交try to close on those terms and conditions
装船要求办理The shipping instructions shall be complied with
我们已此金额记入你们的贷方We have credited this amount to your account
我方已时收到开立信用证的通知We've duly received the L C advice
我方相信你方将时开立有关信用证We trust you will establish the relative L/C in time
一次导数调整rate control
一般航运条件in regular terms
不受汇率损失付款payable without loss in exchange
不变价格计算calculated in constant price
不变价格计算的国民生产总值GNP at constant price
与以前某一订单完全相同再续订一次货的订单duplicate order
买方价格at buyer's limit (与按卖方价格(at seller's limit) 相对)
产品的专业化specialization by product
人口平均计算的国内生产总值per capita GDP (gross domestic product)
付款交单方式向买主收取货款draw D/P against the buyer's purchase
代收银行向伦敦开出的即期汇票售出牌价付款payable at collecting bank's selling rate for sight drafts on London
代收银行的电汇售出牌价付款payable at collecting bank's selling rate for Telegraphic Transfer
CIF 价报盘make an offer on CIF basis
体积by bulk
体积收取运费charge carriage by bulk
体积采购货物purchase goods on a volume basis
你方意愿可接受也可拒收货物You may take or reject the goods, according as you prefer
你方限价We can't work at your limits
保险标的价值变动调整的保险单reporting policy
信用证开具的汇票draft drawn under L/C
全部材料和人力投入量的百分比计量的附加费用percentage surcharge on total material and manpower inputs
公平合理准则仲裁arbitration in equity
凭单付现条件on payment terms of cash against documents
出厂价缩写为EXWex works
功能分类classification by functions
功能的专业化specialization by function
劳分配distribution according to work (labour)
劳分配原则principle of distribution according to work
单位价值per unit value
可比价格in comparable price
商业惯例做生意make transactions on a commercial basis
商品分类的进口import by commodities
拉丁商品现状tale quale
拉丁商品现状tel quel
商品现状条件tale quale
国际标准买卖sale by international standard
均等概率抽选selection with equal probability
计算by bulk
季支付quarterly payment
官方格式on an official form
定单交货delivered to order
定期租船契约租一条船secure a ship on time charter
尺寸分级size grading
工业部门分类classification by industrial groups
工程施工进度分期支付款项progressive payment
工程施工进度分期支付款项payment by instalments
工程施工进度分期支付款项progress payment
股票市价委托at the market
市价计算at market
市场价值估价valuation at market prices
年度摊还yearly installments
年限折旧法age depreciation method
延期付款的方法on deferred-payment terms
当时市场价格on-the basis of prevailing market price
惯例as customary
成本估价valuation at cost
成本分配apportioned by cost
成本岀售sell at prime costs
我方第194号借方通知deductions have been made from the total amount for sundry expenses as per our Debit Note No. 194
打数或百数等购买货物buy goods by the tally
技术规范编制的计算或设计specified project
抵港顺序in regular turn
支出用途编制预算object of expenditure budgeting
日计算出租船只hire out boats by the day
日计算的贷款day call
时抵达目的港arrive at the port of destination according to schedule
时收费电话flat rate subscription
时收费flat rate subscription (电话)
时计工work by the hour
晴天工作日计算,星期日及假日除外weather working days, Sundays and holidays excepted
月分期付款monthly installment
期付息pay interest at regular intervals
期付息pay interest on schedule
期付费flat rate
CIF 条件,卖方承担保险货物的义务Under the CIF clause, the seller is under an obligation to insure the goods
条件支付payment on terms
比例in proportion
比例分摊海损条款pro rata average clause
比例发展proportionate development
比例复制scale reproduction
比例折旧proportional depreciation
比例运费prorata freight
比例部分proportional part
汇率支付payable with exchange
液体重量on weight of solution
清偿能力清算的国际收支净差额net liquidity balance
港口习惯快速装卸customary quick despatch
to be declared policy
ad (拉丁)
照你方要求As per your request we've deleted the relevant clause from the letter of credit
照定义by definition
照惯例尽快装卸fast as can as customary
照惯例解决make settlements by convention
照规定,卖方应领取许可证并负担所有费用It's stipulated that the seller shall obtain the license and bear all costs
特定条件发行债券special offering
率征税taxation according to fixed rate
现价in current price
现价at current price
现时价格计算的国民生产总值GNP at current price
现金付款方式on cash terms
班轮条件船上交货价格FOB liner terms
生产线布置line layout
用途分项的费用报表objective statement
目的港交货净重计算on a net delivered weight
票面价值in nominal value
票面全值交款的股票non-assessable stock
租船合约装运ship under a charter party
箱折扣/case-rate discount
经济大类分类classification by economic categories
经认可的银行向伦敦丹出的汇票售出牌价付款,汇率以背书时为准payable by approved bank's drafts on London, exchange per endorsement
美国保险条件承保货物运输保险undertake to insure the goods in transportation subject to AC
…而according as
蒲式耳出售sell by bushel
行业惯例费用必须由买方承担The buyer shall undertake the expenses by custom of the trade
被调量变化率调节rate control
要求的款项开立支票make out the required check
规定as stated
规定的限期承包工作undertake to perform work within a time limit according to the stipulation
规格说明书买卖sale by description
规格说明书采购purchasing by specification
规模大小分类size classification
计划调配allocation according to plan
订单生产job order production
订单装运shipment on order
账面价格per books
资本比率分配division in capital ratio
资金分配distribution according to funds
赊账办法on credit terms
跟单信用证方式付款payment to be made under a documentary credit
重要性等级加权importance weighting
重量收取运费charge carriage by weight
重量采购货物purchase goods on a weight basis
银行买价at banker's buying price
销售净额计算的营业比率operating ratio based on net sales
销售净额计算的营业比率operating ratio based upon net sales
损失可共同海损赔偿allow a loss as general average
提单空白抬头与空白背书制岀Bills of lading are to be made out "to order and blank endorsed"
本合同非分批装运条件成交The contract is not concluded on installment basis. The goods must be shipped in one consignment
本合约照接受书上所印交易条件而签订The contract is concluded subject to the conditions of sale printed on the letter of acceptance
此笔交易是在装运开始前三十天开立有关信用证的协定达成交易的The transaction was concluded on the understanding that the covering letter of credit was to be established 30 days before the commencement of the time of shipment
此货 FOB 价岀售The goods are sold on FOB and will be shipped freight collect
此货将费用向收货人收取而交货The goods will be delivered charges collect
汇票送交银行跟单托收收取款项The draft was sent through the banker on documentary collection
油轮的包租可时间或航程计费Charters of oil-tankers may be by time or for the voyage
理应规定供货be bound to supply the goods in accordance with the stipulations
竞争者正此价大量报盘Competitors are offering freely at the price
要求某人约行事hold sb. to the contract
该合约已正式时会签The contract has been duly countersigned
该商品5%免赔率出售The merchandise is sold with a franchise of 5%
该货低于正常价格岀售The foods are selling at a discount
该货80,000美元价值投保The interest insured is valued at US $80,000,000
该货轮将惯常航线航行The vessel will follow the customary route
同样条件恢复报盘Please renew your offer on same terms and conditions
请放心,我们将商定的条款执行你方定单Please rest assured we'll execute your order as per the terms agreed
货物必须上批货物同样的方式包装The goods must be packed after the manner of last shipment
货物必须发票金额加10%投保The goods shall be insured at invoice value plus 10%
购一辆小汽车,每月500美元分期支付buy a car and pay for it by monthly installments of US $500
运费必须尺码吨而不是按重量或价值计算Freight is to be calculated on measurement tonnage not on weight or value
运费每吨重量或容积计收W/M per ton
运费每吨重量或容积计算由船方决定weight or measurement per ton at ship's option
这些商品等级出售These articles are sold in grades
这些商品重量分级These articles are graded by weight
这批货将时到达你处The shipment will reach you in due course