
Terms for subject Securities containing 指 标 | all forms | in specified order only
三重线平滑移动指标技术分析triple exponentially smooth moving average
下标指数subscript index
中型股标普指数存托凭证MidCap SPDR
主要经济指标leading economic indicator
主要财务指标principal financial indicator
主要财务数据和指标major financial datas and indicators
买卖意愿指标BR indicator
买家报价指标bid tick indicator
交易指标volume indicator
人气指标sentiment indicator
价格人气强弱指标证券市场AR price strong and weak index
价格和成交量趋势指标price and volume indicator
价格振比指标percentage price oscillator
价格摆动指标price oscillator
佳金离散指标又称"蔡金变异率指数"Chaikin Volatility
佳金资金流量指标又译作"蔡金资金流动指标"Chaikin Money Flow
供求指标supply and demand indicator
信心指标confidence indicator
债券市场指标bond market indicator
偏差指标indicator of divergence
偏差指标divergence indicator
偏离指标indicator of divergence
停损指标衡量多头市场与空头市场的反转讯号,投资者判断失误时可依据它来进行止损操作stop and reverse
先导指标指数index of leading indicators
动态技术指标active graphs of technical indicators
势头指标momentum indicator
去势价格振荡指标detrended price oscillator
去势价格振荡指标无论价格的长期趋势是否明显,短期价格的波动都是不可避免的detrended price oscillator DPO
反向指标inverse indicator
同步经济指标指数index of coincident economic indicator
商品渠道指标commodity channel index
均线差指标技术分析different moving average
均线差指标技术分析displaced moving average
多空指标技术分析bull and bear index
威廉指标Williams overbrought /oversold index
威廉超买或超卖指标WMS%R威廉指标应用摆动原理,测量摆动循环内的高低点,分析股市人气是否处于超买或超卖状态供交易者参考Williams overbrought /oversold index
威廉集散指标Williams Accumulation Distribution
宏观管理指标macromanagement indicator
定向移动指标directional movement indicator
幅度冲力指标breadth thrust indicator
并购分析中的快速定价指标shorthand valuation ratios used in M&A analysis
广泛性指标breadth indicator
情绪指标sentiment indicator
成交指标volume indicator
成交比率指标volume rate indicator
成本评估指标cost assessed target
技术指标technical indicator
投射振动指标projection oscillator
投机指标speculation indicator
投标指示tender instruction
抛物线指标投资分析方法parabolic indicator
指数运作标准index operation standards
指标债券基准政府债券,华尔街以30年长期国债为债券市场的领头债券bellwether bond
指标发行bellwether issues
指标bellwether stock
指标股发行benchmark issue
指标股票市场价格可以显示市场状况的股票barometer stock
振荡指标分析oscillator analysis
振荡指标指数swing index
收集指标accumulation indicator
政府先行指标指数Government's Index of Leading Indicators
替代标准普尔500指数as alternative to S&P 500
期权衡量指标option-based measure
极化分形效率指标polarized fractal efficiency
标准普尔 CNX 轻巧指数印度S&P CNX Nifty Index India
标准普尔500加权平均指数Standard and Poor's 500 equal weight index
标准普尔小型股600指数S&P small cap 600 index
标准普尔指数Standard and Poor's index
标准普尔500指数S&P 500 index
标准普尔普通股股票价格指数Standard & Poor's common stock index
标准普尔500种股票指数Standard and Poor's 500 index
标准普尔500综合股价指数S&P 500 Composite Stock Price Index
标准普尔500综合股票指数Standard & Poor's 500 composite-stock index
OEX 标准普尔100股票指数OEX Standard & Poof's 100 Stock Index
标志变异指数variable indicator
标普中型股400指数S&P Midcap 400 index
标普全球1200指数S&P global 1200 index
标普全球100指数S&P global 100 index
标普创业板指数S&P P GME Index
标普500指数基金S&P 500 index fund
标普500指数次级票据SPINs (Standard & Poor's 500 Index Subordinated Notes 的缩写)
标题指数headline indices
止损转向指标技术分析stop and reverse
止损转向指标stop and reverse
波士顿降雪指标一种预测指标,圣诞节波士顿下雪,预示市场行情上涨Boston snow indicator
涨跌指标tick indicator
滞后经济指标滞后于整体经济活动的经济或财务指标lagging economic indicator
独立指标independent index
理论指标性保证金体系theoretical indicative margin system
理论性指标性价格系统Theoretical Indicative Pricing System (期货)
百分比价格振荡指标percentage price oscillator
监控指标supervision indicator
目标条款市场指数证券market index target-term security
目标条款市场指数证券market index target term security
相对指标relative index/indicator
相对强度指标relative strength indicator/index
相对强度指标relative strength indicator (RSI)
短期交易振荡指标short-term trading oscillator
短期强弱指标分析证券市场短期涨跌趋势的指标trading index
短期经济状况指标short-term indicator of economic condition
移动平均趋同和变异的变化指标moving average convergence-divergenceMACD
简单波动指标技术分析ease of movement value
简单波动指标ease of movement value
累积成交量指标cumulative volume index
累积摆动指标accumulation swing index
终极振荡指标ultimate oscillator
绝对幅度指标absolute breath index
绝对幅度指标absolute breadth index
考波克指标曲线 用于研究大盘指数技术分析Coppock curve
股标准普尔指数基金iShares S&P Index Funds i
艾尔福斯市场指标组合指数Elves (该指数跟踪市场发展趋势、投资者心理和货币条件等10项指标)
蓝筹指标blue chip bellwether
蔡金指标Chaikin indicator
蔡金离散指标又称"佳金变异率指数",测量价格平均值的幅度变化来反映价格的离散程度Chaikin volatility
蔡金震荡指标Chaikin oscillator
行业特定指标industry-specific indicator
行市指标barometer security
裙摆指标该指标是用回顾的方法,分析女子衣裙长度对证券市场的影响。短而俏的裙子与多头市场有关,而长裙是进人空头市场的暗示chemline indicator
证券市场随机指标 KD 线stochastic KD line
评价指标assessment indicator
货币指标monetary indicator
超买超卖指标计算一定时期内市场涨跌股票数量之间的相关差异性,了解整个市场交易状况及其未来走势overbought and oversold indicator OBOS
趋势指标momentum indicator
趋势振荡指标momentum oscillator
通货膨胀指标indicator of inflation
钱德动量摆动指标Chande momentum oscillator
随机指标stochastic indicator
随机振荡指标stochastic oscillator
零股抛售指标odd-lot selling indicator
非趋势价格摆指标detrended price oscillator
韦尔德相对强度指标Wilder relative strength indicator
顺势指标技术分析commodity channel index
领带指标理论男士领带流行的宽窄变化与股价高低关系的理论tie gauge theory
风险指标价值value at risk measures
风险指标回落risk indicator easing
麦克伦振荡指标一种市场深度指标McClellan Oscillator
麦氏总和指标McClellan Summation Index