
Terms for subject Economy containing 指 标 | all forms | in specified order only
一致指标coincident indicator
主要指标的指数index of leading indicators
主要基本指标main basic indicator
主要政策指标main general policy directive
主要经济指标leading indicator
主要经济指标main economic indicators
主要经济指标key economic indicators
交动指标variable indicator
人 口指标target population
人口 密度比较指标comparative density index
人口指标target population
价值指标value indices
价值指标cost parameter
计划的价值指标a value indicator
价值指标merit index
价格指标price target
价格指标price target
住宅情况主要指标summary of housing conditions
你方如果不能达到最低的销售指标,本代理合同即告终止The agency agreement terminates if you fail to meet the minimum sales quotas
你方订货即将生产完毕,我们急盼你方指示,每个包装外面用何标记Your order has nearly been completed and we are urgently awaiting your instructions regarding label ling to each package
使粮食安全与营养指标相联系bridging food security and nutrition indicator
指标reverse index
指标reverse index
指标inverse indicator
先行性指标leading indicator
全球性产量指标global indicator of output
全球粮食安全指标global food security indicators
全部购进式销售否则即取消的指标fill or kill order
公司平均节油指标corporate average fuel economy
公司财务状况指标fixed assets test
农业政策指标agricultural policy indicator
几项主要经济指标a selected economic indicators
制造业生产指标manufacturing output index
前导指标leading indicator
动态指标dynamic indicator
包产指标target stated in a contract for fixed output
包装应按装运指示印上标记并编号Packages should be marked and numbered, as per shipping instructions
包装箱要明显地贴好标签指明到达地点The containers must be label led clearly to show where they are going
单一标准指数single criterion indexes
厅财务指标finance indicators
发展指标development indicator
可客观核实指标objectively verifiable indicator
可持续发展指标sustainable development indicators
可监测指标monitorable indicator
同位指标coincident indicator
同步指标a coincident indicator
同积与指标分析common size and index analysis
周期性指标cyclical indicators
因为他们不能完成最低的销售指标,该协议即告终止cause they fail to meet a minimum sales quota n., the agreement is terminated
国家征购指标state purchase quota
国民经济总量指标overall targets of the national economy
基础指标base values
如投标人未能执行公司的指令,则保证金予以没收The bonds will be forfeited if the bidder fails to execute the company's instructions
完成指标fulfill the target
实物指标target in kind
实物指标physical indicators
实物指标index-in kind
实际经济指标actual performance
客观指标objective index
工资与物价指标wage-price guideline
工资与物价调整指标wage-price guideposts
工资价格控制指标wage-price guide-post
工资物价控制指标wage-price guideposts
平均指标average index
平均指标average index number
广义的总体指标wide target population
建筑经济指标building economy index
强度指标intensity index
归纳指标summary indicator
总效率指标overall efficiency index
总量指标total amount index
成绩指标an achievement indicator
房屋造价指标cost of new construction indices
所谓商标忠实性指的是一个顾客固定购买同一商标产品的现象Brand loyalty is the feeling of a customer who always buys the same brand of product
技术经济指标technical-economical indices
技术经济指标technical and economic requirements
技术经济收益指标体系target system of techno-economic benefits
投资高指标the bigger investments
指令性指标quota of a compulsory nature
指数标准index standard
指标guide posts
指标价格guiding price
指标体系system of indices
指标增长比率target growth rate
指标收益原理target return principle
指标的偏离deviation from target
指标范围target zone
指示性标记indicative mark
指示性警告性标志indicative and warning mark
指示标记instructive mark
提前完成生产指标meet production target ahead of time
政府间关于当前援助和流动指标概念问题专家组Inter-Governmental Group of Experts on the Concepts of the Present Aid and Flow Target
数量指标quantitative indicant
数量指标quantitative index
指标no order
最佳指标optimal parameter
美国证券标准普尔指数Standard and Poor's Index
标志变异指数variable indicant
指标direct index
汇率指标exchange rate target zone
班组管理指标team management index
生产指标production quota
生产指标target for production
生产指标production targets
生产量指标production indicator
盈利能力指标profitability guideline
目标指数objective indicator
目标指数objective index
相对指标relative indications
相对指标relative indices
社会经济指标socioeconomic indicators
社会经济指标socioeconomic index
社会经济指标socioeconomic indicator
离差指标measure of dispersion
科技潜力指标science/technology potential indicators
粮食安全指标food security indicators
经济指标economic index
经济指标economic variable
经济指标economic indicators
经济指标一数economic indexes
经济指标economic indicators
经济实施绩效指标economic performance index
经济成效指标economic performance index
经济警告指标business warning indicater
结构指标the structure indicator
结构指标structure indicator
结构指标structure index
绝对额指标absolute amount target
绩效指标performance indicator
综合指标aggregative indicator
综合指标composite indicator
综合指标overall target
综合指标aggregate index
获利性指标profitability index
获利能力指标profitability index
规定完成的指标a built-in achievement indicator
计划指标planning variable
计划的主要指标main targets of the plan
计划的数量和质量指标quantitative and qualitative indicators of plan
计算单位成本的指标产量denominator volume
计量指标the measuring index
该代理商已达到500万美元营业额的指标数字The agent has met the target figure of $5 million turnover
调节指标deflating index
货币指标monetary indices
货币总量指标money aggregates
货币总量指标monetary aggregates
货运运输统计指标freight traffic statistical index
质量指标quality factor
质量指标quality performance
质量指标quality coefficient
超前指标leading indicator
趋前指标leading indicator
边际指标分析marginal analysis
达到预定指标hit the target
运输成本指标index of transportation cost
迟滞指标lagging indicator
指标reverse index
指标inverse indicator
重合指标coincident indicator
非指令性指标a non-mandatory target
风险指标risk indicator