
Terms for subject Aviation containing 指 标 | all forms | in specified order only
业绩指标performance indicator
中指点信标台locator middle marker
中指点标locator middle marker
中点指点标设在离跑道起点1060米处middle marker
中示位信标和指点标locator middle marker
中距指点标middle marker
中距指点标无线电导航台compass locator at middle marker
〔客〕中间指点标middle marker
中频全向指向标MF omnirange
主动式指令定向声纳浮标系统directional command activated sonobuoy system
二次型性能指标quadratic performance index
低频无线电指标low frequency radio range
偏目标指示器系统offset target indicator system
全目标方位指示器target bearing indicator
全相参动目标指示all coherent moving target indicator
军械标准技术指令ordnance standard technical directions
区域指标zone marker
区域指示标zone marker
区域移动目标指示器area moving target indicator
可选择的运动目标指示器selective moving target indicator
品质指标quality index
噪声指标noise index
固定距离指点标fixed distance marker (常指距跑道头 300米处的指点标)
国家航空航天局标准指示器NASA standard indicator
地面指向标beacon, ground
地面运动目标指示器ground moving target indicator
外〔部无浅电〕指点标outer marker beacon
外〔部无线电〕指点标outer marker
外指点信标out marker beacon
外指点标outer marker
外相干动目标指示externally coherent moving target indicator
外示位信标和指点标locator outer marker
头盔目标截获与指示系统helmet target acquisition and designation system
头部宽度指标head width index
实际指标actual value
工作指标performance measure
指标zonal index
广域监视/移动目标指示器wide area surveillance/moving target indicator
应急位置指示信标emergency locator beacon
应急位置指示无线电信标emergency position indicating radio beacon
性能指标performance indices
性能指标metric performance
性能指标performance metric
性能指标demerit index
性能指标边界performance bound
性能价格比指标cost performance index
成绩衡量指标performance indicator
扇形指标fan maker
扇形辐射指点标fan marker
扇形指点标fan marker
扇形指点标进场进近fan marker approach
指令控制声纳浮标系统command active sonobuoy system
指向标信标接收机marker beacon receiver
指定的目标designated target
指标体系parameter system
指标变量target variable
指标阈值metric threshold
指点信标marker beacon (这些信标用来辨识沿航路或进近到仪表跑道的特殊位置。这是通过75MHz 的发射机完成的,它向在头上方飞的飞机发射定向信号。这些指点信标一般与航路中的导航设备以及作为点指示器的仪表着陆系统一起使用)
指点信标台marker beacon
Z 指点标Z marker
指点标系统marker beacon system
激光或其他照射器使用的指示标记designation marking
指针位置标线tramline pointers
指针位置标线tramline pointer
损伤指标damage metric
旋标式着陆指引仪para visual director
无线电指向标表list of radio beacon
无线电指点信标台marker radio beacon
无线电指点标radio marker beacon (用来识别空间中沿航线或对仪表跑道进近的某个特定位置。这通过一个75 MHz 的发射机来实现,它发射的定向信号被从上方飞过的飞机接收。这些指点标通常与航路导航设备以及仪表着陆系统一起使用作为点指示器)
机械半自动标定指数machine aided indexing
机载动目标指示雷达airborne MTD radar
机载数字式移动目标指示器digital airborne moving target indicator
机载活动目标指示器airborne moving target indicator
机载目标指示与跟踪装置airborne pointer and tracker
标准价格指南benchmark pricing guide
标准作业指令standard operational order
标准工装指令standard tool order
标准战区陆军指挥与控制系统standard theater army command and control system
标准指令standing order
标准运行指令standard operating instruction
标工指令master tool order
标工指令申请master tool order request
标志灯光指示器marker light indicator
气候指标climate index
水分器指标water-separometer index
浮标指令系统floating instruction system
浮标指令装置floating instruction set
海上移动目标指示器sea moving target indicator
混合噪声指标composite noise rating
激光目标指示器系统laser target designator system
激光目标指示器装置laser target designator set
热设计指标thermal design requirement
甚高频全向信标/指点信标接收机very high frequency omnidirectional range/marker beacon receiver
疲劳损伤指标fatigue damage index
监视与目标指示雷达surveillance and target indication radar
目标截获和指示瞄准具target acquisition and designation sight
目标指向编程goal directed programming
目标指示光学跟踪器designating optical tracker
目标指示框target designation box
目标指示站tadpole target director post
目标指示精度pointing accuracy
目标搜索和指定target acquisition and designation
目标搜索、指定和空中侦察target acquisition, designation and aerial reconnaissance
目视飞行全向指向标visual omni-range
目视飞行全向指向标visual omnirange
碳氢化合物排放指标hydrocarbon emission indices
移动目标指示moving target indication
移动目标指示雷达moving target indication radar
空军参谋部指标air staff target
空速指标airspeed index
窗口、图标、菜单、指标windows, icons, menus, pointing device
简化的目标进场下滑角指示系统abbreviated visual approach slope indicator system
红外监控与目标指示系统infrared surveillance and target designation system
结构品质指标structural merit index
维修标准指令maintenance standard order
综合目标指挥系统integrated target command system
联邦项目标识指南federal item identification guide
自动目标指定系统automatic target designation system
自动目标鉴定器与武器指定器automatic target evaluator and weapon assignor
自动跟踪与目标指示数据的获取tracking and data acquisition
航向指标旋钮heading index knob
航向中指点标locator middle marker
航向信标中指点信标台localizer middle marker
航向信标远指点信标台localizer outer marker
补偿目标指示器系统offset target indicator system
载荷磨损指标load wear index
边界指点标降落跑道起点标识器boundary marker
运行费用指标operating cost targets
运费指标operating cost targets
近示位信标和指点标locator inner marker
近距指点标inner marker
远指点标locator outer marker
远红外目标指示器infrared target indicator
选择指标selection criterion
选择性移动目标指示器selective moving target indicator
陆军激光目标指示器系统army laser target designator system
陆军科学和技术目标指南army scientific and technical objectives guide
指标zero marker
雷达目标指示器radar target indicator
非连续信号移动目标指示器discrete signal moving target indicator
项目安全指标project security instruction
飞行目标指导器instructor flown target
飞越信标台指示灯marker beacon light
高度指标altitude index