
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一种或多种示价格indicator price or prices
一致consistent indicator
一般零售物价general index of retail price
三次数修匀triple exponential smoothing
下达令性生产计划issues directives about production targets
下达令性计划issue plans as binding instructions
下达投入产出issue input-output indices
定人no orders
定用途的财政补贴unconditional state grants
定用途的财政补贴unconditional grants
不变效用constant utility index
不变构成constant composition index
不另not elsewhere included
不定期货船运价index of tramp shipping freight
不稳定instability index
不能出的原因unassignable cause
与生活数挂钩的贷款index-linked loan
世界敏感商品价格Index of Sensitive World Commodity Prices
业务operational guidance
业绩评定performance evaluation target
东京消费物价Tokyo consumer price index
个体数与总指数individual index and composite index
个别价格individual price index
个别物量individual quantity index
统计中位数median index
企业环境风险business environment risk index number
企业环境风险business environment risk index
众值mode index
优先priority index
会计accounting guidelines
会计accounting indices
inverse index
分权decentralized command
分类grouped class index
column index number
初学者通用符号令码Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code Basic
判别discrimination order
判别点index of a critical point
利益interest index
利益interest indicator
合群index of cohesiveness
合而为一的规数模型integrated IPF model
同步coinciding index
同步coinciding indicator
同步经济coincident economic indicators
后向backward indicator
后续subsequent order
定人…to the order of...
土地land index
在以后定日期付款payment at a fixed future time
复合complex indexes
外汇定银行authorized bank for dealing in foreign exchange
外汇index number of foreign exchange
外贸foreign trade index number
外贸单位价值foreign trade unit value index
多元标准multiple criterion indexes
多地址令码multi-address order code
多极衡量标体系multipolar measuring index system
多重数修匀法method of multiple exponential smoothing
《大修手册》,《检修导手册》Handbook of Overhaul Instruction
市价无约束market not held order
市场买入market order
市场平均market average
市场潜在market potential index
帕许Paasche index
帕许移动本期加权moving current-weighted Passche indexes
开工率index of capacity utilization
开工率index numbers of capacity utilization
态度attitude index
意外开支定拨款contingency earmarking
成品价格finished goods index
成本index number of cost
成本costing index
成本indicator of cost
或其定人or order
持单人示提单bearer order bill of lading
令与检查instruction and inspection
令书letter of instructions
令付款orders to pay
令形式form of directive
令性物资调拨mandatory materials allocation
令性计划directive planning
令性计划指标mandatory plan targets
令性计划指标indices of mandatory plan
令性计划管理mandatory planned management
令性计划管理management of mandatory planning
令手册manual of instructions
令控制和通信系统command control and communications
令线性无偏极小方差估计量order linear unbiased minimal variance estimator
specify out
出违约行为designated offences
名受话人长途电话person-to person call
财产归属名权power of appointment
名背书endorsement to order
定交货地点named place of delivery
定产出specific output
定人支票cheque to order
定付款地点汇票domiciled bill
定代理商designated agent
定代理商appointed agent
定代理店appoint agent
定代理店appointed agent
定代理行designated agency
定仲裁员的人或机构appointing authority
定价格交易market if touched
定任务designated task
定保险specific insurance
定保险单specific policy
定保险险种named peril
定信息set information
定信用证specially advise credit
定值assigned value
定出口货物earmark goods for export
定判据specified criterion
除外责任外的定危险named peril minus exception
定发货启运named departure point
定变量designated variable
定商authorized dealer
定国内保证金designated domestic deposit
定地点付款payment domiciled
定地点付款人domiciled drawee
定地点付款支票domiciled cheque
定地点付款支票domiciled check
定地点付款汇票domiciled draft
定外国投资人designated foreign investor
定外币存款designated deposit in foreign currency
定外币汇兑机构authorized agents for foreign currency exchange
定外汇银行制authorized foreign exchange bank's system
定市场specific market
定弹性工作时间表flexible time tabling
定成本specified cost
定投机股票designated speculative stock
定投资交易designated investment exchange
定操作条件specified operating conditions
定支付地点的付款人domiciled drawee
定支付条款set the terms of payment
定收受人designated recipient
定收货人to order
定收货人named consignee
定收货人提单to order bill of lading
定数据specified data
定日期named date
定日期交货fixed-date delivery
定期fixed term
定条款constructive clause
定款项作偿债用obligate fund to
定港口particular ports
定火车站交货at named station
定生产指数specific productive index
定用于支付工资的基金fund destined for the payment of wages
定用户designated users
定用途款项money earmarked
定用途款项money appropriated
银行对外国证券定的保管人authorized depositary
定的日期fixed date
定监护人designated guardian
定目的港交货条件free delivered port of destination terms
海关定码头sufferance wharf
定管辖determination of jurisdiction
定统计资料designated statistics
定继承人designated heir
定继承人expectant heir
法律定继承人继承的不动产fee tail
定职位specific job
定联合经营金融信托designated joint operating money trust
定范围designative domain
定装船named port of shipment
定解雇constructive discharge
定设计design assignment
定负责收回外国资产的管理人administrator ad colligendum
定负载条件specific loading conditions
定货币如美元、日元、法郎等specified currencies
定货币信托designated money in trust
定资金用途earmarking of fund
定边境交货地点named place of delivery at frontier
定通货specified currencies
定遗产继承人expectant heir to property
定高级工作人员designated official
导与作业direction and operation
导价格guided price
导价格guideline price
导准贝guiding principles
导卡制度instruction card system
导委员会steering commission
导委员会guided association
导思想guiding ideology
导性世界计划indicative world plan
导性价格guiding price
导性咨询法directive counselling method
导性广告directional advertising
导性法令directory statute
导性规程directive rules
导性计划数字indicative planning figure
导性金融政策guidance financial policy
导手册"how to" book
导方法guidance method
导标志instructive mark
导法则guiding rule
导消费guiding consumption
导税明书instruction sheet
导行pilot line
导计划guidance plan
导谈判conduct negotiation
拨盈余appropriation surplus
拨盈余appropriated surplus
拨货物appropriated goods
挥与调度commanding and scheduling
挥控制信息系统Command Control Information System
挥系统command channel
αalpha index
数体系index number system
数修匀exponential smoothing
数修匀预测法forecasting by the exponential smoothing
数修平法exponential smoothing method
数债券按指数偿付的债券indexed bond
物价数公债index government bonds
数公式index number formula
数关系exponential relation
数函数exponent function
数分析法analytic method by index
数加权移动平均值exponentially weighted moving average
数加权移动平均数exponentially weighted moving average
数加权移动平均数模式exponentially weighted moving average model
数化价格index-linked price
数化公债index-linked bond
数化收入indexed income
数化法indexation method
数化证券投资基金index fund
数变换index transformation
数可靠度exponential reliability
数可靠度函数exponential reliability function
数同态exponential homomorphism
数和exponent sum
数回升index is picking up
数增长律law of exponential growth
数增长曲线exponential growth curve
数增长模式exponential growth model
数增长规律exponential law of growth
数增长规律exponent law of growth
数平均数exponent average
数平滑基本理论fundamental theory of exponential smoothing
数平滑法exponent smoothing method
数平滑预测模式exponential smoothing forecasting model
数式时幂exponential time base
数式渐进稳定exponential asymptotical stability
数式渐进稳定exponent asymptotical stability
数式经济增长exponential growth of economy
数式经济成长exponent growth of economy
数律law of index
数律law of exponents
数报酬对策exponential payoff game
数数列series of index numbers
数数列index series
数数列index number series
数服务型exponential service type
数服务型exponent service type
数服务时间exponential service time
数期权指美国纽约和芝加哥交易所以股票指数为交易基础的选择权index option
数权数index weight
数权数的确定determinative of weight for an index
数条款index clause
数检测函数exponential detection function
数母函数exponent generating function
数的不连续性discontinuity of the index figures
数的算术平均形式mean arithmetical form of an index
数积分exponent integral
数移动平均法exponential moving average
数税征收进口货关税的一种coefficient duties
数等级index ranking
数类型type of index numbers
数级exponential series
数级exponent series
数组合composition of index
数缩减因子index reduction factor
数群exponential group
数股票barometer stock
数股票barometer share
数衰减循环exponentially decaying cycle
数规则rule of exponentials
数计index gauge
数计数法exponential notation
数计算法index calculation
数记号exponent notation
数调整系统indexing system
数赋值exponent valuation
数趋势exponential trend
数趋势exponent trend
数跳跃函数exponential jump function
数近似法exponential approximation
数近似法exponent approximation
数选择权index option
数项exponent term
时订单time order
明的违约行designated offences
bank on
ASHA ASHA target
标价格即欧共体各国农产品的价格target price
标分图indicator breakdown
标性规划数字indicative planning figures
标数据index data
标标准target standard
样订货order by sample
派法assignment technique
派领导者designated leader
付款票据bill drawn to order
示仪indicating instrument
示仪index gauge
示价格indicator price
示危险直线标志danger-marking transits
示器indicator drop
示器hair-line pointer
示对比法indicative comparison method
示式提单open order bill of lading
示式背书endorsement to order
示性决策prescriptive decision
示性决策模型prescriptive decision model
示性准则indicative guideline
示性定价安排indicative price arrangement
示性汇率indicating rate
示性生产图表indicative production diagram
示性、警告性标志indicative and warning mark
示性计划指标indices of guidance plan
示性费率indicating rate
示性预测indicative projection
示性预测资料indicative projection
示数字范围indication range
示条款order clause
包装储运示标indicative mark
包装示标志indication mark
示灯检查lamp check
示点indicator point
示系统director system
示蕴藏量indicated reserve
示误差error in indication
示马力—小时indicated horsepower/hour
纹卡片finger cart
纹线型type line
规数周期IPF cycle
规数最低额值IPF floor value
规数概数IPF estimate
规数配额level of IPFs (Indicative Planning Figures)
take to task
送地点destination place
by order
数变化的电压exponential voltage change
数律增长的人口exponential population
数比例增长exponential manner, growth in an
数比例增长exponent manner, grow in an
数规律增长的人口exponential population
数规律增长的人口数exponent population
按当局by order of the authorities
按日历年度计算的平均average indexes in calendar years
按消费物价数计算的通货膨胀率rate of consumer price inflation
按…的指示to the order to...
明确explicit direction
明示"定人"条款express clause "to order"
最低就业minimum employment target
最低流动minimum flow target
最佳线性无偏best linear unbiased index
数图表monthly index chart
月度month-to month indexes
望获得最大收益promising the best yield
有声audio instruction
有效性effectiveness indicator
服务地点差价调整post adjustment index
服装价格clothing price index
服装价格clothing indices
服装价格clothing index
未作季节性调整的not seasonally adjusted index
未分配规数undistributed indicative planning figure
未履行的或称未执行交易单,指期货交易中,客户虽已下达指令,但经纪人尚未履行, 原因在于指令所列交易数量过大, 或因价格高于市价而尚未成交unfilled order
未调整unadjusted index
本原index of primitivity
标准普尔 500 种股票价格综合Standard and Poor's 500 Stock Index
标记定图labeled graph
标记定图labeled diagram
校对examine statement
校正correction index
次级生产secondary indexes
次要生产secondary indexes
欧洲辛迪加股票Euro-Syndicate General Share Index
温度一湿度Temperature-Humidity Index
焦块结焦cokes button index
理想ideal index
理想价格ideal price index
理想物量ideal quantity index
理论生活费cost of living index number on a theoretical basis
生产挥系统chain of command in production
生产率productivity factor
生产瞎blind guidance in production
生产线挥人员line boss
生产者交货index of producer's shipment
生产者价格index of producer prices
生产者存货index of producer's inventory
生产者成品库存index of producer's inventory of finished products
生产者成品库存index of producer's inventory of finished goods
生产能力利用index number of capacity utilization
生产能力利用capacity utilization indicator
生产能力的生产index of production for production capacity
生产规模数法index method of production scale
生活living index
生活质量life quality indicator
生活质量标体系life quality indicator system
生活费living expense index
生活费index of living costs
生活费用index number of cost of living
生活费用living index
生活费用index of consumer price
生活费用cost-of-living index (number)
生活费用数化cost of living indexation
数修匀法预测forecasting by the exponential smoothing
用一个令撤销另一个指令one cancels the other order
程序更改program change directive
程序管理program management instruction
税收数化indexation of tax
第一阶段数平滑exponential smoothing, the first-order
第一阶段数平滑exponent smoothing, the first-order
第二阶段数平滑exponential smoothing, the second-order
第二阶段数平滑exponent smoothing, the second-order
考核indicator for performance appraisal
航行指租船人指示货船驶往某港装货,及货船驶往目的地的某港口卸货等ordering of vessel
营业operational indicator
营销成本marketing cost index
调和harmonic index
调和平均数harmonic average index
调度schedule order
调整adjustment index
negative index number
货币数化monetary correction
货币供应money supply indicator
货币购买力monetary purchasing power index
货物装运cargo boarding advisory
质量quality indices
质量保证导系统quality assurance guide system
送到顾客定地点move to customer location
适应数平滑adaptive exponential smoothing
reverse index
选择select statement
选择alternative order
递减declining indicator
递推recursion instruction
通用令系统universal instruction set
通货膨胀调整有效汇率"inflation adjusted" effective index
《金融时代》 工业普通股票Third-Share Index
《金融时报》 保险统计学会综合股票Financial Time-Actuaries Share Indexes
《金融时报》世界敏感商品价格Financial Times Index of Sensitive World Commodity Price
《金融时报》世界敏感商品价格Financial Time Index of Sensitive World Commodity Prices
《金融时报》工业普通股票价格Financial Times Index of Industrial Ordinary Shares
《金融时报》工业普通股票价格根据30种最佳股票编制的价格指数Financial Time Index of Industrial Ordinary Shares
《金融时报》物价Financial Times Index
《金融时报》物价Financial Time Index
《金融时报》股票价格Financial Times Stock Indices
《金融时报》股票价格Financial Time Stock Indices
销售sales index
销售示牌marketing board
销售库存index of dealer's stock
需求点demand point indicator
需量示器demand indicator
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