
Terms for subject Electronics containing 指标 | all forms | in specified order only
指标middle marker
指标low index
低功率扇形指点标low-powered fan marker
低频指点标low frequency marker
先进激光目标指示器advanced laser designator
光学目标指示计算机optical target designation computer
功耗指标power dissipation index
动目标指示器moving target indicator
动目标指示恒虚警率moving target indicator constant false alarm rate
动目标指示雷达moving target indicator radar
占地指标land allocation
反舰监视与目标指示antiship surveillance and targeting
可控动目标指示器controlled moving target indicator
合成孔径雷达/固定目标指示器synthetic aperture radar/fixed target indicator
听众评价指标listening opinion index
外指点信标outer marker beacon
外指点标定位器locator at outer marker
大功率中断指标bulk power interruption index
天体动目标指示器celestial moving target indicator
工作质量指标performance index
平均供电不可用率指标average service unavailability index
平均供电可用率指标average service availability index
年度指标annual rate
性能指标performance indicator
性能指标方程plant equation
总体规划技术指标overall roadmap technology characteristics
战术防空信标指挥与监视系统tactical air beacon command and surveillance system
手控目标指示器hand target designator
指挥通信勤务标志符command communications service designator
指标上限upper specification limit
指标下限lower specification limit
指点无线电信标marker radio beacon
指点标信号接收机marker beacon receiver
指示标度display scale
数字动目标指示器digital moving target indicator
无指向性无线电信标non directional radio beacon
无线电指点标radio marker beacon
无线电指点标marker radio beacon
最低性能指标minimum performance criterion
最低性能指标lower specification limit
最高性能指标upper specification limit
机载动目标指示器airborne moving target indicator
标准[现行]通信操作指令standing communication operating instruction
标准信息指示器standard message indicator
标准堆栈指示符normal stack pointer
标准堆栈指针normal stack pointer
标准战区陆军指挥控制系统standard theater army command and control system
标准指令[命令;信号]standard command
标准指令集standard instruction set
标准指数number designation
标准筹划指导委员会Standards Steering Committee (ANSI)
标志指示位label indicator bit
核算核实指标accountancy verification goal
毒性相对指标relative toxicity index
海上动目标指示器sea moving target indicator
滞留指标retention factor
激光指示目标测距仪laser marker and target ranger
激光照射目标指示设备laser illuminator targeting equipment
激光目标指示器laser target marker
激光目标指示器接收机laser target designator receiver
激光目标指示/测距仪laser target marker/ranger
激光目标指示系统laser target designation system
热经济性指标thermal efficiency indices
生化指标biochemical indicator
电信网络体系结构与总体性能指标telecommunications network architecture and general performance objectives
电压指标voltage index
百万千瓦装机容量耗水指标water consumption per GW
监视与目标指示雷达surveillance and target indicating radar
目标地域指示target area designation
目标多普勒指示器target Doppler indicator
目标指令target indicating
目标指令寄存器target instruction register
目标指示发射机target designation transmitter
目标指示发射机与控制器target designation transmitter and control unit
目标指示器target indication unit
目标指示雷达target acquisition radar
目标搜索与指示瞄准具target acquisition and designation sight
目标搜索与指示瞄准具/飞行员夜视传感器target acquisition and designation sight/pilot night vision sensor
目标搜索与指示系统target acquisition and designation system
目标搜索、指示与侦察系统target acquisition, designation and reconnaissance system
目标方位指示器target bearing indicator
目标方位指示器target bearing designator
变压器绕组接线的矢量组数指标numerical index of vector group
离散信号动目标指示器discrete signal moving target indicator
移动式智能目标指示单元mobile intelligent targeting element
移动网络计算机参考技术指标mobile network computer reference specification
空气大气污染指标air contamination indicator
空气质量指标air quality index
系统和设备交付验收指标commissioning objectives for system and equipment
紧急位置指示无线电信标emergency position indicating radio beacon
红外监视与目标指示系统infrared surveillance and target designation system
线路指点标line marker
经济效益指标economic benefits indicator
网络性能指标network performance objectives
自动动目标指示器automatic moving target indicator
自动目标指示器automatic target indicator
自动目标指示雷达automatic targeting radar
船舶航向指点标ship heading marker
请求头标代码选择指示符request header code selection indicator
轻型激光目标指示器lightweight laser target designator
过滤指标filtration factor
远红外目标指示器far infrared target indicator
远距离目标指示系统remote targeting system
选择性动目标指示器selective moving target indicator
通信指标指示电码sinpo code
通信指标指示电码sinpfemo code
高级动目标指示雷达advanced moving target indicator radar