
Terms for subject International trade containing 指数 | all forms | in specified order only
不安的指数discomfort index
不定期航行船只货运指数index of tramp shipping freights
世界制成品出口单位价值指数unit value index of world exports of manufactured goods
个别物价指数specific price index
中位数指数median index
主要指数leading indicator
主要指数的总指数index of leading indicators
交货指数shipment index
价值指数value index number
价格指数price index number
价格指数indexation of prices
任意指数voluntary appropriation
先行指数leading indicator
全国证券交易商协会自动行情指数National association of securities dealers automated quotations index
公共债务的债务与债务偿还指数debt and debt-service indicators of public debt
农业生产指数index number of farm output
农民售货价格指数index of prices received by fanners
农民购货价格指数index of prices paid by farmers
净现值指数net present value index
减缩指数deflating index
几何平均指数geometric average index number
分类指数class or group index number
初级产品与制成品世界出口价格指数world export price indexes of primary commodities and manufactured goods
初级商品价格指数price index of primary commodities
制造业开工率指数index number of capacity utilization
制造业生产指数manufacturing output index
劳动生产率指数labor productivity index
单位价值指数unit value index
单位和数量指数unit value and quantum index number
原料存货指数inventory index of raw materials
各国消费者物价指数index numbers of consumer prices in selected countries
各国消费者物价指数index number of consumer prices in selected countries
商业指数index of business
国内商业性能源最终消费指数index numbers of domestic final consumption of commercial energy
国家指规数总资源total country IPF resources
国民总产值消除价格波动指数gross national product deflator
国民生产总值削价指数G.N.P. deflator
增值指数value-added index
增长指数exponential law of growth
存货指数inventory index
季节变动指数index of seasonal variation
季节性指数seasonal index
对外贸易指数foreign trade index number
对外贸易单位价值指数foreign trade unit value index
工业生产指数industrial production index
工业生产指数index number of industrial production
工资指数index number of wage
平价指数parity rate
平均每人食物生产指数index number per capita food production
库存销售比例指数index of inventory-sale ratio
建筑成本费用指数index number of construction cost
建筑生产指数index number of value, construction output
指数general index number
成本指数cost index number
批发价格指数index number of wholesale prices
批发物价指数wholesale price index
批发物价指数index number of wholesale prices
指数mode index
指数以通货膨胀率为指数调整价格indexing or indexation
指数化制度indexation system
指数变化index movement
指数平均数exponential average
指数coefficient duties
指数证券index bond
指示性数字indicative figure
[统]指示性规划数字indicative planning figure
指规数制度IPF system
指规数受援国IPF recipient
[统]指规数周期IPF cycle
[统]指规数概数IPF estimates
指规数筹资额IPF financing
指规数配额level of IPFs
指数偿付的债券indexed bond
指数偿付的贷款loan tied to an index
指数偿付的贷款indexed loan
指数计算的借款index-tied loan
指数调整价格indexation of prices
按贸易加权的汇率指数trade-weighted index of exchange rates
按贸易额加权的汇率指数trade-weighted index of exchange rates
数量指数quantitative indicator
斯坦达德与普尔公司的股票价格指数Standard & Poor's Stock Price Indexes
斯坦达德与普尔的混合指数Standard & Poor’s composite index
斯坦达德与普尔的混和指数Standard and Poor's Composite Index
时距不定扩散指数variable-span diffusion indices
景气动向指数division index
未分配的指规数undistributed IPF
欧洲辛迪加股票指数Euro syndicate General Share Index
比较指数comparison index
没有调整季节变动的指数not seasonally adjusted index
消费物价指数consumer's price index
消费物价指数consumer price index
消费物价指数计算的通货膨胀率rate of consumer price inflation
物价指数price index number
物价指数price indexes
物价指数index number of price
物价指数indexation of prices
环比指数chain index
生产指数index of production
生产者交货指数index of producers' shipments
生产者存货指数index of producers' inventory
生产能力指数index of production capacity
生活费用指数cost of living index
盈利能力指数profitability index
直接指数direct indexation
直接按指数调整active indexation
相关指数index of correlation
简单算术平均指数simple arithmetic index number
算术式指数arithmetic index number
管理指数management index
指数group index
经济指数economic index number
综合指数aggregative index number
综合商品指数composite merchandise index number
综合进口物价指数composite import price index
股票价格指数stock price index
获利指数profitability index
证券价格指数index number of prices of securities
调整季节变动后的指数seasonally adjusted index
账什指数Passche Index
贸易条件指数terms of trade index
贸易条件指数index of terms of trade
赖斯伯利斯指数Laspeyres Index
路透社商品行情指数Reuter's Index
路透社商品价格指数Reuter's Index of Commodity Prices
不定期货轮运费指数freight index
进出口指数index number of imports and exports
进出口价格指数index number of unit value, imports or exports
进出口商品比价指数index of terms of trade
进出口货物指数index number of imports and exports
进出口贸易量指数index number of quantum, imports or exports
进出口贸易额指数index number of value, imports or exports
连锁指数chain index numbers
连锁指数chain index
道• 琼斯股票指数Dow Jones Index
道•琼斯指数Dow Jones Index
道•琼斯公司的 30 种工业股票的平均指数Dow Jones 30 industrial average
道•琼斯平均指数Dow Jones Averages
都市消费者物价指数urban consumer prices
英国《金融时报》世界敏感商品价格指数Financial Times Index of Sensitive World Commodity Prices
英国《金融时报》工业普通股票价格指数Financial Times Index of Industrial Ordinary Shares
英国《金融时报》股票价格指数Financial Tinies Stock Indices
间接指数indirect indexation
零售价格指数consumer price index
非指规数受援国non-recipients of IPFs
食物生产指数index number of food production