
Terms for subject Business containing 指数 | all forms | in specified order only
一般零售物价指数general index of retail price
三次指数修匀triple exponential smoothing
不变效用指数constant utility index
不变构成指数constant composition index
不定期货船运价指数index of tramp shipping freight
不稳定指数instability index
与生活指数挂钩的贷款index-linked loan
世界敏感商品价格指数Index of Sensitive World Commodity Prices
东京消费物价指数Tokyo consumer price index
个体指数与总指数individual index and composite index
个别价格指数individual price index
个别物量指数individual quantity index
统计中位数指数median index
主要指标的指数index of leading indicator
主要经济指标综合指数composite index of leading indicators
二项指数binomial index number
二项指数binomial index
交叉加权指数crossed weighted index number
交通运输股平均指数transportation average index
产业部门劳动生产率指数index of labour productivity by industry
产业部门投入产出物价指数input-output price indexes of industrial sector
产出成本价格指数index-number of output cost prices
产品数量指标indicator of product quantity
人均食品生产指数index number of per capita food production
人均食物生产指数index number of per capita food production
人工指数labor index
人工成本指数index of labour cost
人工稳定指数labor stability index
企业环境风险指数business environment risk index number
企业环境风险指数business environment risk index
众值指数mode index
优先指数priority index
作业指数activity index
保险费率指数index of premium rate
保险费率指数index number of premium rate
修正价格指数corrected price index
修正季节指数modified seasonal index
债券指数bond index
先行性指标总指数index of leading indicators
全国物价指数nationwide price index
全连基指数chain base index
公共事业股平均价格指数utilities average
公用事业效益指数index of public utilities
公用事业股票平均价格指数utility average
养老金调整指数pension adjustment index
再生产能力指数reproducibility index
农业产量指数index number of farm output
农业生产指数agricultural production index
农产品交换比价指数farm parity price ratio
农产品平价指数agricultural parity index
农产品收购价格指数index of agricultural products purchasing prices
农民购货价格指数indexes of prices paid by farmers
减缩指数deflation index
几何指数geometric index
几何平均指数geometric average index
分类指数grouped class index
指数column index number
判别点指数index of a critical point
利益指数interest index
制造业产出指数manufacturing output index
制造业分部门投入产岀物价指数input-output price indexes of manufacturing industry by sector
制造业部门投入产出价格指数input-output price index by manufacturing industry sector
制造工业指数index number of operation of manufacturing industry
加工能力指数process capability index
加权综合指数weighted aggregative index
勒纳指数Lerner index
区域性指数local index
协变指数covariant index
指数修匀法method of single exponential smoothing
单价指数unit price index
单位产品劳动成本指数index of labour cost per unit of product
单位值指数unit value index
单相关指数simple relative index
卖主绩效指数vendor performance index
厂商价格指数producer price index
原材料消耗指数index of consumption of raw materials
指数修匀法method of double exponential smoothing
双参数指数分布two parameter exponential distribution
双参数指数平滑法two-parameter exponential smoothing method
双重指数分布double exponential
双重指数平修匀double exponential smoothing
取代指数Substitution Index
变异性指数variability index
可变加权指数variable weighting index number
可变权数指数index number with changed weights
可变构成指数index number of variable construction
可靠性指数reliability index number
合群指数index of cohesiveness
合而为一的指规数模型integrated IPF model
同步指数coinciding index
同步经济指数coincident economic indicators
周工资收入指数index of weekly earnings
周期性收入指数cyclical income index
商品指数commodity index number
商品指数commodity index
商品价格指数commodity price index
商情指数 Abusiness index A
商情调查指数business survey index
土地指数land index
地产指数land index
城市消费品价格指数index number of the prices of city consumer goods
增长指数growth index
增长指数exponential law of grow th
复合指数complex indexes
外汇指数index number of foreign exchange
外贸指数foreign trade index number
外贸单位价值指数foreign trade unit value index
多重指数修匀法method of multiple exponential smoothing
奇点指数index of a singular point
子群指数index of a subgroup
存货指数Availability Index
存—销比率指数index of inventory-sale ratio
季节指数seasonal index
季节性调整指数seasonally adjusted index
宏观经济指数macroeconomic index number
宏观经济指数macroeconomic index
定基指数index number with fixed base period
实际生活费用指数actual cost of living index
客观价格指标数objective price indicator
容积利用指数index number of capacity utilization
就业指数occupational index number
局部生产指数index of partial production
工业品厂商价格指数producer price index for manufactured products
工业品零售价格指数index of industrial product's retail prices
工业开工率指数index of industrial operating rates
工业总产量指数index of the total industrial output
工业成本指数cost indexes in industry
工业普通股票价格指数index of industrial ordinary shares
工业活动指数index number of industrial activity
工业生产环比指数link index number of industrial production
工业股票平均价格指数industrials average
工资按生活费用指数自动调整cost of living escalator
工资率指数index of wage rate
市场平均指数market average
市场潜在指数market potential index
帕许指数Paasche index
帕许移动本期加权指数moving current-weighted Passche indexes
幅度调整指数amplitude-adjusted index
平减价格指数implicit price deflator
平均指数average index
平均价格指数average price index
20 种运输股票平均价格指数transportation average
平均加权指数average weighted index
平稳指数smoothing index
年平均价格指数annual average price index
广义指数wide index
广义指数赋值generalized exponential valuation
库存与销售比率指数index of inventory-sale ratio
康亚斯指数Konyus index
开工率指数index of capacity utilization
开工率指数index numbers of capacity utilization
循环指数circularity index
态度指数attitude index
总批发物价指数general wholesale price index
总物价指数general price index number
总量指数aggregative quantity index number
成品价格指数finished goods index
成本指数index number of cost
成本指数costing index
所得指数income index
批发价格指数index number of wholesale price
批发物价指数level of commodity prices at wholesale
批发物价指数wholesale commodity price index
批发物价指数即生产物价指数wholesale price index
批发货价指数index number of wholesale price
批发零售指数index of wholesale and retail sales
投入产出物价指数input-output price index
拉斯贝尔—康亚斯指数Laspeyres-Konyus index
拉斯贝尔物价指数Laspeyres price index
择优指数函数preference index function
指定数据specified data
指定生产指数specific productive index
指导性计划数字indicative planning figure
α指数alpha index
指数体系index number system
指数修匀exponential smoothing
指数修匀预测法forecasting by the exponential smoothing
指数修平法exponential smoothing method
指数债券按指数偿付的债券indexed bond
物价指数公债index government bonds
指数公式index number formula
指数关系exponential relation
指数函数exponent function
指数分析法analytic method by index
指数加权移动平均值exponentially weighted moving average
指数加权移动平均数exponentially weighted moving average
指数加权移动平均数模式exponentially weighted moving average model
指数化价格index-linked price
指数化公债index-linked bond
指数化收入indexed income
指数化法indexation method
指数化证券投资基金index fund
指数变换index transformation
指数可靠度exponential reliability
指数可靠度函数exponential reliability function
指数同态exponential homomorphism
指数exponent sum
指数回升index is picking up
指数增长律law of exponential growth
指数增长曲线exponential growth curve
指数增长模式exponential growth model
指数增长规律exponential law of growth
指数增长规律exponent law of growth
指数平均数exponent average
指数平滑基本理论fundamental theory of exponential smoothing
指数平滑法exponent smoothing method
指数平滑预测模式exponential smoothing forecasting model
指数式时幂exponential time base
指数式渐进稳定exponential asymptotical stability
指数式渐进稳定exponent asymptotical stability
指数式经济增长exponential growth of economy
指数式经济成长exponent growth of economy
指数law of index
指数law of exponents
指数报酬对策exponential payoff game
指数数列index series
指数数列series of index numbers
指数数列index number series
指数服务型exponential service type
指数服务型exponent service type
指数服务时间exponential service time
指数期权指美国纽约和芝加哥交易所以股票指数为交易基础的选择权index option
指数权数index weight
指数权数的确定determinative of weight for an index
指数条款index clause
指数检测函数exponential detection function
指数母函数exponent generating function
指数的不连续性discontinuity of the index figures
指数的算术平均形式mean arithmetical form of an index
指数积分exponent integral
指数移动平均法exponential moving average
指数征收进口货关税的一种coefficient duties
指数等级index ranking
指数类型type of index numbers
指数exponential series
指数exponent series
指数组合composition of index
指数缩减因子index reduction factor
指数exponential group
指数股票barometer stock
指数股票barometer share
指数衰减循环exponentially decaying cycle
指数规则rule of exponentials
指数index gauge
指数计数法exponential notation
指数计算法index calculation
指数记号exponent notation
指数调整系统indexing system
指数赋值exponent valuation
指数趋势exponential trend
指数趋势exponent trend
指数跳跃函数exponential jump function
指数近似法exponential approximation
指数近似法exponent approximation
指数选择权index option
指数exponent term
指标性规划数字indicative planning figures
指标数据index data
指示数字范围indication range
指规数周期IPF cycle
指规数最低额值IPF floor value
指规数概数IPF estimate
指规数配额level of IPFs (Indicative Planning Figures)
指数变化的电压exponential voltage change
指数律增长的人口exponential population
指数比例增长exponential manner, growth in an
指数比例增长exponent manner, grow in an
指数规律增长的人口exponential population
指数规律增长的人口数exponent population
按日历年度计算的平均指数average indexes in calendar years
按消费物价指数计算的通货膨胀率rate of consumer price inflation
收入指数income index
收敛指数exponent of convergence
收益指数income index
改良指数improvement index
效用指数的独特性uniqueness of utility index
敏感价格指数index number of sensitive price
教育指数educational quotient
数量指数quantitative index
数量指令quantitative directives
数量指标indicator of quantity
数量指标index of quantity
斯坦达德与普尔公司 500 种股票价格综合指数即对 500 家工业、 铁路、公用事业公司股票价格编制的综合指数Standard and Poor's 500 Stock Index
旅游价格指数tourist price index
旅游强度指数travel intensive index
无差异水平指数indifference-level index number
无差异水平指数indifference-level index
普通工业股票指数industry ordinary index
景气动向指数统计方法之一diffusion index
最佳线性无偏指数best linear unbiased index
指数图表monthly index chart
月度指数month-to month indexes
服务地点差价调整指数post adjustment index
服装价格指数clothing indices
服装价格指数clothing price index
服装价格指数clothing index
未作季节性调整的指数not seasonally adjusted index
未分配指规数undistributed indicative planning figure
未调整指数unadjusted index
本原指数index of primitivity
材料购入指数purchased materials index
林肯指数Lincoin index
标准普尔 500 种股票价格综合指数Standard and Poor's 500 Stock Index
校正指数correction index
梅耶尔指数Meyer's index
次级生产指数secondary indexes
次要生产指数secondary indexes
欧洲辛迪加股票指数Euro-Syndicate General Share Index
每月指数monthly index chart
每月营业净增指数index of net business formation
比较死亡率指数comparative mortality index
水污染生物指数biological index of water pollution
汇价指数index of exchange rates
汇率差异指数exchange rate deviation index
泊松指数级数Poisson exponential series
波动指数index of oscillation
活动指数index of activity
派生指数derivative index number
测量指数measuring index
海损相关指数average of relatives index numbers
消费品价格指数index number of the prices of consumers goods
消费品价格指数index number of consumer price
消费数量指数consumption quantity index
消费物价指数index number of consumer price
消费物价指数index of consumer price
温度一湿度指数Temperature-Humidity Index
焦块结焦指数cokes button index
物价指数公债index government bonds
物价指数函数研究法functional approach to price indices
物价指数price indexation
物价指数本位币制monetary system with the price index as the standard
物价指数的食品类项目food component of the price index
物价指数计算标准multiple standard
物价指数近似值理论approximation theory of price index number
物资指数materials index
物量指数index number of physical volume
特定生产指数specific production index
特征指数characteristic index number
环比指数chained index number
环比指数chain-relative index
环比指数chained index
环比指数link index number
环比指数chain index numbers
理想指数ideal index
理想价格指数ideal price index
理想物量指数ideal quantity index
理论生活费指数cost of living index number on a theoretical basis
生产率指数productivity factor
生产者交货指数index of producer's shipment
生产者价格指数index of producer prices
生产者存货指数index of producer's inventory
生产者成品库存指数index of producer's inventory of finished products
生产者成品库存指数index of producer's inventory of finished goods
生产能力利用指数index number of capacity utilization
生产能力的生产指数index of production for production capacity
生产规模指数index method of production scale
生活指数living index
生活费指数living expense index
生活费指数index of living costs
生活费用指数living index
生活费用指数index of consumer price
生活费用指数index number of cost of living
生活费用指数cost-of-living index (number)
生活费用指数cost of living indexation
指数修匀法预测forecasting by the exponential smoothing
磨损指数wear index
税收指数indexation of tax
穆迪物价指数Moody index of commodity prices
穆迪物价指数Moody's Index
第一阶段指数平滑exponential smoothing, the first-order
第一阶段指数平滑exponent smoothing, the first-order
第二阶段指数平滑exponential smoothing, the second-order
第二阶段指数平滑exponent smoothing, the second-order
等价指数equivalent index number
等级相关指数index number of rank correlation
简单算术指数simple arithmetic index
简单算术平均指数simple arithmetic average index
简单综合指数simple aggregative index number
简单综合指数simple aggregate index
算术指数arithmetic index number
算术指数arithmetic index
算术平均指数arithmetic average index number
指数group index number
指数grouped index
指数index of class
指数class index number
精度指数index of precision
糟糕指数misery index
纽约股票交易所指数New York Stock Exchange Index
线路指数index of circuit
经济周期指数business cycle indicators
经济成效指数economic performance index
经济调查指数business survey index
经营比率指数index of operating ratio
绝对指数absolute index
美国石油学会比重指数American Petroleum Institute Baume's gravity index
美联社 60 种股票平均价格指数Associated press average of 60 stocks
群的指数index series of a group
职业指数occupational index
职工生活费指数index number of cost of living to staff and workers
职工生活费指数cost-of-living index for workers and staff
股份平均指数stock averages
股市平均数指数ase index
股票指数share index number
股票指数share indexes
股票价格指数stock index
股票价格指数index of stock price
股票行市指数index of stocks
营销成本指数marketing cost index
虚拟指数dummy index
衰减指数函数decaying exponential function
装运指数shipment index
计划指定数字program earmarking
计划数量指标和质量指标quantitative and qualitative indicators of plan
证券价格指数stock price index
证券价格指数index of prices of security
证券价格指数index of price of security
证券行市指数index of securities
调和指数harmonic index
调和平均数指数harmonic average index
调整指数adjustment index
指数negative index number
货币指数monetary correction
货币购买力指数monetary purchasing power index
购买力指数index of purchasing power
贸易指数index of trade
贸易权汇率指数trade-weighted index of exchange rates
贸易条件指数indexes of terms of trade
贸易条件指数index of term of trade
贸易比价指数index of terms of trade
贸易额指数trade value index
费雪交叉加权指数cross-weighted Fisher indexes
费雪理想指数Fisher's ideal index number
赖斯伯利斯指数一种编制物价指数的统计方法Laspeyres index
指数分布hyper-exponential distribution
超额现值指数excess present value index
运用成本指数index of working cost
运货指数shipment index
运费指数index number of freight
运费指数freight index
进出口单价指数index number of unit value of imports and exports
进出口单位价格指数index number of unit value, imports or exports
进出口商品价比指数index number of the price-ratios of import and export products
进出口商品比价指数index of price parities between import and export commodities
进出口物量指数index of physical volume in import and export
进出口物量指数index number of quantum of imports and exports
进出口贸易数量指数index of quantum imports of exports
进口价格指数index of import price
进口价格指数index number of import price
进口盈利指数import profit index
进岀口数量指数quantum indexes of exports and imports
连接指数linked index
连环指数统计用语,指不用固定基期编指数chain index index-number
适应指数平滑adaptive exponential smoothing
指数reverse index
通货膨胀调整有效汇率指数"inflation adjusted" effective index
道・琼斯指数Dow Jones Index
道琼斯30 种工业股票平均指数Dow Jones Average of Industrial Stock
道琼斯指数Dow Jones index
道琼斯公司三十种工业股票平均指数Dow Jones 30 industrial average
道琼斯商品价格指数Dow Jones index of commodity price
道—琼斯商情指数Dow Jones commodity index
道—琼斯工业股票价格平均指数Dow Jones averages of industrials
道琼斯平均指数Dow Jones Averages
道琼斯平均指数Dow Jones average index
道.琼斯平均工业股票指数Dow Jones Industrial Average
道琼斯股票指数Dow Jones Index
道琼斯股票价格平均综合指数Dow Jones composite average
道.琼斯股票平均价格指数Dow Jones (average)
道琼斯股票平均价格指数Dow-Jones Average
重量腐蚀指数weight corrosion index
金融指数money index
金融指数banking index
《金融时代》 工业普通股票指数Third-Share Index
《金融时报》 保险统计学会综合股票指数Financial Time-Actuaries Share Indexes
《金融时报》世界敏感商品价格指数Financial Times Index of Sensitive World Commodity Price
《金融时报》世界敏感商品价格指数Financial Time Index of Sensitive World Commodity Prices
《金融时报》工业普通股票价格指数Financial Times Index of Industrial Ordinary Shares
《金融时报》工业普通股票价格指数根据30种最佳股票编制的价格指数Financial Time Index of Industrial Ordinary Shares
《金融时报》物价指数Financial Times Index
《金融时报》物价指数Financial Time Index
《金融时报》股票价格指数Financial Times Stock Indices
《金融时报》股票价格指数Financial Time Stock Indices
销售指数sales index
销售库存指数index of dealer's stock
雇佣成本指数index of employment cost
指数faced facial index
预期指数forward index
预测指数forecasting index
预算指数budget index number
预算指数budget index
马歇尔—埃奇沃思—鲍利指数Marshall-Edgeworth-Bowley index
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