
Terms for subject Space containing 指导 | all forms | in specified order only
事实指导推理fact-directed reasoning
光-红外指令复合制导系统optical-infrared command combined guidance system
光纤指令制导系统fiber-optic command guidance system
初始程序-中段指令-末段 TVM 复合制导系统initial program-mid command-terminal TVM combined guidance system
制导姿态空间位置指示器guidance attitude space position indicator
制导指令guidance command
反导指挥、控制、通信系统antimissile command control and communi cation system
导引指令steering order
导引指令steering instruction
导弹发射情况指示器missile indicator
导弹制导指令missile guidance command
导弹可靠性指标missile reliability index
导弹姿态指令missile attitude command
导弹射击指挥系统guided missile fire-control system
导弹指令制导系统missile command guidance system
导弹指令编码器missile command coder
导弹指令遥控链路missile telecommand link
导弹指挥仪missile director
导弹指挥仪兵missile director operator
导弹指挥所missile command post
导弹指挥、控制与通信系统missile command, control and communication system
导弹指挥站missile command center
导弹指挥车missile commanding vehicle
导弹指挥车missile control van
导弹指挥车missile command vehicle
导弹指控[遥控]command and control of missile
导弹控制指令missile steering command
导弹控制指令missile control command
导弹无线电指令制导装置missile radio command guidance instrument
导弹校准指令missile calibration command
导弹状态指示器missile status indicator
导弹码指令missile code command
导弹装定[程序]指令missile order
导弹装定指令missile setting order
导弹连状况指示器missile battery status indicator
导弹遥控指令missile telecommand
导弹部队作战指挥missile forces operational command
导弹部队后勤指挥部logistic command of missile force
导弹部队指挥勤务command duty of missile force
导弹飞行指示器missile in-flight indicator
导弹飞行控制指令missile flight control command
导航指挥与控制系统navigational command and control system
导航控制指示器navigation control indicator
巡航制导指示器cruise guide indicator
引导指令bootstrap routine
微波指令制导microwave command guidance
微波雷达指令制导系统microwave radar command guidance system
惯性/无线电指令-半主动雷达寻的复合制导系统inertial/radio-command-half active radar seeking combined guidance system
战略导弹电子化指挥系统electronic command system for strategic missile
指令制导instruction guide
指令制导command guidance
指令制导导弹commanded missile
指令制导导弹command-controlled missile
指令制导战术导弹command guided tactical missile
指令制导的战术导弹command guided tactical missile
指令制导系统command system of guidance
指令制导系统command-type guidance system
指令制导系统command guidance system
指令系统制导弹道command-system path
指令自导引导弹command-homing missile
指令雷达制导系统command radar guidance system
指北式惯性导航系统north pointing inertial navigation system
数据指导推理data-directed inference
无线电指令制导radio command guidance
无线电指令制导系统radio command guidance system
有线指令制导wire command guidance
有线指令制导系统wire command guidance system
汇编的操作员指导语言compiled operator directive language
沿追击曲线指令制导command pursuit-course guidance
波束制导指令beam command
海军导航指挥与控制系统navy navigation command and control system
激光指令制导装置laser command guidance device
激光束指令制导系统laser beam-rider command guidance system
激光视线指令制导装置laser-visual line command guidance device
电视指令制导TV command guidance
电视指令制导站TV command guidance station
电视指令制导装置TV command guidance device
电视指令导引装置television command guidance assembly
电视无线电指令复合制导系统television-radio command combined guidance system
电视跟踪指令制导television track-command guidance
目标指导推理goal-directed reasoning
目标跟踪指令制导direct command guidance
目标跟踪有线指令制导direct command wire guidance
目视指令制导visual command guidance
目视指令制导系统visual command guidance system
直接指令制导direct command guidance
直接指令有线制导direct command wire guidance
着陆指挥导航中心landing command and navigation centre
瞄准发射导弹指令command to line of sight missile
空中发射的合成天线阵雷达指令制导导弹synthetic array radar command air launched missile
红外/ 电视/雷达-无线电指令复合制导系统infrared/television/radar-radio command combined guidance system
红外指令制导infrared command guidance
罗兰惯性指令空中发射导弹loran inertial command air launched missile
舰载导弹火控指挥仪ship-borne missile fire control director
舰队弹道导弹指挥与控制通信网fleet ballistic missile command & control communications network
计算机指导故障隔离computer-guided fault isolation
设计指导方针design guidelines
试验室指挥制导系统laboratories command guidance system
距离指示自动导航设备distance indicating automatic navigation equipment
遥控指令制导系统remote control command guidance system
防空导弹射击指挥系统air defence fire directi on system
雷达指令制导radar command guidance
靶机式指令制导drone-type command guidance
飞航导弹指挥控制系统command control system of cruise missile
驾束制导指令beam command
驾束指令制导beam-rider command guidance