
Terms containing 指出 M是 | all forms | in specified order only
expl.安全爆破距离是指抛掷的碎片不会越出预定的范围、对周围人和物不造成伤害的最小距离A safe blasting distance is the minimum distance beyond which the throw of fragments does not affect the surroundings significantly
gen.当耶稣降临到人间之时,这些星星便是宣告其出生的标志,并帮助指引智者寻找到耶稣The star announced the birth of Jesus and guided the wise men to find Him
proj.manag.所谓的综合险、是指对全部财物保了险、出具的是一份综合保单Blanket insurance means insurance which covers everything, a comprehensive policy
gen.指出标明M是Nlabel M as (N)
gen.支票是客户要求银行从自己账户付出一笔钱的书面指示A cheque is an instruction in writing from the account holder to the bank to pay out a sum of money from the account
gen.机会律指出,掷100次硬币,理应有50次是正面朝上,50 次是反面朝上the law of chance says you should get 50 heads and 50 tails in 100 tosses of a coin