
Terms for subject Dermatology containing 持 久 | all forms | in specified order only
持久性光反应persistent light reaction
持久性光反应者persist light reactor
持久性免疫lasting immunity
持久性图状红斑erythema figuratum perstans
持久性外耳炎persistent external otitis
持久性手足脓疱病persistent pustulosis of hands and feet
持久性掌跖脓疱病persistent palmoplantar pustulosis
持久性浅表性皮炎persistent superficial dermatitis
持久性红斑erythema perstans
持久性胎斑persistent Mongolian spot
持久性色素异常性红斑erythema dyschromicum perstans
持久性豆状角化过度病hyperkeratosis lenticularis perstans
持久性隆起性红斑erythema elevatum diutinum
持久性黄红皮病xantho-erythroderma perstans
疣状持久性荨麻疹urticaria perstans verrucosa
迟发性及持久性皮肤划痕症delayed and persistent dermographia
遗传性炎性血管炎伴持久性结节hereditary inflammatory vasculitis with persistent nodules