
Terms for subject Desert science containing | all forms
人力资源可续发展sustainable development of human resources
农业资源保计划Farm Conservation Plan
农药久性persistence of pesticide
冰层续时间duration of ice cover
冰盖续时间duration of ice cover
决策支系统decision-support system
区域经济可续发展sustainable development of regional economy
续农业与农村发展sustainable agriculture and rural development
续利用sustainable use
续发展sustained yield
续发展sustainable yield
续发展的战略规划榧架strategic planning framework for sustainable development
续发展社会sustainable society
续土地资源管理sustainable land management
续水土系统sustainable system
续生存sustainable living
续生态系统sustainable ecological system
续的农业技术sustainable agricultural practices
可维产热sustained yield
可维产热sustainable yield
叶面积续期leaf area duration
土壤水性soil moisture retention
土壤水量soil retention
土壤保Soil Conservation Service (美国农业部)
土壤保法令Act of Soil Conservation
土壤和水分保与土地利用soil and water conservation and land utilization
土壤结soil consistence
地理资源分析支系统Geographic Resource Analysis Support System
地表保surface retention
塑性结plastic consistency
水力retention ability
水孔隙water-holding pore
水度specific retention
水率specific retention
水量water-holding capacity
水量water retaining capacity
水量moisture holding capacity
水量moisture capacity
续产量sustained yield
续开发原理sustainable development principle
续性预报persistence forecast (天气的)
续投资sustained overdraft
续放牧continuous grazing (荒漠草场利用的一种形式)
续锋面雨prolonged frontal rain
续降水prolonged rain
性服务部门support services
性机构support services
措施supporting measures (指能力建设、教育、公共意识及财政资源(《联合国防治荒漠化公约》))
最佳可续种群optimum sustainable population
最大水量field moisture capacity
最大水量field capacity
最大续生产量maximum sustained yield
最大分子水量maximum molecular moisture-holding capacity
最大毛管水量maximum capillary capacity
最大田间水量maximum field water capacity
最小水量minimum water-holding capacity
最小水量least water-holding capacity
最小田间水量mininum field capacity
最小田间水量minimum water-holding capacity
有效水量available water holding capacity
有效田间水量available field capacity
松软结mellow consistency
正常水量normal moisture capacity
毛管水量capillary water-holding capacity
毛管水量capillary capacity
氮保nitrogen retention
氮固nitrogen immobilization
水分保water control
水分保water retention
水分保water conservation
水分保retention of water
水土保conservation (涉及自然资源的保护,改良和合理利用。现今随着人们环境意识的增强、大自然保护包括保护森林、草原、矿藏资源、水、海洋、江湖、城镇环境、大气等采取的一切人类活动。就全球干旱半干旱地带和亚湿润地带的荒漠化而言,防治水蚀和风蚀,合理利用水土资源和植被资源,是至关重要的)
水土保与土地利用soil and water conservation and land utilization
水土保soil and water conservation districts
水土保工程water and erosion control structure
水土保工程措施soil and water conservation engineering measures
水土保high forest with soil protecting wood
水土保soil and water conservation forest
水土保forest for conservation of soil and water
水土保耕作措施soil and water conservation tillage measures
水土保规划soil and water conservation programme
水土保规划soil and water conservation program
水土保调查soil and water conservation survey (土壤学、土壤侵蚀与水土保持)
水源保forest for conservation of water
水资源可续利用sustainable utilization of water resources
水资源可续开发sustainable development of water resources
生态平衡的续发展eclogically sustainable development
生态系统服务功能维maintenance of ecosystem service
田间最大水量maximum field water capacity
矿产资源可续利用sustainable utilization of mineral resources
种群续性population persistence
积雪层续时数duration of snow cover
净能net energy for maintenance
性饲养maintenance feeding
热能maintenance energy
能量maintenance energy
营养maintenance level
需要maintenance requirement
美国水土保服务组织Soil Conservation Service (隶属于美国农业部)
联合国可续发展委员会UN Commission on Sustainable Development
脉冲续时间pulse length
自然保natural preservation
自然可续利用sustainable nature use
草原水土保range conservation
草地资源可续利用sustainable use of rangeland resource
计划支机构program supporting service
资源可续利用sustainable utilization of natural resources
资源可续利用sustainable use of natural resources
酥性结friable consistency
降水续时间precipitation duration
降雨续时间rainfall duration
饱和水量saturation moisture capacity