
Terms for subject Architecture containing 拱 架 | all forms | in specified order only
可变式钢质拱架yieldable steel arch
带拉杆的拱形桁架arched girder with tieback
arched falsework
形桁arch truss
arch centering
arch center
拱式桁架trussed arch
拱式桁架truss arch
拱形桁架arch girder
拱形桁架式大梁arched truss
拱形框架构架arched frame
拱形框架构架arch frame
拱形高架跨栈arched viaduct
拱架bow member
拱里脚手架arched falsework
拱顶roof arch
拱顶鹰架centering of arch
拱鹰架lagging jack
有多边形状的拱形桁架arched girder with polygonal outlines
有支撑共肩的拱形桁架arched girder with braced spandrels
桁架拱形上弦camel back top chord
桁架起拱truss camber
移动式拱鹰架脚手架travelling centering
移动式拱鹰架脚手架traveling centering
缓冲式拱架yielding arch
缓冲式钢质拱架yielding steel arch
起拱桁架raised chord truss
通过拉杆来抵消水平推力的拱形桁架arched girder without horizontal thrust
金属拱形支架steel arch
钢拱支架steel arch
钢轨拱形支架rail arch
镶压性拱形支架yieldable arch
高架跨线拱桥arch viaduct