
Terms containing 拱 中心 | all forms | in specified order only
hydroel.st.三中心变厚度拱坝three-centered variable thickness arch dam
tech.三中心拱three-centered arch
hydroel.st.不对称峡谷中双圆心变厚度拱坝平面图Two-centered arch dam with variable-thickness arches at a nonsymmetrical canyon
tech.中心拱centre arch
tech.中心拱center arch
hydroel.st.单中心拱坝single-centred arch dam
hydroel.st.变中心拱坝variable centre arch dam
tech.变中心拱坝variable center arch dam
el.拱坝坝顶拱圈中心arch centre of crest
tech.坝顶拱圈中心arch center for crest (拱坝)
hydroel.st.多中心拱polycentered arch
tech.多中心拱more-centered arch
hydroel.st.多中心拱坝polycentered arch dam
el.多中心拱坝poly-centred arch dam
hydroel.st.定中心角拱坝constant-angle arch dam
hydroel.st.对称峡谷中单圆心拱坝平面图Plan of a single-centered arch at a symmetrical canyon
archit.拱中心arch centre
bridg.constr.拱中心线arch centre-line
tech.拱中心线line of arch center
bridg.constr.拱中心线centreline of arch
tech.拱中心线arch center line
archit.拱圈中心角包角included angle of arch
hydroel.st.拱圈中心角central angle of arch
hydroel.st.拱圈中心角central angle of an arch
tech.拱圈中心角included angle of crest
tech.拱圈中心角included angle of arch
bridg.constr.拱圈中心轨迹线locus of centres of arch ring
bridg.constr.拱圈的中心角included angle of arch
archit.拱圈的中心轨迹线locus of centres
tech.拱圈的中心轨迹线locus of center
tech.拱的中心轨迹线line of centers
earth.sc.拱跨中心垂距versed sine
tech.拱顶中心石key stone
tech.拱顶中心线vault center line
tech.拱中心included angle of arch
hydroel.st.等中心拱坝constant-centred arch dam
tech.等中心拱坝constant center arch dam
hydroel.st.等中心角拱坝constant central angle arch dam
tech.等中心角拱坝constant angle arch dam
eng.geol.拱中心center of springing
tech.拱中心centre of springing
tech.拱中心centre of crown
tech.拱中心center of crown
tech.钝中心角拱obtuse arch