
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing | all forms
三心basket-handle arch
三心three-centred arch
三心triple articulation arch
三心three-centered arch
三铰triple-hinged arch
三铰three-pinned arch
度曲线camber curve
上承upper loading arch
上承式deck type arch
上承式deck type arch bridge
上承式deck arch bridge
上承式加劲deck type stiffened arch
上承敞肩open spandrel arch of deck type
下承through arch
下承式arch with suspended road
下承敞肩through-type open spandrel arch
下承敞肩open spandrel arch of through type
不对称路unsymmetrical crown
不等厚variable thickness arch
肋轴线之间的距离distance between axes of twin arch ribs
两铰two-hinged arch
两铰two hinge arch
二養two-hinged arch
五心five-centered arch
reversed arch
inverted arch
低路low crown
侧向lateral arch
reversed arch
基础inverted arch foundation
倾斜inclined arch
blind arch
feigned arch
false arch
具有长细肋的加劲拱stiffened arch with slender arch ribs
inside arch
inner arch
内衬back arch
rigid arch
刚性rigid arch
刚性梁柔性bridge with stiff-beam and flexible-arch
刚性系杆柔性bridge with stiff tie and flexible-arch
加劲stiffened arch
加劲stiffened arched girder
加劲桁架stiffened truss arch
半圆half-round arch
半圆semicircular arch
半圆full centre arch
半圆Roman arch
半圆full centered arch
半椭圆semi-elliptic arch
半椭圆semi-ellipse arch
半穿式half-through arch
半穿式half through type arch
单向one-way arch
单向路one-way crown
单心one-centred arch
单肋single-rib arch
单铰one-hinged arch
卵形egg-type arch
卵形ovoid arch
卵形oval arch
卵形egg-shaped arch
卸载unloading arch
卸载load transmitting arch
卸载relieving arch
卸载土relieving earth arch
压力pressure arch
双心two centered arch
双曲two-way curved arch
双曲double curved arch
双曲double-curvature arch
双曲double-arched bridge
双曲two-way arch bridge
双曲double-curved arch bridge
双曲double convex arch bridge
双曲two-way curved arch bridge
双曲砖bi-curvature brick arch
双铰arch hinged at ends
双铰two hinged arch
双铰two pinned arch
双铰桁架two-hinged arch truss
双铰抛物线double-hinged parabolic arch
双铰抛物线two-hinge parabolic arch
双铰系杆two-hinged tie arch
inverted camber
inverted arch
inverted camber
反曲inflected arch
变厚度variable thickness arch
变截面arch with variable section
变截面variable section arch
合理轴线reasonable arch axis
同心concentric arches
四心four-centered arch
固端arch with fixed end
固端fixed end arch
固端arch bridge with fixed ends
cycloidal arch
circular arch
圆弧circular arch
圆弧circular arc arch
圆筒barrel arch
作用soil arching action
作用的概念concept of soil arching action
土压geostatic arch
土牛胎arch formed on filled earth
圬工masonry arch bridge
rising arch
flat arch
flat arch bridge
坦圆depressed arch
multiple arch
多跨连续multiple-span continuous arch bridge
多铰multiple-hinged arch
大跨度large span arch bridge
天然natural arch
天然卸载natural load transmitting arch
实体无铰hingeless solid arch bridge
实体无铰solid hingeless arch bridge
实心板solid barrel arch
实肋solid ribbed arch
实肋solid-rib arch
实肋solid rib arch
实肩filled spandrel arch
实肩solid spandrel arch
实肩spandrel-filled arch
实腹blind arch
实腹filled spandrel arch
实腹solid spandrel arch
实腹solid-spandrel arch bridge
实腹filled spandrel arch bridge
实腹arch bridge with solid web
实腹spandrel filled arch bridge
实腹arch rib with solid web
实腹式中、小跨度石solid spandrel stone arch for medium and minor span
实腹石filled spandrel stone arch bridge
实腹肋solid-rib arch
对称symmetrical arch
对称路symmetrical crown of road
peak arch
尖形cusped arch
尖形pointed arch
尖形peak arch
带拉杆arch with tie
带铰hinged arch culvert
带铰的arch with hinge
带顶铰的arch with vertex hinge
带顶铰的arch with key hinge
带顶铰的arch with top hinge
带顶铰的arch with crown hinge
带顶铰的arch with apex hinge
flattened arch
平圆scheme arch
平坦路flat crown
平缓仰flat invert
平行曲线肋parallel curved rib arch bridge
建筑camber as built
建筑construction camber
开腹式braced rib arch
弓弦式bowstring arch
弓形segmental arch bridge
circular arch
arc arch
弹性elastic arch
弹性墩上多跨multiple arches on elastic piers
弹性墩上的连续continuous arches on elastic piers
悬砌arch bridge laid by cantilever method
悬链funicular arch
悬链catenarian arch
作用arching effect
抛物线parabolic arch
抛物线二铰parabolic two hinged arch
抛物线无铰parabolic hingeless arch
striking of center
拆除striking of arch
上侧墙spandrel wall
上侧墙spandrel side-wall
上建筑spandrel structure
上构架spandrel frame
上空间spandrel space
上结构deck structure of arch
上结构arch superstructure
上结构spandrel structure
上铺装arch cover
中心线centreline of arch
中心线arch centre-line
作用arching action
crown of arch
半径arch radius
压力arch compression
压力线pressure line of arch
压力线arch pressure line
吊杆spandrel hanger
圈中心轨迹线locus of centres of arch ring
圈内力internal force of arch ring
圈合拢closing up of arch ring
圈弹性压缩elastic compression of arch ring
圈的中心角included angle of arch
圈的拱脚springing of arch ring
圈计算长度computing length of arch ring
块砌缝voussoir joint
arch wall
屈曲buckling of arch
平面plane of arch
平面内的稳定性in-plane stability of arch
平面内的稳定性stability in plane of arch
指路面amount of crown
spring stone
arch impost
arch seat
式体系arch-type system
式建筑arcuate architecture
式建筑arched architecture
式桁架arch-type truss
式结构arch-type structure
chord of arch
arch chord
弧内曲线intrados curve
形建筑arch building
形建筑arched building
形弹片式扣件arched elastic plate fastener
形框架结构arched frame construction
形桥台arched abutment
形梁arched girder
形梁arched beam
形结构arch construction
形结构arched structure
arch core
曲率arch curvature
arched slab
arch slab
arch centering
arch timbering
arch scaffolding
架类型type of arch centering
arched truss
arched bridge
桥填腹hearting web of arch bridge
桥建筑arch bridge construction
桥悬砌法施工arch ring laid by cantilever method
桥计算computation of arch bridge
arched beam
arched girder
楔石voussoir key
arch form
模板arch form
cross curved plate
arch culvert
理论theory for arch
理论arching theory
的加劲arch reinforcing
的加劲arch stiffening
的拉杆arch tie
的矢高rise of arch
的跨度arch span
的跨度span of arch
arch brow
矢高rise of arch
矢高arch rise
结构分析arch structural analysis
肋压缩rib shortening
肋压缩compression of arch rib
肩上空间spandrel space
肩墙spandrel wall
肩拱spandrel arch
肩柱spandrel column
arch extrados
springing of arch
arch spring skewback
skewback of arch
arch springer
脚手架arch falsework
脚手架arch scaffolding
脚铰arch springing hinge
soffit of arch
arch spandrel
arch soffit
腹立柱spandrel column
腹起拱点springing of soffit
腹边墙side-wall of spandrel
heel of arch
arch bay
arched span
轴切线角angle of tangent on arch axis
轴线arch axis
轴线的变形deformation of arch axis
arch face
面墙head wall
arch top
arch vertex
crown of arch
顶截面重心sectional centre of gravity of arch crown
顶石capstone of arch
顶石arch key
顶石keystone at crown
顶石crown stone of arch
顶石arch key stone
顶线arch crown line
顶线crown line
顶铰top hinge of arch
顶铰hinge in key of arch
height of arch
高跨比ratio of rise and span
高跨比ratio of pitch and span
鹰架arch centering
推力thrust arch
撑腹spandrel-braced arch bridge
敞肩open spandrel arch
斜交skewed arch bridge
无铰rigid arch
无铰fixed end arch
无铰arch without articulation
无铰non-hinged arch
无铰hingeless arch bridge
无铰双曲hingeless double curved arch bridge
open arch
普通common centering
月牙crescent arch
月牙桁架crescent-type trussed arch bridge
有拉条bowstring arch bridge
timber arch
wood centering
wooden arch bridge
timber arch bridge
slab arch
barrel arch
plate arch
拱圈slab arch ring
slab arch bridge
柔性flexible arch
柔性flexible arch bridge
柔性flexible arch rib
braced arch
trussed arch
桁架spandrel braced arch
桁架spandrel arch
桁架trussed arch
桁架truss arch bridge
桁架trussed arch bridge
桁肋braced rib arch
桥梁上bridge camber
桥跨结构rise of bridge superstructure
梁上beam camber
梁与组合体系combined system of girder and arch
椭圆oval arch
楔块voussoir arch
横向transverse arch
正弦曲线sinusoid arch
毛石rough stone arch
hydrostatic arch
没有弯矩的arch without moment
混合composite arch
独立independent arch
rock arch
stone arch
stone arch bridge
stone masonry arch bridge
移动式travelling centering
空心hollow arch
空腹open spandrel arch
空腹open spandrel arch bridge
空腹式open spandrel arch
空腹式钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete arch bridge with open spandrel
空腹式钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete open-spandrel arch bridge
空腹石open spandrel stone arch bridge
穿式through arch
穿式加劲through type stiffened arch
等厚equal thickness arch
等厚equilateral arch
等截面constant sectional arch
pipe arch
箱形box arch bridge
箱形box-ribbed arch bridge
粗石rubble arch
系杆tied arch
系杆bowstring arch bridge
系杆tie-arch bridge
系杆tied arch bridge
系杆桥跨结构tied-arch bridge superstructure
系杆桥跨结构bowstring-arch bridge superstructure
索形funicular arch
索曲线形funicular curved arch
组合composite arch
组合combination arch bridge
组合built-up arch bridge
rib arch
rib arch bridge
肋桁ribbed truss arch
肋桁braced-rib arch
spandrel arch
sconcheon arch
rear arch
spandrel arch
薄壳rampant arch
装配式钢筋混凝土assembly reinforced concrete arch bridge
装配式预制钢prefabricated steel centering
装饰blind arch
装饰ornamental arch
exposed arch
bare arch
naked arch
rising of arch
skew back
springing stone
线arch springing line
超静定statically indeterminate arch
rising arch
rampant arch
road camber
crown of subgrade
height of crown of subgrade
height of camber of subgrade
路面blow up
rail arch
side arch
multi arch
multiarch bridge
multiple-arch bridge
连接的桁架truss connecting the arch
连续multiple arch bridge
连续multiple arch
连续continuous arch bridge
steel arch
支架steel arch support
steel centering
steel arch bridge
钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete arch bridge
钢筋混凝土卵形reinforced concrete oval arch culvert
钢管steel tubular arch
钢管steel pipe arch
iron arch bridge
hinged arch
铰接linked arch
acute arch
steep arch
静不定statically indeterminate arch
静不定statically indeterminate arch-ring
静不定推力statically indeterminate thrust arch bridge
静定statically determinate arch
非对称nonsymmetrical arch
非对称unsymmetric arch
预制混凝土precast concrete arch ring
预应力prestressing arch
预应力反camber due to prestressing
预留preformed camber
高低脚raking arch, rampant arch
高矢arch bridge with high-rise
高矢stilted arch bridge
高路high crown
高路high camber