
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
企业模business simulation
决定性模deterministic simulation
可靠性、可用性 、可维修性模reliability availability maintainability simulation
合同条款定阶段contract definition phase
哈佛大学石油市场模Harvard oil market simulation
国家能源模系统national energy modeling system
实业模the simulation games for business
对比性模方案comparative simulation project
对策模a gaming problem
工程项目的财务模financial simulation of specific project
市场战略模the marketing strategy simulation
我们来草上述协议We will prepare the said agreement
我们正在定一项招聘计划,将雇用许多有能力的工作人员We are undertaking a recruitment program and will hire a lot of able employees
study out
map out (a plan, 计划)
trace out (a sales plan, 销售计划)
定合同draw up a contract
定方案develop alternative
用年限proposed life
稳定分布律quasi-stable law
订计划formulate a plan
议中信贷pipeline credit
议计划proposed projects
效益模模型effectiveness simulation model
数字模交换器digital analogy converter
曲线the fitting of curves
提交仲裁,唯望通过双方友好协商解决,故作罢We could submit it for arbitration but restrained from doing so because we wished it could be settled through friendly negotiation of both sides
信息一数字信息转换器analogue to digital converter
the value of simulation
和投资计划系统simulation and investment planning system
审判a mock trial
抽样simulate sampling
数字转换器analogue-digital converter
analog approach
消费法则law of imitation
测验simulation test
电脑analog computer
程式simulation programs
管理作业the simulated management operation
表示法analog representation
规划simulation programs
计算机an analogue computer
语言simulation language
水文模hydrologic simulation
水文模hydrologic modelling
法人制论theory of fiction juristic person
现场验收试验后模simulation after test site acceptance test
石油市场模oil market simulation
程式模处理程序与基准programming procedured and standards
系统状态的阶段模system state phase modeling
经过长时间谈判,他们同意以即期付款交单方式支付货款After a long time of negotiation, they are prepared to accept payment by D/P at sight for the value of the goods shipped
block out
蒙特卡洛模Monte Carlo Simulation
市场dummy market
水平dummy level
货币ideal money
项目管理处Virtual Project Management Offices
项目管理处Virtual Project Management Office
转包商特种分析和模技术subcontractor special analysis & simulation technology
通用的不确定性经济模系统general uncertainty economic simulation system
鉴于此笔交易金额很大,我方同意给你们九折优惠价In view of the amount of this transaction being very large, we are prepared to give you 10% discount
项目project formulation
项目project formulation
储蓄intended saving
预测和模简写为MFSmonitoring, forecasting and simulation