
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
优先股auction preferred stock
优先股卖率auction rate of preferred stock (ARPS)
公开卖市场public auction market
公开叫价call auction
减价式公开叫价荷兰式拍卖Dutch auction
减价式公开叫价荷兰式拍卖descending-price open-outcry auction
单一价格密封式投标uniform price sealed-bid auction
可积累的卖市场优先股cumulative auction market preferred stock
国库券treasury auction
土地land auction
多卖价密封式投标multiple-price sealed-bid auction
定期认购期权periodic call auction
定期贷款Term Auction Facility
密封报价sealed bid auction
市场卖优先股market auction preferred stock
市场卖利率优先股market auction rate preferred stock
卖价格under-the-hammer price
卖会场bidding block
卖低价拍卖者设定的最低销售价格upset price
卖出售sell by auction
卖技巧auction technique
卖指令auction order
卖方式auction technique
卖时共谋协议knock-out agreement
卖时共谋而低价购人knock out
卖时击锤knock off
卖时最低售价upset price
卖期auction period
卖机制auction mechanism
卖率优先股auction rate preferred stock
卖程序auction procedure
卖程序的普遍性popularity of auction procedures
卖计划auction planning
卖酬金auction fee
strike a deal
板成交knock down transaction
板成交hit the bid
板或击锤卖出货物knock down
掩护式破产公司拍卖其资产时使用的策略,一旦假收购人提出掩护式报价,潜在竞争者可能提出更高报价stalking horse bid
收益卖法yield auction
日本远期Japanese auction
最低起Stop out price
最后三分钟叫价last-three-minute call auction
独立卖人的作用neutral auctioneer role
短期卖率short-term auction rate
短期国库券Treasury bill auction
破产者所有股票的creditor sale
破产者的股票creditor's sale
指令at-auction order
限价指令at-auction limit order
竞价price auction
竞价open auction
第一价格first-price auction
网上卖公司online auction company
美式American-style auction
荷兰式卖优先股Dutch auction preferred stock
荷兰式卖利率的可转换证券Dutch auction rate transferable security
reverse auction
逆向reverse auction
集合竞aggregate auction