
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
圭的容积单位double fanega
休曼反托斯法Sherman Antitrust Act
克莱顿反托斯法Clayton Antitrust Act
1971 年关于国际专利分类的斯特斯堡协定Strasbourg Agreement Concerning the International Patent Classification (1971)
南斯夫重量单位= 1.28187公斤oka
双方面bringing together
反托斯法anti-trust law
反托斯法案对立面anti-trust act
反托斯立法anti-trust legislation
国际投资托international investment trust
基础工业投资托key-industries investment trust
大西洋共同体美开发团投资公司Atlantic Community Development Group for Latin America Investment Company
年斯特斯堡关于制定统一仲裁法的欧洲公约European Convention providing a Uniform Law on Arbitration Strasbourg, 20 January 1966 1966
康德季耶夫周期长期商业周期Kondratieff Cycle
成套设备托equipment trust
斯证书trust certificate
丁美洲国家石油公司互助协会Mutual Assistance Association of the Latin-American Government Oil Companies
丁美洲理事会Council for Latin Americans
联合国丁美洲经济委员会Economic Commission for Latin America (of UN)
丁美洲经济委员会Economic Commission for Latin America
丁美洲自由贸易区Latin American Free Trade Market
丁美洲自由贸易协会Latin American Free Trade Association
run into debt
level off, to
evening up
〉满额en grand
生意bring in business
美共同市场Latin American Common Market
锚索heave in
跌市场bear the market
通推销术pull-through marketing
斯特斯堡国际专利分类协定Strasbourg Agreement concerning the International Patent Classification
替证券经纪人生意的人customer’s man (woman)
朱格周期Juglar cycle
沙特阿伯轻质油Saudi Arabian Light
科布-道格斯生产函数Cobb-Douglas Production Function
美国反托斯局U.S. Antitrust Division
联合国丁美洲经济委员会United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America
联合国丁美洲经济委员会Economic Commission for Latin America
谢尔曼反托斯法Sherman Antitrust Act
伯石油输出国组织Organization of the Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
伯石油输出国组织Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting (Countries)
伯石油输出国组织Organization of Arabian Petroleum Exporting Countries
伯联合航运公司Unit Arab Shipping Company
非洲石油进口国阿伯特别基金会Special Arab Fund for Africal Oil Importers
非阿伯的金融和货币机构non-Arab financial and monetary institutions
靠驴的有轨车donkey trains
维开发公司Malawi Development Corporation
维计划Malawi program