
Terms for subject Agriculture containing 抽穗 | all forms | in specified order only
抽穗指禾谷类fail to head
不及时抽穗unseasonable earing
抽穗full heading
抽穗full heading time
抽穗full heading stage
全部抽穗finish earing
[出苗]到抽第一穗的日数days to heading
小麦抽穗wheat heading
延迟抽穗delayed heading
开始抽穗shooting into ear
抽穗panicle emergence
抽穗head sprout
抽穗arrow emergence
抽穗coming into ear
抽穗head emergence
抽穗前期pre-heading stage
抽穗始期first heading time
抽穗子粒heading kernel
抽穗整齐度uniformity of heading
播种到 抽穗日数duration from sowing to earing
抽穗日期earing date
抽穗禾谷类heading date
抽穗heading stage
抽穗heading time
抽穗heading period
抽穗head sprouting period
抽穗date of heading
抽穗禾谷类date of heading
抽穗earing period
抽穗earing time
抽穗earing stage
抽穗ear sprouting period
抽穗date of head sprouting
抽穗date of earing
抽穗灌浆earing and filling of grain
抽穗盛期middle heading time
抽穗tasseled stalk
抽穗arrowed stalk
抽第一穗到全部抽穗的日数days from first to full heading
抽穗禾谷类early heading
抽穗品种禾谷类early heading variety
早期抽穗premature heading
抽穗禾谷类late heading
抽穗late-emerging head
抽穗rice head sprouting
抽穗rice period of heading
抽穗rice heading time
过早抽穗unseasonable earing
抽穗late heading