
Terms for subject Technology containing 报审 | all forms
口头审计报告oral audit report
固定资产报废清理的审计fixed assets scraping and liquidation audit
审査报告certificate of the auditor
审核报告audit report
审计报告标准reporting standard
工程性能审查报告project performance audit report
投标审查报告report on tenders
报告审批单位report ratifier
报告审批日期ratifying date
报告审批结论conclusion of report ratification
报告审批部门ratifier of report
未审核之财务报表un-audited financial statement
未审核的财务报表un-audited financial statement
标准审计报告auditor's standard report
标准报批审查standard examination for approval
竣工决算报表审计completion final statements audit
符合性审计报告compliance audit report
经审定的财务报表certified statement
详细审计报告long form report
详细审计报告detailed audit report
财务报表审计audit of financial statement
资格预审申报表prequalification application
铁路年度报告审计railway annual report audit
非正式审计报告informal audit report