
Terms for subject Textile industry containing 报告 | all forms | in specified order only
上行报告upward reporting
业务报告transaction reporting
主席报告chairman's report
书面报告written report
交易报告transaction reporting
产品分析事故报告product analysis incident report
信用报告credit report
债务人报告制度debtor report system
债务国报告制度debtor report system
决算报告render an account
出口报告report of clearance
出口报告clearing outward report
出港报告clearance outwards report
分析报告research report
动态报告dynamical report
半年度报告semiannual report
卸货报告outrun report
可行性研究报告feasible study report
商品流动报告report on merchandise movement
商品进口检验报告commodity import inspection report
商品进销存报告report on merchandise movement
复查报告reinspection report
复验报告reinspection report
定期报告periodical report
实验报告experimental report
审查报告examine a report
审计报告report of audit
审计报告auditing report
对外分布的财务报告external reporting
年终报告year-end report
废品报告spoiled goods report
废品损失报告spoilage report
废料报告spoiled material report
律师报告law report
技术报告草案draft technical report (DTR)
投资报告report of investment
报告亏损reported loss
报告债务reported debt
报告利润reported profit
报告制度reporting system
报告年度reporting year
损失赔偿要求报告unsatisfactory report
损益报告profit and loss report
接受报告acceptance report
推销人员工时报告salesmen's time report
提出不满意报告unsatisfactory report
收入报告report of earnings
政府报告government report
无意外损失事故报告no claim for accident reported
无瑕疵检验报告clean report of finding
月份报告month report
月度成本报告monthly costs report
材料退回报告material rejection report
查账报告auditing report
检查报告inspective report
检查报告inspection statement
检验报告inspective report
正式报告official account
每日报告daily reports notice
油舱空隙报告ullage report
法定报告statutory report
法律报告law report
海事报告sea report
漏损报告ullage report
物资检查报告material inspection report
物资验收报告,材料检验与接受报告material inspection and receiving report
生产成本报告statement of production costs
申请报告requisition report
监测报告inspective report
监测报告controlled report
盘存报告inventory report
简式查账报告short form auditor's report
管理报告controlled report
索赔报告claim report
经济报告economic report
经营报告operating report
结账报告report of closing accounts
综合财务报告overall financial report
航行报告ship visit report
船长报告captain's protest
船长海事报告master's protest
船长海事报告master protest
莱斯特学术报告Leicester Conference (英国纺织学会年会期间举行)
营运报告operating report
评价报告evaluation report
评定报告evaluation report
详细情况报告detailed status report
财务报告fiscal report
财务报告financial statement
财政报告fiscal report
质量控制报告quality control report
质量验证报告quality verification report
跨国公司报告准则transnational reporting standards
转让报告transfer report
进出口报告report of export and import
进口商品检验报告commodity import inspection report
退料报告returned material report
采购报告purchasing report
银行报告bank report
销售报告statement of sales
预算报告report on the budget
预算报告budget report
验货报告inspection report